Thursday, May 5, 2016

6 May 2016

Warm up:  (10 mins)

Lower body lift prep & lat/tspine mobility

Review:  (10 mins) Front Squat using the front squat skill transfer exercises, review each mvmt before doing the set as a group, focus on what each position is trying to achieve and dial in.  Then move on to next movement with review etc.

 front squat skill transfers with bar, 5's of each
  • arms out squat  (chest up, bar resting on stable shoulder platform)
  • regular front squat (transfer first exercise into this one, focus on chest up and high elbows)
  • 1 1/4 bounce squat (upright torso, staying tight all the way down and up through movement)
  • bottoms up squat (strong bottom position - feet, torso, elbows high, balance, gettig comfortable in the hole)
  • 3 sec pause squat (maintaining core integrity through hold, driving up from heels and using posterior chain to explode out of the bottom)
Bar Warm Up: (10 mins) add weight each set 5-3-3 to get to within 20% of your working weight

WORK: ( 15 mins)
Front Squats 4 x 6 @ same weight for all sets (heaviest possible) 3 mins rest btwn sets
Your fourth set will be a drop set of 20% for 3 additional sets, so this is what that will look like (based on a 100# fr squat for ease of calculation)

3 x 6 @ 100# with 3 mins rest btwn sets
1 x 6 @ 100# then drop 20% of the weight
max effort TO FAIL @ 80# then take off 20%
max effort TO FAIL @ 65# then take of 20%
max effort TO FAIL @ 50#  then curl up on the floor and take a nap

Your last set should bring you to muscular exhaustion. YOU WILL GO TO FAIL.  And that will be 2-3 more reps than your brain will tell you to quit at. You will not have any rest on your final set (6 reps and 3 sets of max reps) until you are finished.  The only time you will stop squatting in that set is to change out plates.

Strategy for success:  Plan your loading ahead of time and align your plates so that you are taking plates off in succession and not having to change out plates.  Figure out your numbers BEFORE class so that you have a plan when you approach the barbell.

Safety notes:  because barbells will be dropping, please ensure that your platform is clear of weights and people.  Stagger set up accordingly inside and outside the rig so that no one gets taken out by a bar.

WORK II:  Landmine circuit

3 RFT 8 reps per side
Deep Squat w oblique twist (stay in squat position for all twists, do not stand between reps)
Rows (use lifting straps as a handle on the bar )
Floor Press

Upper body lift prep
Review : Push Press

Strength - Push Press 5 x 5 incr weight

WORK:  Partner workout  13 MIN AMRAP
Weighted shuttle run there and back with low box stepover at each end (timer) (use backpacks)
Landmine thrusters

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