So after today's WOD of 21-15-9 box jumps, kb swings then run 400m, I was absolutely gassed! I even had a woozy pukey feeling. "Why?" I asked the group. "Why do I feel like this and why do I feel like I'm giving it everything and I still end up last??" To which the Wodfather a.k.a. Johnny replied, "well, what did you eat yesterday? How did you sleep last night?" Lightbulb moment! And yes, I am a slow learner. It's the food! Which I guess I've known subconsciously all along but didn't want to commit to better ways.
This is what I've decided. There will be no diet. There will be no nutrition challenge. What there will be is wiser choices! I will fuel this temple with what it deserves! And I will know that what I put into my body, my body will return back to me. Simple as that. A wise man once told me, "keep it simple stupid!" and that is what I shall do. Baby steps.
And remember ShopGymers...
The odds are it's not food if it arrives through the window of your car ~author unknown
**Disclaimer: I am in no way knocking "nutrition challenges" or "diets". This is just what works for me personally not ShopGym as a whole. No offence intended.
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