Warm Up: (10 mins)
Lower body lift prep
Shoulder activation
If you did not attend yesterday's class, you will do this today as part of your pre work:
Review: Ring Rows (5 mins)
Set up (hollow body)/shoulder retraction/pull/finish
STRENGTH: Find your max rep set elevated (feet) ring rows (10-12 mins)
Then do three sets @ 65% of that number of reps (eg 10 reps max set to fail, then 3 sets of 6-7 reps)
Rest as needed between sets
Review: Overhead squat
Strength: 5 MIN EMOM
3 OHS @ heaviest weight (off racks)
2 x 400m run 2 x 1000 m run (2 min rest between rnds)
Cash out: tabata plank
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
31 May 2016
Warm Up: (10 mins)
Lower body lift prep
Shoulder activation
Review: Ring Rows (5 mins)
Set up (hollow body)/shoulder retraction/pull/finish
STRENGTH: Find your max rep set elevated (feet) ring rows (10-12 mins)
Then do three sets @ 65% of that number of reps (eg 10 reps max set to fail, then 3 sets of 6-7 reps)
Rest as needed between sets
Review: Landmine Thruster & Farmer carry (5-7 mins)
WORK: 3 Rounds
10 Landmine Thrusters (90/70)
1 t & b Farmer carry (55+ kb or db)
Cashout: weighted russian twists
Lower body lift prep
Shoulder activation
Review: Ring Rows (5 mins)
Set up (hollow body)/shoulder retraction/pull/finish
STRENGTH: Find your max rep set elevated (feet) ring rows (10-12 mins)
Then do three sets @ 65% of that number of reps (eg 10 reps max set to fail, then 3 sets of 6-7 reps)
Rest as needed between sets
Review: Landmine Thruster & Farmer carry (5-7 mins)
WORK: 3 Rounds
10 Landmine Thrusters (90/70)
1 t & b Farmer carry (55+ kb or db)
Cashout: weighted russian twists
Sunday, May 29, 2016
30 May 2016
Warm up:
Hinshaw run prep
Run: 6 x 400m 1:30 r
Work: Partner row 5km
Every 3 minutes you will drop with your partner and do 2 synchronized burpees jumping over the rower with two feet.
Warm up : Lower body lift prep
Review: deadlifts with dowels
a)set up
b) 1 x 10 pull to knees and return (on coaches count)
c) 1 x 10 return (hips back and dowel to knees then back to standing and do over to knees for 10 reps on coaches count)
d) 10 full mvmnts
Strength: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 increase weight
12 min EMOM
7 kettlebell swings
1 t& b shuttle run
Hinshaw run prep
Run: 6 x 400m 1:30 r
Work: Partner row 5km
Every 3 minutes you will drop with your partner and do 2 synchronized burpees jumping over the rower with two feet.
Warm up : Lower body lift prep
Review: deadlifts with dowels
a)set up
b) 1 x 10 pull to knees and return (on coaches count)
c) 1 x 10 return (hips back and dowel to knees then back to standing and do over to knees for 10 reps on coaches count)
d) 10 full mvmnts
Strength: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 increase weight
12 min EMOM
7 kettlebell swings
1 t& b shuttle run
Friday, May 27, 2016
27 May 2016
Warm Up: Upper and lower body lift prep
Mobility: Target hips / shoulders / t spine
Work: Back Squats 4 x 4 at heaviest weight possible with 3 mins rest btwn
Push Press 5 x 5 at heaviest weight you can with 2 mins rest between.
Mobility: Target hips / shoulders / t spine
Work: Back Squats 4 x 4 at heaviest weight possible with 3 mins rest btwn
Push Press 5 x 5 at heaviest weight you can with 2 mins rest between.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
25 May 2016
Warm Up: Upper body lift prep
Shoulder activation: use therabands but include exercises such as inchworm, scap push ups and pull ups, wall slides, and bear crawl/crabwalk
MOBILITY: Target any sore areas, make sure lats and pecs are rolled out to prep for ttb
REVIEW: Deadlift/HSPU/Push Up/Active hang position
Based on Regionals Event 7:
With a partner complete:
30 calorie row each
One partner rows while the other holds deadlift. Partner cannot row if bar is put down.
