Monday, September 30, 2013

1 October 2013


Coach T specifically requested this wod for his birthday because he wanted to participate but is on the road.  So 31 Manmakers it is!  Happy birthday T, so glad you are part of our team :)

Coach T demonstrates weighted push ups

Warm Up:
Run 400m
3 sets max Plank hold
Squat Therapy
Hip and Shoulder Mobility


31 Manmakers

Skill:  OHS

Friday, September 27, 2013


Tomorrow we will not be wodding in the box, but rather (hopefully) participating in some way, shape or form in the Imagine Run.  For those of you not familiar with Imagine, it is an extremely well-run fundraiser put on every year in memory of those we've lost to suicide and in support of mental health.  Fighting the stigma of mental illness is one of their main priorities and they do a very good job of it.  The more we speak out about mental health, the less alone those suffering from it will feel.  Fight the stigma!

If you have not already committed to run or volunteer, I know that we won't turn away any offers of help along the Stott Mile.  Please email me ( if you'd like to man our mile to cheer on the runners or hand out water etc.

Thanks to everyone for their support!  Good luck to all the participants.
Miss you Joe

Thursday, September 26, 2013

27 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
Hip & Shoulder Mobility

Skill Work:  OPEN GYM (15 MINS) - Use it wisely!  Pick something that needs working on or needs some more focussed coaching

5 Medball Cleans
10 Hollow Rocks

Rest 2 minutes

6 Pistols
12 Weighted Step Ups

Rest 2 minutes

7 DU's
14 Sit Ups

Score is total rounds of A + B+ C

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

26 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
3 rounds:
20 Double Unders
15 KB Swings
10 Supermans or GHD extensions

2 x 30 sec each side Sampson stretch

HIP mobility, roller work

4 x 5 Push Up Work
Do these slowly with careful attention paid to spine stabilization and elbow mechanics.  Try the reverse hand position exercise for advanced.

Strength:  5 x 3 Deadlifts (incr weight)


Snatch (45/35)/Wall Ball/Sit Ups

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

25 Sept 2013

Pick a Partner!

Warm Up:
Dynamics (high knee skip etc)
Skill Transfer
3 wall walks
Calf/hip/achilles mobility

One blvd length resistance sprints (each)
10 total med ball throws to partner (across 1/2 width of blvd), after each toss you do a burpee
5 Push Jerks (bar must be cleaned into position, can be done at the same time if there are enough bars)

24 September 2013

Warm Up:
20 rounds 30 sec on 10 sec rest max m row

Strength:  10 x 3 Front Squats (70-80%)

5 OHS (155/105)/7 TTB
There is a 10 burpee penalty to be done at the end for each round you do not complete in the time frame

Sunday, September 22, 2013

23 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
Tabata row
Shoulder Mobility Exercise (start at 1:35 mark)
Shoulder Complex

Skill Work:
3 x 5 Clapping Push Ups
3 x 3 Push Up to Elbow Position


3 Rounds Circuit:
Bear Crawl t & b
Lateral parallette hopovers
In and out agility ladder
Lateral parallette hopovers (other way)
3 Muscle Ups/Jumping Muscle Ups (or 3 reps of couplet 2 pull ups grip strict/1 ring dip)

Cash Out:  3 rounds max strict Knees to Elbows (mod:  knees to chest)

Friday, September 20, 2013

21 Sept 2013

Warm Up:  Coaches choice

40 Squats
Run 400m
20 Push Press (75/55)
10 Burpees
Run 800m
10 Burpees
20 Push Press
Run 400m
40 Squats

Thursday, September 19, 2013

20 September 2013

Warm Up:
50 Double Unders
Squat therapy (1 x 10 each exercise)
Hip and shoulder mobility


Bear Complex *This wod is NOT timed, go at your own pace*
Rx is increase weight each round to max weight for fifth

5 rounds of 7 reps of the following sequence (each set is touch and go, no dropping the bar)
Power clean
Front Squat
Push Press (behind the neck)
Back Squat
Push Press (front)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

19 September 2013


You know the drill.

Warm up in whatever way you need to in order to optimize your baseline time.  Get ready to be awesome!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

18 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
High knee skips, backwards skip, sprint, sprint with 360 turn, butt kicks
Junkyard dog
Skill Transfers

Mobility:  4 in 1 Mobility Exercise  Try one floor length of these (should be about 4 of them)

3 x 5 Good Mornings
(incr weight if form is good, coach to determine weights)

Run 200m
6 Strict Pull Ups
6 Squat Cleans
Run 400m
4 Strict Pull Ups
4 Squat Cleans
Run 800m
2 Strict Pull Ups
2 Squat Cleans

Monday, September 16, 2013

17 September 2013

Warm Up:
400 m Jog
Squat Therapy 2 rounds 10 reps each exercise
2 x 10 Box Dips
2 x 10 Scapular Push Ups
Ankle Mobility - While lying on the floor, raise one leg and draw the alphabet with each foot one time through per side
Shoulder Mobility

STRENGTH:   5 x 3 Back Squat (incr. weight)


a couplet of:
10!1  Sots Press
1!10  Ring Dips

Cash Out:  Tabata Sit ups (weighted for Rx+)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

16 September 2013

A big thank you to everyone who came out to the grand opening Saturday!  Now it's time to get back to work.

Warm Up:
KB work
~Around the world
~alt one arm swings
~Goblet Squats
~Figure eights
~Around the body swing and catch

Mobility:  Ankles, quads, hammies, achilles

10 x 100m sprints
rest btwn rounds as long as you sprinted

Cash Out:
Tabata V sits with side to side touches

Friday, September 13, 2013


What a year!  To say that it's been a whirlwind would be an understatement.  Not to repeat all of the information and updates we mentioned in our newsletter, but MAN, we have been BUSY!

