Wednesday, July 22, 2015

23 July 2015

Roll out
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  cooldown only
Phase 5:  cooldown only

Achilles/calf/ankle mobility

Each minute you will alternate between these three movements, 7 rnds of each will be completed in total

A)  4 lengths shuttle runs
B)  8 Burpee box jumpovers (24/20)
C) 10 TTB

Rx2:  Lower box or TTR

MOD:  Low box step ups / knees to chest

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 50 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  100 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Roll Out
Shoulder activation

Strength:  Turkish Get ups/KB Around the body swings

WOD:  15 MIN EMOM alt movements
A) Low box step ups
B) 4 Lengths shuttle runs
C) 6 Knees to chest

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