Thursday, February 26, 2015

26 Feb 2015


STRENGTH:  Front Squats @ Tempo 3-2-X-2
at heaviest weight possible, 2 mins rest btwn sets

SKILL:  DU technique or Triple unders

4 Bulgarian split squats (35/45 racked on back) alternating legs (lead movement with rear leg, not front one)
10 DU's
2 DB Manmakers

Rx2:  Parallette hopovers



1 x 10 Banded strict pull ups
1 x 10 Band assisted negatives (aim for 6-8 sec descent)
2 x 10 Bicep curls

SKILL:  High hang snatch pulls

4 Bulgarians (db)
10 DU or attempts or x5 singles
2 DB Manmakers (or no load, just movement)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

25 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
Achilles/calf/hip mobility
Couch stretch, pigeon


If you did not do baseline yesterday, you will do it today.

A) Row 2000 m
Partner 1 rows while partner 2 holds 2 kb's/db's in front rack position (35/55)
can only row while racked
B) 5 rounds of 5 box jumpovers (20/24) each (no touching of box allowed), partner holds OH plate (35/45)
C) 5 Rounds of 5 HSPU, partner must hold barbell in hang clean start position (stay tight tight tight!)

A) barbell 35/45
B) box jumpovers, touching allowed (20/24)
C) 8 push ups

Any other mods

24 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
Athlete's choice

Shoulder stability (see 23 Feb 2015 post for links)

WOD:  Compare to Oct 16, 2014


Row 500 m
40 Air squats
30 Sit ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups


If working on Pull ups:
10 sets of the following combo:
Flexed arm hang at top of bar 10 secs
rest 20 seconds
Flexed arm hang at 90 degree bottom position 10 secs
rest 20 seconds
Negative pull up 10 sec descent
Rest 45 seconds after last movement before starting your next set

If working on M ups:
3 x 3 Bar dips @ 3-1-1-3 tempo
(way down-hold at bottom-drive up-hold at top before next rep)
3 x 2 Russian Dips

Cash Out:  Tabata DU


Sunday, February 22, 2015

23 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
Jog 10 laps

Shoulder warm up/stability:  These will be standard part of the warm up going forward especially when doing gymnastics focus and overhead lifting so memorize them!

5 - 10 reps each Y's/T's/W's (lying on floor, focus on pulling the scapula down each rep)

10 reps theraband/tubing external rotations
(Grab the tubing while standing, at a distance just inside the shoulders. Start with the palms facing the ground (prone), tuck the elbows into the side of the body at all times, with a ninety-degree bend at the elbow, and externally rotate the hands outwards. Then repeat with the palms facing up (supine).

5-10 reps each part of sequence in theraband activation warm up

10 seated wall slides

3 x 5 GLUTE Bridge - at tempo 5 second hold at top, 3 seconds down

Strength:  6 x 4 pause back squats
These will be done at the heaviest weight possible for sets of four, 3 second pause in bottom (count 1001, 1002, 1003 and then up).  Rest 4 minutes between sets.

Bar warm up:  3 x 2 Pull/Muscle/Dynamic - Pause in top position of pull and muscle

5 Hang Cleans (75/105)
5 Push Press (same bar)

Rx2:  DB or KB cleans and push press
Bars only to be used for Rx weight

MOD:  Medball cleans
DB Push Press

Supplemental Strength: presented by Coach Matt

First off – who am I?

  • My name is Matthew Asmundson, I am 21 years old, I am a 4th year Kinesiology student at the U of M. 
  • I am a CrossFit Level 1 coach at CrossFit Niverville and spend most of my time coaching the Silvers program. I am also an Assistant Strength and Conditioning coach with Bison Football. I am a CSCS-NSCA candidate (certified strength and conditioning specialist) and CEP-CSEP candidate (certified exercise physiologist).
  • I believe strength and conditioning should be holistic, professional, personal, inclusive, and methodical, which this program will reflect. 