Affilation was a huge step for us and a leap of faith, and our little community has encouraged us every step of the way and we, the coaching team, want to extend a huge thank you for your support as we move forward.

I love our ShopGym family.  I can honestly say that I have learned something from each and every person I have coached alongside with and had the opportunity to coach.  I have made numerous friends across this CrossFit community and have been blessed and enriched by this whole experience.  I want to extend my personal thanks to all of my co-coaches who put up with me on a daily basis.  You guys are all totally awesome human beings and I love you!

Tomorrow we celebrate!  We celebrate your faith in us, your support, your hardwork, your dedication.  We celebrate struggles, hard times, bad days, but always the commitment to being better at life, better in our relationships, better to ourselves.  The journey is still ahead of us, but take a moment to realize how far you've come and how much more you will achieve.

“It shouldn’t be easy to be amazing.  Then everything would be.  It’s the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth.  When something’s difficult to come by, you’ll do that much more to make sure it’s even harder – or impossible – to lose.”  ―Sarah Dessen

~Coach C

Thursday, September 12, 2013

13 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
Dynamics - High Knee skips, grapevine etc
4 x 5 Scapular Push Ups
2 x 10 Wall Squats
1 x 2 Wall Walks

Shoulder mobility:  wall stretch, bands, dowel work
Hip mobility :  hip floss, pigeon, couch, leg swings, figure four

Mobility work is the name of the game today
SKill Work:  Scorpion Push Up Locomotion
Try 3 sets of 1 each side

WOD:  Will be broken into groups, start at different stations

Death By Pullups (Strict) +1 Pull up each minute
Death By Jumping Squats +double up each minute (1,2,4,8,16  etc)
Death By Spiderman Push Ups +1 each minute
Tabata Toe Touches (off your back with legs in the air at 90 degree angle, crossover toe touches, left hand touches right foot etc keep shoulders off the floor)
Tabata Back to Back partner squats

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

12 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
High Knee Skips
Butt Kick
Walking Lunge
Inch Worm
Frog Jumps

Burgener & Skill Transfers

Strength:  EMOTM for 16 Mins
Odd:  1 Squat Snatch
Even:  2 Clean & Jerk

12 Wall Ball/12 DU

11 Sept 2013

In the spirit of celebrating 20 years of partnership with my best buddy, today's wod is a partner wod :)

Junkyard Dog
Burgener Warm Up
Skill Transfer exercises

Ankle & Achilles Mobility
Shoulder & Hip Mobility


Partners alternate work/rest
10 Thrusters (95/65)
400m Run
10 Box Jumps (24"/20")

Each set of work done by a partner equals one round.
Happy Anniversary babe!

Monday, September 9, 2013

10 September 2013

Warm Up:
3 rounds:
run 100m
20 DU (10 attempts/10 parallette jumpovers)
5 Strict Pull Ups/Chin Ups

Handstand Walk (Cliff) 2 x 10 steps or Handstand Wall Runs (for the rest of us) 2 x 20-30 shoulder taps
Then 2 x 10 unbroken sets TTB (as many attempts to get two runs of unbroken sets)
Then 3 x Max Skin the cats

WOD:  Double Up Tabata
A)  Alternating Row/Push Ups (you will have to get in and out of the rower quickly, plan ahead!)
B)  Alternating DU's/Rolling Squats (No single multiplier for DU's, all attempts count)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

9 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
High Knee Skips
Butt Kicks
Backwards jog
Walking lunge

3 x 2 each side TGU

3 x 1 Wall Walks

Shoulder and hip mobility

STRENGTH/SKILL:  OH Barbell Duck walk 3 x 1 Gym length


1 Clean
3 Front Squat
3 Shoulder to Overhead
6 OH Lunges (3 per side)

Friday, September 6, 2013

7 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
Coaches Choice

WOD:  Borrowed from CrossFit Eugene

"Tabata Fight Gone Bad"
Complete 40 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest. Perform 8 consecutive intervals of each of the following exercises:
Wall-ball 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump 20" box (Reps)
Push-press 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
There is no additional rest between exercises.
Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps (calories on the rower) in each of the eight intervals. The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.
it's a box jump kinda day

Thursday, September 5, 2013

6 Sept 2013

Warm Up:

Mobility:  hips/calves/achilles

4 x 400m Time Trials
2 min rest between rounds
*Compare to May 9, 2012*

Cash Out:  Tabata Row or Airdyne

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

5 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
3 Rounds
25 DU* (go for unbroken)
10 Pistol Squats
25 Sit Ups

*If you cannot do double unders, you will do 10 attempts that count whether you get them or not and the rest are parallette hopovers (t & b = 1 double under. )


Couplet of:
10!1 Floor Wipers
1!10 Floor Press

Strength:  5 x 3 Strict Press same load all sets

Cash Out:  Tabata V Ups

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

4 Sept 2013

Warm Up:
Run 100 m
10 Grasshoppers
Run 100m
10 inchworms
Run 100m
10 Iron Cross

Shoulder Mobility
We're going for the slow burn today

Skill:  5 x 3 Reverse Pull Ups (slow descent)

WOD:  Partner up

Partner A holds plank while Partner B completes the following:
3 Dumbbell Manmakers
1 t & b shuttle sprint

Cash Out:  2 mins max reps hollow rocks

Monday, September 2, 2013

3 September 2013

Warm up:
2 rounds
15 DU
10 jumping lunges alt legs
10 dowel presses
1 wall walk

Burgener warm up


Strength:  5 x 3 front Squats inc weight

10/50 8/40 6/30 4/20 2/10
Thrusters/Double Unders