Thursday, July 30, 2015

31 July 2015

WU:  Roll out
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  None - work 3 sets of max L Sit hold off dip bars OR 3 x 3 bar dip negatives
Phase 2:  As many strict pull ups as possible in 10 mins
Phase 3:  5 MIN AMRAP of kipping/butterfly pull ups
Phase 4:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest
Phase 5:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest

Strength:  Press 5 x 5, last set is moneymaker max reps
use same weight as last time


In teams of 3
3 Rounds:
Barbell overhead walk (timer) 95/135
Sidewalk to overhead door and back

Farmer carry (barbell, on blvd)  95/65

Medball cleans (20/14)

Cool down:
Phase 1:  4 x 1 flexed arm hang max hold
Phase 2:  8 x 1 pull up with 5-7 second negative on way down
Phase 3:  butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  Muscle up transitions on rings, no press out or Russian dip transition no press out

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

30 July 2015

Roll out
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  cooldown only
Phase 5:  cooldown only

Run prep

Accumulate 100 Hollow body rocks between
every minute on the minute, 2 x 15 m shuttle runs (sidewalk to concrete pad/tires/walls area and back)

Rx2:  Injury mod only
Accumulate 8 mins in plank (front/side)

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 50 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  100 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Roll Out
Upper body lift prep
T Spine mobility
Superfriend external shoulder rotation and t spine

Strength:  5 x 5 Push Press

Run prep:  calf, achilles, ankle mobility, pigeon and couch stretch

WOD:  Accumulate 8 minutes in plank/side planks while every minute on the minute stopping to do 1 t & b shuttle sprint (long)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

29 July 2015

Shoulder activation
Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets

1 length each:
High knee skip
Lunge to side angle
Frog jumps
inch worm

Compare to Feb 4, 2015

3 rounds, 1 min per station, of:
Wall Ball, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 75/55 lbs
Box Jump, 20 in
Push Press, 75/55 lbs
Row (calories)
Rest 1 min

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Monday, July 27, 2015

28 July 2015

W. U.
Roll out
Upper body lift prep
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week)
Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

W.U.  Bar Pull/Muscle/Dynamic Snatch add weight each set to get to wod weight

Snatch 95/65 (full snatch, not power)
CTB pull ups

Regular pull ups

DB Snatch
Ring Rows

Phase 1:  Accumulate 50 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 50 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 60 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups

Phase 3
40 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4 & 5:
no cooldown

Roll out
Lower body lift prep
Resistance band deadlifts

Strength:  Deadlifts 7-5-5-3-3

Barbell warm up (or dumbbells):  Snatch pulls (high hang)

Dumbbell Snatch or Barbell High Hang Snatch Pulls
Ring Rows

Cool down:  Pull up phase 1

Thursday, July 23, 2015

24 July 2015

Warm Up:
Upper Body Lift
Lower Body Lift
Shoulder Activation

Complete as many reps as possible in two minutes of the following (1 min rest btwn mvmts):
A)  Muscle ups
B)  Alt kb weighted pistols 55/35
C)  Strict HSPU
D)  Strict supinated grip chest to bar chin ups
E)  1 attempt max L sit off dip bars (in two minute cap)

A)  Ring Dips
B)  Alt KB weighted pistols 35/20
C)  Kipping HSPU
D)  Strict supinated grip chin ups
E) 1 attempt max L Sit off dip bars

A)  Bar Dips
B)  Alt pistols
C)  L seated DB Press 35/25
D)  Box Pull Ups
E)  1 attempt max L sit off dip bars

A)  Box dips
B)  Box pistols (alt)
C)  Low bar push ups
D)  Ring Rows
E)  Max effort hold on dip bars, focus on maintaining perfect hollow body position

Cooldown:  Tabata yoga holds (2 rounds each)
A) Downward Dog
B) Garland pose
C)  Eagle
D)  Child's pose

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

23 July 2015

Roll out
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  cooldown only
Phase 5:  cooldown only

Achilles/calf/ankle mobility

Each minute you will alternate between these three movements, 7 rnds of each will be completed in total

A)  4 lengths shuttle runs
B)  8 Burpee box jumpovers (24/20)
C) 10 TTB

Rx2:  Lower box or TTR

MOD:  Low box step ups / knees to chest

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 50 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  100 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Roll Out
Shoulder activation

Strength:  Turkish Get ups/KB Around the body swings

WOD:  15 MIN EMOM alt movements
A) Low box step ups
B) 4 Lengths shuttle runs
C) 6 Knees to chest

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

22 July 2015

Warm Up:
Row 500 m @ 60% pace
Lower body lift warm up

Back Squats 4 x 5 add 2/5-5 lbs from last time
last set is moneymaker 5+

Shoulder activation
Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets

3 rounds for time of:
20 wallballs  20/14
10 deadlifts, 225/150
10 Push Ups

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Monday, July 20, 2015

21 July 2015

Warm Up
Roll Out
Shoulder activation/theraband activation

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week)
Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