Program information:

  • Cap at 10 participants to provide high levels of instruction and coaching.
  • Runs for 6 weeks – Feb 24 to Apr 2 
  • All programming will be designed and monitored by myself for each participant.
  • Results will be culminated and presented to each participant at the end of the program.

Tried and true strength building movements will be utilized such as, but not limited to – squats, deadlifts, bench press, press, upper body pulls to establish a strong base for performance and fitness improvement.

Training variations will be utilized for intermediate lifters such as, but not limited to – tempo training, accommodating resistance and dynamic training. 
Movement specific preparation including bracing and activation patterns.

The importance of strength:

Just as nutrition is the base of CrossFit, strength or force development is the base of performance and/or fitness. CrossFit defines fitness as “work capacity across broad time and modal domains.” The “work capacity” part of the definition is key, and is what we people who have knowledge of biomechanics like to call  POWER OUTPUT.

Power = FORCE x distance / time 

A few sentences ago, I said strength is FORCE development, do we see the connection now? If we increase force or distance, we increase our power output and fitness. If we decrease time, we increase our power output or fitness. Now lets look at how we can break this formula down….

Distance  pretty tough to increase distance in a squat or push-up. So lets just ignore this variable as it really only applies to monostructural activity and box jumps.

Time  this will go down as we improve our fitness, but that only happens for so long, and the variable that dictates time, is FORCE, let me show you how….

Lets look at Fran. If person A had a 1RM front squat of 200# and Fran calls for a 95# thruster, that is 47.5% of their 1RM front squat. If person B had a 1RM front squat of 150# and Fran calls for a 95# thruster, that is 63.3% of their 1RM front squat. Now, who do you think (with this limited amount of information), will have a better Fran time? Surprise  the stronger person. They have to do less work per thruster to force the barbell overhead. 

The correlation between FORCE development aka strength and the time to complete a workout is just too strong to ignore. This is a gaping hole in 99% of CrossFitters performance. Force/strength is the most important mathematical variable in CrossFit. If it is not increasing, neither is your fitness. 

What is the key to strength training? Oh, I know, fancily named programs with words like undulating, waves, accommodation, blah, blah. Well for world-class power lifters, yes, those are critical variables that any good strength coach should know how and when to implement. For the other 99.9% of the population, it is time-consuming, confusing, unimportant and stupid. What 99.9% of the population needs is 3 things that CrossFit teaches us L1 coaches at our certification and what any good strength coach understands (and actually implements): MECHANICS, CONSISTENCY, INTENSITY.

This program will hone in your mechanics, making sure that the proper mechanics and most potent, strength-gaining movements show up on a consistent basis, which then and only then, will we add intensity to further drive adaptation. 

My programming will result in more weight being lifted, making WOD’s mathematically easier (therefore faster) and you inherently “fitter”. But the true value will lie in the acquisition of knowledge each person will receive. Throughout the program, participants will gain understanding of rest intervals, the importance of consistency to strength, breathing patterns, stabilization, movement specific preparation and how important strength is to CrossFit and life (a rant on this is coming in the near future). 

There is much more to talk about with regards to strength, force development, strength programs and much more – which I will discuss in the future and will probably rant about during the workouts. But I hope this gives you valuable insight into the importance of strength, and why you should give this program a shot so that we can expand the program with longer cycle times and run more specialized programs in the future to further improve your fitness, our box and our community. 

I often hear people attribute genetics, natural talent or luck to fitness. To that I leave you with this – “luck is the illusion created by the hard work you did not see,” lets do more of this invisible hard work for at least 6 weeks and see where it takes us. 

