Monday, July 20, 2015

21 July 2015

Warm Up
Roll Out
Shoulder activation/theraband activation

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week)
Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

WOD:  4 Rnds, each for time
40 cal row
40 air squats
4 rope climbs
Rest 2 mins

Score is slowest round

seated hand over hand weighted rope pulls (bumper plates) 90/75 or heavier


Phase 1:  Accumulate 45 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 45 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 55 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups (so before and after each set of hollow rocks, you do a max set of strict pull ups until you have done 55 hollow rocks total.  If you do 55 unbroken hollow rocks, that will be one set of pull ups before and after.  If you have to break them up, you will do pull ups before and after you start your next set until you have done all 55).

Phase 3
35 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4 & 5:
no cooldown

Roll out
Core & shoulder stability exercises

Pull up phase 1 work

Front squat/goblet or plate squat: 4 x 4

WOD:  Same as above, 2 rounds instead of four

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