WOD:  4 Rnds, each for time
40 cal row
40 air squats
4 rope climbs
Rest 2 mins

Score is slowest round

seated hand over hand weighted rope pulls (bumper plates) 90/75 or heavier


Phase 1:  Accumulate 45 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 45 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 55 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups (so before and after each set of hollow rocks, you do a max set of strict pull ups until you have done 55 hollow rocks total.  If you do 55 unbroken hollow rocks, that will be one set of pull ups before and after.  If you have to break them up, you will do pull ups before and after you start your next set until you have done all 55).

Phase 3
35 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4 & 5:
no cooldown

Roll out
Core & shoulder stability exercises

Pull up phase 1 work

Front squat/goblet or plate squat: 4 x 4

WOD:  Same as above, 2 rounds instead of four

Sunday, July 19, 2015

20 July 2015

Warm Up: (5 mins)
1 length:
walking lunge open to side angle
quadraped crawl
20 good mornings no load
spend 1 min in bottom of pole squat position

Front Squat  4 x 4, last set is a moneymaker, max reps 4+ (16-20 mins)
same weight all the way through, set starts when you are at your 4RM weight  3-4 min rest btwn sets

WOD (27 mins):  3 rounds of each, 1 minute work, 2 minutes rest for max reps of:

A:  KB Snatch, alternating arms (55/35)
B:  Double KB Jerk (55/35)
C:  Goblet squat (55/35)

Rx 2:  Less weight

You will complete all three rounds of one movement before moving on to the next one.  We will start everyone at different stations to accomodate the station that requires two kbs

Thursday, July 16, 2015

17 July 2015

Warm Up:
200-400 jog @ easy pace (50%)
Ankle/calf/hip/achilles mobility

1 MIN MAX DU (compare to Jan 30, 2015)

Shoulder activation
Phase 1:  None - work 3 sets of max L Sit hold off dip bars OR 3 x 3 bar dip negatives
Phase 2:  As many strict pull ups as possible in 9 mins
Phase 3:  5 MIN AMRAP of kipping/butterfly pull ups
Phase 4:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest
Phase 5:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest

WOD:  TRIPLE 1's  (compare to July 14/14)
1000 m Row
100 DU
1 mile Run (1600 m)

Cool down:
Phase 1:  4 x 1 flexed arm hang max hold
Phase 2:  8 x 1 pull up with 5-7 second negative on way down
Phase 3:  butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  Muscle up transitions on rings, no press out or Russian dip transition no press out

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

16 July 2015

Roll out
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  cooldown only
Phase 5:  cooldown only

Bar warm up:  3 x 2 pull/muscle/dynamic snatches


CrossFit Games Open 13.1 compare to Nov 6, 2014
As many reps in 17 mins as you can of:
40 Burpees
30 Snatches, 75/45 lbs
30 Burpees
30 Snatches, 135/75 lbs
20 Burpees
30 Snatches, 165/100 lbs
10 Burpees
Snatch, 210/120 lbs

Score is total reps completed.

Complete as many reps as possible in 17 mins of:
40 Burpees
30 Hang Power Snatches (45/35) same weight all the way through
30 Burpees
30 Hang Power Snatches
20 Burpees
30 Hang Power Snatches
10 Burpees
Hang snatch full squat as many reps as possible in remainder

MOD:  Dowel

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 40 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  95 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Roll out
200-300 m jog
Shoulder activation
Pull up Phase 1

Strength:  TGU

Skill:  Dumbbell snatch

10 Dumbbell snatches (alt arms)
10 Box jumps/step ups

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

15 July 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out
Coach Matt upper and lower body lift prep
Shoulder activation (pick 4 exercises)

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets

Back Squat:  4 x 5 @ same weight you did last week, last set is a moneymaker 5+ to max reps to fail
Push Press:  5 x 5 @ 5RM weight, 2nd and 4th sets behind the neck

1 length kb/db walking lunge 55/35
3 v ups
5 grasshoppers

Modify as necessary to get all work completed in allotted time

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Monday, July 13, 2015

14 July 2015

Warm Up:
Dynamics: pick 5
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week, do not go over 10)
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week, do not go over 10)
Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

WOD:  Northwest Regional 10.1
10 OHS (135/95)
50 DU

Rx2:  95/65

Less weight
tuck jumps


Phase 1:  Accumulate 50 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 50 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 55 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups (so before and after each set of hollow rocks, you do a max set of strict pull ups until you have done 55 hollow rocks total.  If you do 55 unbroken hollow rocks, that will be one set of pull ups before and after.  If you have to break them up, you will do pull ups before and after you start your next set until you have done all 55).