Yours truly,


Thursday, February 19, 2015

20 Feb 2015

In classes 6+, the class will split into two groups, one will start on the rowers after a brief dynamic warm up, the other will do the full warm up as follows and start with strength work:

Warm Up:
Walking lunges
High knees

Bottoms up kb press
Scap push ups
Rotator stability w bands (external/internal rotations)

Strength:  Work up to 1RM press and 1RM Push Press

WOD:  ROW 5K  Compare to Mar 21, 2014

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

19 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
Athlete's choice
Squat therapy
Couch stretch/pigeon/scorpion/iron cross

Strength:  Work up to 1RM Back Squat

Warm Up snatches:

OPEN WOD 11.1/14.1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches (75lbs /55 lbs)

Rx2:  Less weight from floor

MOD:  Same or less weight from Hang


STRENGTH:  Thrusters

SKILL:  DB Snatch

WOD:  OPEN WOD 11.1/14.1
30 DU / DU Attempts  or low box step up/step downs
15 alternating single arm db snatches

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

18 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
T & B:
Walking lunge
broad jumps
High knees
Butt kicks

Scorpion/iron cross/couch stretch/pigeon
Banded hip opener

Strength:  Work up to 1RM Front squat (5-3-3-2-1-1...)


2 Thrusters (70%)
8 Box Jumps (20/24)
20 cal Row

Rx2: 6 push up

Monday, February 16, 2015

17 Feb 2015

Warm up:
3 rounds
5 laps
10 walking lunges to side angle
10 jumping squats

3 x 2 per side Turkish Get ups
3 x 3 per side bottoms up press

Scorpion/iron cross

Dumbbell thruster (pick an appropriate weight)
Wall balls
Between each set do 50 DU's (3 sets of 50 total)


Same as regular class
Cash out:  tabata 30 sec on 10 sec off ROW

Strength:  Front Squat

Same as regular class
Single skips

Thursday, February 12, 2015

13 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
include inchworm
3 x 3 per side bottoms up press kb
3 x 1 per side turkish get up

Banded shoulder mobility
dowel shoulder mobility

Push Press 4 x 5 @ 60/80/75/75
Press 3 x 5 @ 60/70/75


150 Russian KB Swings for time (35/55)

Rx+  American swings (your coach will decide this)

Rx2:  Less weight

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

12 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
5 Laps jog
5 Push Ups
5 Hollow body
5 Ring Rows

MOBILITY:  Include scap work

Calorie Row
Toes to Bar

Rx2 & Silvers:  Knees to arms or toes to rings

MOD:  Knees up or sec. hang



Gymnastics:  1 x 10 Negative pull ups/1 x 10 negative push ups/ 1 x 10 hollow body to superman (hanging)

Barbell:  Push Press

Calorie Row
Knees to arms or Toes to rings
MODS: Knees to chest or seconds hang

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

11 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
Tabata Row
One length:
bear crawl
walking lunge open up to side angle

Coach Mel came up with this inspiration:

Partner Medball FunFest:  You must pick someone you have never partnered with
With a partner, complete:

50 wallball burpees (14/20 to 9/10)
50 medball sit ups
50 medball chest pass
50 DU's while partner holds medball squat, cannot do DU's unless partner is in hold

Monday, February 9, 2015

10 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
Squat therapy

Back Squats:  4 x 5 @ 60/70/75/75%
Front Squat:  3 x 5 @ 60/70/75%

Gymnastics Skill Work:
If you are working at getting your pull up:
1 x 5 Negatives
1 x 5 half pull up (to 90 degrees and back up)
1 x 5 Inverted rows, chest to bar
3 x 3 strict banded pull ups

If you are working to get your ring dips:
3 x 3 Negative dips
1 x 3 dips with banded front stabiliser

If you are working your Muscle Ups:
2 x 5 Ring Pull ups
2 x 3 Russian dips
3 x 2 banded seated transition and press out

7 minutes of burpees
Compare to Aug 1, 2014


Barbell Back Squats 3 x 5 @ 33x3

Pull Up strength work (as above)