30 HSPU (combined total) while partner holds handstand
20 TTB (each) while partner hangs from bar
25 m (one blvd length or two lengths inside) overhead walking lunge (135/85) each while partner holds wall sit
Rx2: Regular push ups/handstand hold
Toes to rings
115/75 OH Lunge
MOD: Knees up
Modified push ups or regular push ups/plank hold
Barbell OH Lunge (45/35)
Strength: Deadlift 5 x 5
with a partner complete:
100 cal row (combined, one works at a time) Partner to hold barbell in front rack position (weight as is appropriate)
30 Push Ups (combined, one holds plank while the other works)
30 Knees Up (partner hangs from bar while other does knees up)
OH walking lunge (plate) One partner wall sits while the other does one there and back (rig to redline)
Shoulder activation: use therabands but include exercises such as inchworm, scap push ups and pull ups, wall slides, and bear crawl/crabwalk
MOBILITY: Target any sore areas, make sure lats and pecs are rolled out to prep for ttb
REVIEW: Deadlift/HSPU/Push Up/Active hang position
Based on Regionals Event 7:
With a partner complete:
30 calorie row each
One partner rows while the other holds deadlift. Partner cannot row if bar is put down.
30 HSPU (combined total) while partner holds handstand
20 TTB (each) while partner hangs from bar
25 m (one blvd length or two lengths inside) overhead walking lunge (135/85) each while partner holds wall sit
Rx2: Regular push ups/handstand hold
Toes to rings
115/75 OH Lunge
MOD: Knees up
Modified push ups or regular push ups/plank hold
Barbell OH Lunge (45/35)
Strength: Deadlift 5 x 5
with a partner complete:
100 cal row (combined, one works at a time) Partner to hold barbell in front rack position (weight as is appropriate)
30 Push Ups (combined, one holds plank while the other works)
30 Knees Up (partner hangs from bar while other does knees up)
OH walking lunge (plate) One partner wall sits while the other does one there and back (rig to redline)
Thursday, May 19, 2016
20 May 2016
We will stagger start this workout, faster runners to start (unless you have 6 or less in class), second group to go once first wave is done the run
If you are not in the first group, do mobility work until you start
Compare to August 7, 2015
For time:
Run, 1600 m
Row, 2000 m
Run, 1600 m
With a partner:
3 ROUNDS for Max metres rowed with 20 min time cap
One partner rows while the other runs 400 m. Rower doesn't stop until runner is back.
We will stagger start this workout, faster runners to start (unless you have 6 or less in class), second group to go once first wave is done the run
If you are not in the first group, do mobility work until you start
Compare to August 7, 2015
For time:
Run, 1600 m
Row, 2000 m
Run, 1600 m
With a partner:
3 ROUNDS for Max metres rowed with 20 min time cap
One partner rows while the other runs 400 m. Rower doesn't stop until runner is back.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
19 May 2016
Warm Up: (10 Mins)
Lower and upper body lift prep
Shoulder activation (5-7 mins)
Mobility: Shoulders and hips (10 mins)
Review: with dowel (10 MINS)
Thrusters (clean/front squat/press)
Warm Up thrusters (10 mins)
OPEN WORKOUT 11.6/12.5
As many reps in 7 mins as you can of:
3 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
3 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
6 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
6 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
9 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
12 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
12 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
15 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
15 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
18 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
18 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
21 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
21 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
Rx2: Same weight, regular pull ups
Rx3: 85/55, regular pull ups
MOD: Less weight/banded strict pull ups or ring rows or jumping pull ups (from plate or floor)
*NOTE* if any kipping motion is detected in banded pull up, you will move to ring rows
Lower and upper body lift prep
Shoulder activation (5-7 mins)
Mobility: Shoulders and hips (10 mins)
Review: with dowel (10 MINS)
Thrusters (clean/front squat/press)