Phase 3
35 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4:
no cooldown

Phase 5:
no cooldown

Roll Out
Row 500-800 m  at easy pace
Mobility/stability exercises to include quadraped crawl, deadbugs, and birddogs
Accumulate 2 mins in hollow body hold position
Shoulder activation

Pull ups phase 1

2 t & b sandbag shuttle runs
10 L seated dumbbell press
10 KB swings (russian)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

13 July 2015

Warm Up:
Row 500-700 m at 60% pace
Shoulder activation exercises


Phase 1:  3 attempts at one strict pull up
If failed attempt after 3 tries, 3 attempts at strict pull up with smallest band possible
Phase 2:  attempt 5 unbroken strict pull ups
Phase 3:  One max set of unbroken pull ups
Phase 4 & 5:  Weighted 3 RM max weight strict pull ups

"MARY"  compare to Nov 3, 2014
10 Alt Pistols
15 Pull Ups

Rx2:  self assisted pull ups or jumping pull ups w/controlled descent/band/pole assisted or off the box pistols, L seated dumbbell presses for HSPU (as heavy as possible while maintaining good form) or pike hspu off box


Thursday, July 9, 2015

10 July 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out
Coach Matt's lower body and upper body lift prep
Couch Stretch
Iron Cross

Front Squats: 5 MIN EMOM
3 reps 1 1/4 bounce front squats @ 75% BW

Press:  5 x 5

Tabata V ups

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

9 July 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out
Dynamics (do 6 lengths total)
Shoulder activation
Side lying shoulder rotations
Superfriend t spine and internal rotation exercises

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  90 pull ups as fast as possible (you may choose to do this as cooldown instead)
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
Run, 200 m
10 Toes-to-bars
Row, 200 m

Rx2:  Toes to Rings

MOD:  Leg raises

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 40 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  None

Same as regular class

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

8 July 2015

Warm Up:
Row 400-500 m at 50% pace
Shoulder activation
3 x 10 air squats for quality

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets

WOD:  JACKIE  Compare to Sept 16. 2014
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45#/35#
30 Pull-Ups

Rx2:  Low bar pull ups

MOD:  Ring Rows

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Monday, July 6, 2015

7 July 2015

Roll Out
Dynamics (5-10 mins)
Shoulder activation (10 mins)
Pole squat (spend 1 min in bottom position)

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week)
Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

Back Squat 4 x 4 @ same weight or +5lbs from last week (if you did not go up last week)

3 x 2 Pull/Muscle/Dynamic Cleans
gradually add weight through set 2 and 3

15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
15 Burpees


Dumbbell or medball cleans
If you are not doing Rx2 weight you will automatically move to dumbbells or the medball


Phase 1:  Accumulate 45 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 45 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 50 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups (so before and after each set of hollow rocks, you do a max set of strict pull ups until you have done 50 hollow rocks total.  If you do 50 unbroken hollow rocks, that will be one set of pull ups before and after.  If you have to break them up, you will do pull ups before and after you start your next set until you have done all 50).

Phase 3
30 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4:
no cooldown

Phase 5:
no cooldown


Pull up phase 1

Skill work:  cleans

10 Hang Clean pulls
10 burpees

Cooldown:  Phase 1

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

3 July 2015

Warm up:
400 m jog at 50% pace
Coach Matt's upper body lift warm up
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  None - work 3 sets of max L Sit hold off dip bars OR 3 x 3 bar dip negatives
Phase 2:  As many strict pull ups as possible in 9 mins
Phase 3:  5 MIN AMRAP of kipping/butterfly pull ups
Phase 4:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest
Phase 5:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest

WOD:  OPEN WOD 12.1  Compare to Feb 10, 2015

7 mins of burpees

Cool down:
Phase 1:  3 x 1 flexed arm hang max hold
Phase 2:  7 x 1 pull up with 5-7 second negative on way down
Phase 3:  butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  Muscle up transitions on rings, no press out or Russian dip transition no press out

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

2 July 2015

Warm Up:
Roll Out, include T Spine mobility
Dynamics (3-5 lengths, including walking lunge to side angle)
Shoulder activation
(include side lying shoulder rotations, 5 per side)

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  85 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Pole squat- spend 1 min in bottom position mobilising
Good mornings, no load
Run prep/mobility


5 rounds for time:

400m Run
Overhead Squats, 15 reps (95/65)

Rx2: 85/55

MOD:  less than 85/55

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 35 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  None


Roll out
200 m jog/fast walk
Coach Matt's upper and lower body lift prep
Shoulder activation

Pull Up work:  Phase 1

5 Rounds
200 m Run
15 Air Squats

Cool down:  Phase 1