Warm up:
Roll out
wall slides
wall walks
scap push ups
Theraband shoulder activation
SKILL: Retest strict pull ups
*Note* for testing purposes, if you cannot string together the required amount of strict pull ups, you may drop from the bar and accumulate the reps within a one minute time cap
Pull Up Work:
Phase 1: If you do not have a single strict pull up
Phase 2: If you have 5-8 Strict Pull Ups (as per above guideline)
Phase 3: If you have 5-8 strict Pull Ups unbroken
Phase 4: If you have 10 strict/20 kipping (men) and 7 strict/15 kipping (women)
Phase 5: If you have 40 Butterfly pull ups (men) 30 Butterfly pull ups (women)
Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups. If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
Phase 4:
4 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set. If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly pull ups
Double tabata alternating movements
1) L sit hold (dip bars)
2) Hollow body to superman
Cool Down:
Phase 1: Accumulate 25 Ring Rows. If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 25 banded face pulls
Phase 2:
Beat swing practice
Accumulate 20 hollow rocks
Phase 3
20 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets
Phase 4:
no cooldown
Phase 5:
no cooldown
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
29 May 2015
Warm Up:
Coaches choice
Back squat 4-4-4-4 same weight all through
With a partner working one at a time, complete as many reps as possible of:
A: Single arm kettlebell swings (alternating arms)
Rest one minute
B: Wall balls
Rest one minute
C: Weighted step ups (dumbbells)
Rest one minute
D; Barbell push press (45/35)
Score is total reps for all stations combined
Coaches choice
Back squat 4-4-4-4 same weight all through
With a partner working one at a time, complete as many reps as possible of:
A: Single arm kettlebell swings (alternating arms)
Rest one minute
B: Wall balls
Rest one minute
C: Weighted step ups (dumbbells)
Rest one minute
D; Barbell push press (45/35)
Score is total reps for all stations combined
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
28 May 2015
Warm Up:
Roll out
Spend 15 minutes targeted mobility
Row 100 m
5 Burpees
Row 200 m
10 Burpees
Row 300m
15 Burpees
Row 400m
20 burpees
Row 500m
Cash Out: Tabata low box step ups
Prehab exercises
Theraband Shoulder Activation
Work from high hang position, sets of 6 pulls and muscle snatches
Row 100 m
5 burpees
Row 200 m
5 burpees
Row 300 m
5 Burpees
Row 400 m
5 burpees
Row 500 m
Roll out
Spend 15 minutes targeted mobility
Row 100 m
5 Burpees
Row 200 m
10 Burpees
Row 300m
15 Burpees
Row 400m
20 burpees
Row 500m
Cash Out: Tabata low box step ups
Prehab exercises
Theraband Shoulder Activation
Work from high hang position, sets of 6 pulls and muscle snatches
Row 100 m
5 burpees
Row 200 m
5 burpees
Row 300 m
5 Burpees
Row 400 m
5 burpees
Row 500 m
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
27 May 2015
Warm Up:
1 length each:
High Knees
Butt kickers
Tiny bunny hops
1 x 20 calf raises
Leg swings
Calf stretch
Ankle rotations
(warm up >10 mins)
PRE: 4 x 4 minute min max metre run 3:00 min rest btwn rounds
WOD: 7 Rounds
1 blvd length front rack walking lunge (135/95) Rx2 (115/75) MOD Sandbag front rack lunge
10 box jumps 24/20 Rx2: same as Rx Mod: less height or other mod
1 length each:
High Knees
Butt kickers
Tiny bunny hops
1 x 20 calf raises
Leg swings
Calf stretch
Ankle rotations
(warm up >10 mins)
PRE: 4 x 4 minute min max metre run 3:00 min rest btwn rounds
WOD: 7 Rounds
1 blvd length front rack walking lunge (135/95) Rx2 (115/75) MOD Sandbag front rack lunge
10 box jumps 24/20 Rx2: same as Rx Mod: less height or other mod
Monday, May 25, 2015
26 May 2015
Warm Up:
Junkyard dog
Skill: Push Jerk or Overhead squat
Bar warm up: 3 x 2 sets Pull/Muscle/Dynamic
The Chief - Compare to Dec 23, 2014
For 5 cycles:
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
3 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 min between each cycle.
For each cycle restart at the top of the AMRAP.
Hang Power Clean (95/65)
Low bar push ups
MOD: Bar hang muscle cleans (45/35) or medball cleans
Prehab (the usual: deadbugs, birddogs etc)
SKILL: Work position on Overhead squat
WOD: The Chief (mod)
for 5 cycles, AMRAP in 3 mins of:
3 Medball cleans
6 Ring Rows or Push Ups
9 Air squats
Junkyard dog
Skill: Push Jerk or Overhead squat
Bar warm up: 3 x 2 sets Pull/Muscle/Dynamic
The Chief - Compare to Dec 23, 2014
For 5 cycles:
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
3 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 min between each cycle.