Warm Up thrusters (10 mins)
OPEN WORKOUT 11.6/12.5
As many reps in 7 mins as you can of:
3 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
3 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
6 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
6 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
9 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
12 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
12 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
15 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
15 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
18 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
18 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
21 Thrusters, 100/65 lbs
21 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
Rx2: Same weight, regular pull ups
Rx3: 85/55, regular pull ups
MOD: Less weight/banded strict pull ups or ring rows or jumping pull ups (from plate or floor)
*NOTE* if any kipping motion is detected in banded pull up, you will move to ring rows
Sunday, May 15, 2016
16 May 2016
Warm Up:
Upper body and lower body lift prep (10 Mins)
Targeted Tspine & Hip Mobility (10 Mins)
REVIEW: Overhead squat (10 Mins)
WORK: (10 mins or less)
Front Rack walking lunge
Rx: 115/75
Rx2: 95/65
Rx3: 85/55
MOD: OH Plate squat & kb/db front rack lunges
Cash out: Tabata KB Swings (russian) 55/35
Lower body lift prep
Strength: 5 x 5 Deadlift incr weight each set
REVIEW: OH Walking Lunge and Front Squat (db)
WORK: 10!1
OH Walking Lunge (plate)
KB/DB Front Squats
Cash Out: Tabata mountain climbers
Upper body and lower body lift prep (10 Mins)
Targeted Tspine & Hip Mobility (10 Mins)
REVIEW: Overhead squat (10 Mins)
WORK: (10 mins or less)
Front Rack walking lunge
Rx: 115/75
Rx2: 95/65
Rx3: 85/55
MOD: OH Plate squat & kb/db front rack lunges
Cash out: Tabata KB Swings (russian) 55/35
Lower body lift prep
Strength: 5 x 5 Deadlift incr weight each set
REVIEW: OH Walking Lunge and Front Squat (db)
WORK: 10!1
OH Walking Lunge (plate)
KB/DB Front Squats
Cash Out: Tabata mountain climbers
Thursday, May 12, 2016
13 May 2016
Hinshaw warm up (do not include the arm swing prep work nor the sprints)
MOBILITY: 10 mins Target calf achilles ankle and shoulders
REVIEW: Double Unders (shoulder position/torso/long body/arms close/wrist)
WORK Part A:
100 DU for time (note your split) and continue for max reps in two minutes total time. If you are not proficient in double unders and will not reach 100 reps in 2 mins, you will just complete the max reps in two minutes portion.
PART B: 100 (ab-mat) sit ups for time
Cash Out: Tabata Grasshoppers
OPEN GYM: Work progressions on any gymnastic skill
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible
100 m loaded run (sandbag or backpack) load must be switched between partners at halfway point *50m
Farmer carryone blvd length each or t & b each inside the gym
partner does burpees while other one farmer carries
MOBILITY: 10 mins Target calf achilles ankle and shoulders
REVIEW: Double Unders (shoulder position/torso/long body/arms close/wrist)
WORK Part A:
100 DU for time (note your split) and continue for max reps in two minutes total time. If you are not proficient in double unders and will not reach 100 reps in 2 mins, you will just complete the max reps in two minutes portion.
PART B: 100 (ab-mat) sit ups for time
Cash Out: Tabata Grasshoppers
OPEN GYM: Work progressions on any gymnastic skill
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible
100 m loaded run (sandbag or backpack) load must be switched between partners at halfway point *50m
Farmer carryone blvd length each or t & b each inside the gym
partner does burpees while other one farmer carries
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
12 May 2016
Warm Up:
1 t & b each
Hurdle step outside in
Hurdle step inside out
Walking toe touches opposite foot to opposite hand
Knees to chest
Figure Four
Walking lunge open to side angle
Walking lunge sampson stretch
MOBILITY: Focus mobility on hips/ankles, focus on bottom position of squat (wallball prep)
REVIEW: Rowing & Wallballs
WORK: (20-30 mins)
Compare to Sept 3, 2015
Row 2000m
50 Wallballs
Row 1000m
35 Wallballs
Row 500m
20 Wallballs
Rx: 20/14 to 10/9
Rx2: 14/10 to 10/9
Rx3: any other mods
1 t & b each
Hurdle step outside in
Hurdle step inside out
Walking toe touches opposite foot to opposite hand
