Monday, June 15, 2015

16 June 2015

Warm Up:
200 m Jog
Coach Matt's Lower body lift warm up:
Glute bridge
Supine psoas march
Side lying clam shell
Quadruped crawling
Split squat
Dead bug

Shoulder activation, pick 3-5 exercises from Theraband activation or Crossover Symmetry activation plaque.

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets

Strength:  4 x 4 Overhead Squat, work up to heavy set for last set

WOD:  10!1
Wall balls (14/20 to 9/10)

Rx2:  Toes to Rings
Same wall ball requirement

Mod:  (hanging) Leg lifts (straight legs, try not to bend the knees, toes come above the hip crease)
Less height/weight wall balls

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Phase 5:  None

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