WOD:  7 mins Burpees

Cash Out:  Tabata row



Strength:  Back Squat

WOD:  7 MINS BURPEES (Open WOD 12.1)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

9 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
Jog 10 laps
Bottoms up press (5 per side x 2)
Turkish Get ups (6 total)

10 wall squats
10 pole squats, on last rep spend one minute in bottom position feet no greater than 6"apart, work back and forth/side to side to work ankle and calf mobility

Gymnastics Skill/Strength:

If you are not proficient at pistols, work this stream:
2 x 10 High box pistol (per leg)
1 x 10 Box pistol, per leg (squat onto box of appropriate height and drive from heel off box)

If you have just recently gotten your pistols, work this stream:
1 x 10 per leg half pistol squat, work on neutral spine position for each squat

1 x 5 per leg pistol squat full depth

If you are proficient at pistols, work the following:
Hawaiian squats

2000 m ROW
Every 2 minutes you will come off the rower and do 15 DU's

Rx2:  low box step ups (green), must be step up and step down, no jumping on or rebounding off

*Note: for classes larger than 6 people, one group will row first and the other will do the strength work first*

Thursday, February 5, 2015

6 Feb 2015

Warm up:
Athlete's choice
Shoulder stability work

3 min AMRAP
3 Ring Dips
6 Pull ups
Rest 1 min
6 Push Ups

Modifications as follows:
Ring Dips
Rx2:  Bar dips
MOD:  Box Dips
Pull Ups:
Rx2:  Chest to bar inverted rows
MOD:  Ring Rows
Rx2:  Full pike off box hspu
MOD:  Plank off box, walk hands back to pike position and back out to plank= 1 rep
Push Ups:
Rx2: Negatives with use of knees on way up
MOD:  Push ups from any height bar

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

5 Feb 2015

Warm up:
single leg romanian deadlifts with kb
couch stretch
iron cross
banded hip openers
no load good mornings

3 min max cal row
2 mins max reps Deadlift (225/155)
1 mins max reps DU
Score is total reps, each cal equals one rep

Rx2: Deadlifts 185/125

MOD:  Less weight and DU Attempts

Cash out:
Tabata air squats


Fight gone bad style 5 stns, 1 min each stn, rest 1 min after 5
1) wall ball or mods
2) kb deadlift
3) box step ups or jumps
4) low bar push ups
5) row calories

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

4 Feb 2015

Warm up:
achilles/calf/ankle mobility
scap push ups
squat therapy
shoulder mobility

Wod: Fight Gone Bad compare to aug 13
3 rounds, 1 min work at each station, 1 min rest after all 5 stations are complete
(this wod will stagger start as it must be done in order)

Wall Ball (14'/20') to 9'/10'
SDHP (55/75)
Box jumps (20"/24")
Push Press (55/75)
Row (calories)

Rx2 less weight/height

Monday, February 2, 2015

3 Feb 2015

Warm Up:
Partner row = btwn two partners accumulate 2000 m row
While one partner rows, other partner holds squat/plank/hollow body/hang/superman (alternate)

Scap push ups
Rotator exercises
tea cups

Wod: for time
50 situps
50 double unders
50 sit ups
50 cal row
50 sit ups
50 burpees
50 sit ups

Cool down:  Tabata yoga holds
Downward dog
child's pose
garland pose


Same warm up

Same wod as above

Cash Out: Tabata shuttle runs


Barbell Rows & Good mornings

50 Skips
30 Sit Ups
50 Skips
50 Cal Row
50 Skips
30 box squats
50 Skips

Sunday, February 1, 2015

2 Feb 2015

Warm up:
Row or run
squat therapy
sit in bottom of squat accumulated 1 min
hip ankle calf mobility

Back squats
4 x 5 @ 60/70/75/75%
Fr squats
3 x 5 @ 65/70/75%

bench press
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set/reps, rest as needed between sets

Cool down:
2 x tabata holds, alternate btwn front plank/side planks/and glute bridge