Knees to chest
Figure Four
Walking lunge open to side angle
Walking lunge sampson stretch
MOBILITY: Focus mobility on hips/ankles, focus on bottom position of squat (wallball prep)
REVIEW: Rowing & Wallballs
WORK: (20-30 mins)
Compare to Sept 3, 2015
Row 2000m
50 Wallballs
Row 1000m
35 Wallballs
Row 500m
20 Wallballs
Rx: 20/14 to 10/9
Rx2: 14/10 to 10/9
Rx3: any other mods
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
11 May 2016
Warm Up: (5 mins)
Lower body lift prep
Review: Back Squat (5 mins)
Warm Up back squat to working weight (10 mins) 5-3-3
Strength: 4 x 4 Back squat @ heaviest, 2 mins rest btwn (10 mins)
Hinshaw mvmts:
figure four
knees to chest
all toes/ankle flexion walks
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible
100 m loaded run (sandbag or backpack,45 - 50 lbs) load must be switched between partners at halfway point *50m
Farmer carry 55/45 kb or db, one blvd length each
partner does burpees while other one farmer carries
(burpees do not count in score) * Note * farmer carry length must completed by at least one partner for the rep to count as a partial, no half points
Rx2: 45/35
Rx3: less weight
Same, modify appropriately
Lower body lift prep
Review: Back Squat (5 mins)
Warm Up back squat to working weight (10 mins) 5-3-3
Strength: 4 x 4 Back squat @ heaviest, 2 mins rest btwn (10 mins)
Hinshaw mvmts:
figure four
knees to chest
all toes/ankle flexion walks
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible
100 m loaded run (sandbag or backpack,45 - 50 lbs) load must be switched between partners at halfway point *50m
Farmer carry 55/45 kb or db, one blvd length each
partner does burpees while other one farmer carries
(burpees do not count in score) * Note * farmer carry length must completed by at least one partner for the rep to count as a partial, no half points
Rx2: 45/35
Rx3: less weight
Same, modify appropriately
Monday, May 9, 2016
10 May 2016
Warm Up:
10 Min ROW alt every min btwn 22 spm/28 spm
MOBILITY: 10 mins
Spell alphabet with foot each side
Ankle flexion walk inside/outside
tippy toes walk
heel walk
toes out with heels off the floor walk
toes in with heels off the floor walk
REVIEW: Box jump (foot placement, torso position) and plank hold (hollow body, squeeze core)
In teams of 3:
On blvd, one sled push (timer) (men 45's/ladies 35's)
One partner does box jumps (24/20)
One partner holds plank
(if there are four partners, add OH walking lunge with plate 15/10)
Score is box jumps
Rx2: lower box/less weight on sled
Rx3: step ups/empty sled
10 Min ROW alt every min btwn 22 spm/28 spm
MOBILITY: 10 mins
Spell alphabet with foot each side
Ankle flexion walk inside/outside
tippy toes walk
heel walk
toes out with heels off the floor walk
toes in with heels off the floor walk
REVIEW: Box jump (foot placement, torso position) and plank hold (hollow body, squeeze core)
In teams of 3:
On blvd, one sled push (timer) (men 45's/ladies 35's)
One partner does box jumps (24/20)
One partner holds plank
(if there are four partners, add OH walking lunge with plate 15/10)
Score is box jumps
Rx2: lower box/less weight on sled
Rx3: step ups/empty sled
Sunday, May 8, 2016
9 May 2016
Warm Up: Hinshaw run prep
WORK: Compare to July 6, 2015
WORK: Compare to July 6, 2015
WORK: 4 x 200 m Run 2 min rest btwn runs
then 21-15-9 cal Row/air squats
Thursday, May 5, 2016
6 May 2016
Warm up: (10 mins)
Lower body lift prep & lat/tspine mobility
Review: (10 mins) Front Squat using the front squat skill transfer exercises, review each mvmt before doing the set as a group, focus on what each position is trying to achieve and dial in. Then move on to next movement with review etc.
front squat skill transfers with bar, 5's of each
Your fourth set will be a drop set of 20% for 3 additional sets, so this is what that will look like (based on a 100# fr squat for ease of calculation)
Upper body lift prep
Review : Push Press
Strength - Push Press 5 x 5 incr weight
WORK: Partner workout 13 MIN AMRAP
Weighted shuttle run there and back with low box stepover at each end (timer) (use backpacks)
Landmine thrusters
Lower body lift prep & lat/tspine mobility
Review: (10 mins) Front Squat using the front squat skill transfer exercises, review each mvmt before doing the set as a group, focus on what each position is trying to achieve and dial in. Then move on to next movement with review etc.
