3 rnds of each, 3x / week
- Tubing external rotation at neutral - 15-20 per side
- Tubing internal rotation at neutral - 12-20 per side
- Prone supermans - 15-20 per side
- Foam roll arm elevation - 10-15
Phase 2: 2 weeks
- Tubing external rotation at 45 degrees 15-20
- Tubing internal rotation at 45 degrees 15-20
- Ball T's 15-20
- Dumbbell presses
Phase 3: 2 weeks
3 rnds of each 3x/wk
- Tubing external rotation at 90 degrees 15-20
- Tubing internal rotation at 90 degrees 15-20
- Single arm Landmine press 1/2 kneeling 10-12/side
- Ball trio (Y's, W's, A's) 10/10/10
Phase 4: 2 weeks
3 rnds of each, 3x/wk
- Wall slides 10-12 reps
- Strict barbell press 10 reps
- Tubing 90/90 External rotation 15-20 reps
- Strict low elbow ring rows 10-15 reps
- Side plank holds 30 sec/side