front squat skill transfers with bar, 5's of each
- arms out squat (chest up, bar resting on stable shoulder platform)
- regular front squat (transfer first exercise into this one, focus on chest up and high elbows)
- 1 1/4 bounce squat (upright torso, staying tight all the way down and up through movement)
- bottoms up squat (strong bottom position - feet, torso, elbows high, balance, gettig comfortable in the hole)
- 3 sec pause squat (maintaining core integrity through hold, driving up from heels and using posterior chain to explode out of the bottom)
Bar Warm Up: (10 mins) add weight each set 5-3-3 to get to within 20% of your working weight
WORK: ( 15 mins)
Front Squats 4 x 6 @ same weight for all sets (heaviest possible) 3 mins rest btwn sets
Front Squats 4 x 6 @ same weight for all sets (heaviest possible) 3 mins rest btwn sets

3 x 6 @ 100# with 3 mins rest btwn sets
1 x 6 @ 100# then drop 20% of the weight
max effort TO FAIL @ 80# then take off 20%
max effort TO FAIL @ 65# then take of 20%
max effort TO FAIL @ 50# then curl up on the floor and take a nap
Your last set should bring you to muscular exhaustion. YOU WILL GO TO FAIL. And that will be 2-3 more reps than your brain will tell you to quit at. You will not have any rest on your final set (6 reps and 3 sets of max reps) until you are finished. The only time you will stop squatting in that set is to change out plates.
Strategy for success: Plan your loading ahead of time and align your plates so that you are taking plates off in succession and not having to change out plates. Figure out your numbers BEFORE class so that you have a plan when you approach the barbell.
Safety notes: because barbells will be dropping, please ensure that your platform is clear of weights and people. Stagger set up accordingly inside and outside the rig so that no one gets taken out by a bar.
WORK II: Landmine circuit
3 RFT 8 reps per side
Deep Squat w oblique twist (stay in squat position for all twists, do not stand between reps)
Rows (use lifting straps as a handle on the bar )
Floor Press
Safety notes: because barbells will be dropping, please ensure that your platform is clear of weights and people. Stagger set up accordingly inside and outside the rig so that no one gets taken out by a bar.
WORK II: Landmine circuit
3 RFT 8 reps per side
Deep Squat w oblique twist (stay in squat position for all twists, do not stand between reps)
Rows (use lifting straps as a handle on the bar )
Floor Press
Upper body lift prep
Review : Push Press
Strength - Push Press 5 x 5 incr weight
WORK: Partner workout 13 MIN AMRAP
Weighted shuttle run there and back with low box stepover at each end (timer) (use backpacks)
Landmine thrusters
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
5 May 2016
Warm up: Hinshaw (15 mins)
Run: 3 x 800m TT 5 min rest btwn efforts (20-25 mins)
Warm up shoulders (5 mins)
Work: 12 MIN EMOM
20 Mountain climbers (l & r = 1)
2 weighted strict pullup (db in feet 20/10)
Rx2: strict pull ups no weight
Rx3: jumping pull up from floor or plate
MOD: negative pullup
Run: 3 x 800m TT 5 min rest btwn efforts (20-25 mins)
Warm up shoulders (5 mins)
Work: 12 MIN EMOM
20 Mountain climbers (l & r = 1)
2 weighted strict pullup (db in feet 20/10)
Rx2: strict pull ups no weight
Rx3: jumping pull up from floor or plate
MOD: negative pullup
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
4 May 2016
Warm up:
Lower body lift prep, add a set of good mornings
Inside/outside flexion walk
Toes in/heels up walk
Toes out/heels up walk
Tippy toe walk
Heel walk
Mobility: work hamstrings and calf
Review: Deadlift (10 mins with dowels)
Warm up deadlifts to get to working weight 5-3-3
Work: Christine (10-15 mins)
3 rnds
500m ROW
12 Deadlifts @ BW
21 Box Jumps 20'
Rx2: 90%
Rx3: 75%
Mod: KB deadlifts
Same outline as regular class
Mods can include lower box step ups and appropriate weights for deadlifts
Lower body lift prep, add a set of good mornings
Inside/outside flexion walk
Toes in/heels up walk
Toes out/heels up walk
Tippy toe walk
Heel walk
Mobility: work hamstrings and calf
Review: Deadlift (10 mins with dowels)
Warm up deadlifts to get to working weight 5-3-3
Work: Christine (10-15 mins)
3 rnds
500m ROW
12 Deadlifts @ BW
21 Box Jumps 20'
Rx2: 90%
Rx3: 75%
Mod: KB deadlifts
Same outline as regular class
Mods can include lower box step ups and appropriate weights for deadlifts
Monday, May 2, 2016
3 May 2016
Warm Up:
Mobility: 10 mins focus on t spine,hip flexors, and ankles
incl: bow and arrow/tspine mob with rower/superfriend/dowel passthru
Upper body lift prep (5 mins)
Hinshaw warm up (15 mins)
REVIEW: with dowels (10 mins)
feet/hand placement/neutral spine/chest up/armpits facing forward (lat engagement: think screwing in a light bulb)/active shoulders
Work bottom position, coach will tweak your form
WORK: NANCY Compare to July 2, 2015
Goal is to complete this workout in 15-18 mins, scale accordingly
400 m RUN
15 OHS 95/65
Rx2: 85/55
Rx3: 75/45
MOD; any other weight including dowel
Mobility: 10 mins focus on t spine,hip flexors, and ankles
incl: bow and arrow/tspine mob with rower/superfriend/dowel passthru
Upper body lift prep (5 mins)
Hinshaw warm up (15 mins)
REVIEW: with dowels (10 mins)
feet/hand placement/neutral spine/chest up/armpits facing forward (lat engagement: think screwing in a light bulb)/active shoulders
Work bottom position, coach will tweak your form
WORK: NANCY Compare to July 2, 2015
Goal is to complete this workout in 15-18 mins, scale accordingly
400 m RUN
15 OHS 95/65
Rx2: 85/55
Rx3: 75/45
MOD; any other weight including dowel
Sunday, May 1, 2016
2 May 2016
Warm Up:
Mobility 10 mins focus on lats/triceps/biceps/calf/ankles
Dowel game (10 x left, 10 x right)
With a partner:
one length partner carry walk (no running) and switch
one length wheelbarrow and switch
Then one forward crabwalk, backward crabwalk back
Ankle flexion walk outside/inside
Heel walk one way, tip toes back
5 inchworms
MARY (Rx+)
If you cannot Rx (Rx+ for today) this workout, you will partner up. Standards as follows:
Rx: Push ups/Pistols/Pull ups
Rx2: Push Ups/Pistols/Ring Rows
Rx3: Any other movement mods
Strength: TGU
Review: Push Up (hand position, elbows, hollow body)
Squat (feet/knees/torso) spend 8-10 rnds with 5 sec hold in bottom position to correct form
Ring Row: Hollow body/pull to chest/no hip drive
WORK: 15 min AMRAP with a partner
5 Push Up (or mods)
10 Squats
15 Ring Rows
Mobility 10 mins focus on lats/triceps/biceps/calf/ankles
Dowel game (10 x left, 10 x right)
With a partner:
one length partner carry walk (no running) and switch
one length wheelbarrow and switch
Then one forward crabwalk, backward crabwalk back
Ankle flexion walk outside/inside
Heel walk one way, tip toes back
5 inchworms
MARY (Rx+)
If you cannot Rx (Rx+ for today) this workout, you will partner up. Standards as follows:
Rx: Push ups/Pistols/Pull ups
Rx2: Push Ups/Pistols/Ring Rows
Rx3: Any other movement mods
Strength: TGU
Review: Push Up (hand position, elbows, hollow body)
Squat (feet/knees/torso) spend 8-10 rnds with 5 sec hold in bottom position to correct form
Ring Row: Hollow body/pull to chest/no hip drive
WORK: 15 min AMRAP with a partner
5 Push Up (or mods)
10 Squats
15 Ring Rows
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