For each cycle restart at the top of the AMRAP.
Hang Power Clean (95/65)
Low bar push ups
MOD: Bar hang muscle cleans (45/35) or medball cleans
Prehab (the usual: deadbugs, birddogs etc)
SKILL: Work position on Overhead squat
WOD: The Chief (mod)
for 5 cycles, AMRAP in 3 mins of:
3 Medball cleans
6 Ring Rows or Push Ups
9 Air squats
Sunday, May 24, 2015
25 May 2015
Warm Up:
Run Prep
PRE: 4 x 200m Run, 4 x 400m Run, rest 1:30 btwn sets
1 min rest
1 min rest
1 min rest
Half the class will start on the run, half will start on the row.
Run Prep
PRE: 4 x 200m Run, 4 x 400m Run, rest 1:30 btwn sets
1 min rest
1 min rest
1 min rest
Half the class will start on the run, half will start on the row.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
22 May 2015
Roll Out
Theraband shoulder activation
Scap push ups
Scap pull ups
Sleeper stretch
Side lying shoulder rotations
Superfriend shoulder & t spine
Wall slides
Reverse snow angels
Spend 20-30 mins on mobility/prehab/shoulder warm up
Tabata Something Else
Tabata Pull-up Rx2: Low bar pull up MOD: Ring Row
Tabata Push-up Rx2: Off low bar MOD: Negatives
Tabata Sit-up (abmat)
Tabata Air Squat
The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.
Theraband shoulder activation
Scap push ups
Scap pull ups
Sleeper stretch
Side lying shoulder rotations
Superfriend shoulder & t spine
Wall slides
Reverse snow angels
Spend 20-30 mins on mobility/prehab/shoulder warm up
Tabata Something Else
Tabata Pull-up Rx2: Low bar pull up MOD: Ring Row
Tabata Push-up Rx2: Off low bar MOD: Negatives
Tabata Sit-up (abmat)
Tabata Air Squat
The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
21 May 2015
Warm Up:
Run prep
PRE: 4 x 1000m RUN
3 min rest btwn rounds
Press: 4 x 5 (same weight)
Push Press: 4 x 5 (same weight)
Roll Out
Pre hab
Strength: Work up to heavy set of 5 push press
Review: Medball cleans
5 Rounds
100 m RUN
5 hanging knees up or knees to chest
10 medball cleans
Run prep
PRE: 4 x 1000m RUN
3 min rest btwn rounds
Press: 4 x 5 (same weight)
Push Press: 4 x 5 (same weight)
Roll Out
Pre hab
Strength: Work up to heavy set of 5 push press
Review: Medball cleans
5 Rounds
100 m RUN
5 hanging knees up or knees to chest
10 medball cleans
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
20 May 2015
Pre: Roll out
Warm Up:
Side Lying Clam shell
Glue Bridge
Bird Dog
Supine Psoas March
Strength: Back squat 4-4-4
Jumping Squats @ 40% 3 x 10
Warm Up shoulders
For 3 cycles:
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
10 Shuttle Sprints, 18 ft
10 Pull-ups
Rest 1 min between each cycle.
For each cycle restart the AMRAP
Rx2: Low bar pull ups
Ring Rows
Less weight/height/depth wall balls
Warm Up:
Side Lying Clam shell
Glue Bridge
Bird Dog
Supine Psoas March
Strength: Back squat 4-4-4
Jumping Squats @ 40% 3 x 10
Warm Up shoulders
For 3 cycles:
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
10 Shuttle Sprints, 18 ft
10 Pull-ups
Rest 1 min between each cycle.
For each cycle restart the AMRAP
Rx2: Low bar pull ups
Ring Rows
Less weight/height/depth wall balls
Monday, May 18, 2015
19 May 2015
Warm Up: Athlete's choice/run prep
Pre: 6 x 400m Run
1:30 rest btwn efforts
Warm Up OH walk
Alt EMOM 12 mins:
Farmer Carries and Barbell Overhead Walks
Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:
Farmers Carry, 55/45 lbs, 120 ft (4 lengths)
Barbell Overhead Walk, 155/115 lbs, 120 ft (4 lengths)
Rx2: 35/45 Farmer Carry
95/65 OH walk
Mod: Less weight than Rx2
Pre: 6 x 400m Run
1:30 rest btwn efforts
Warm Up OH walk
Alt EMOM 12 mins:
Farmer Carries and Barbell Overhead Walks
Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:
Farmers Carry, 55/45 lbs, 120 ft (4 lengths)
Barbell Overhead Walk, 155/115 lbs, 120 ft (4 lengths)
Rx2: 35/45 Farmer Carry
95/65 OH walk
Mod: Less weight than Rx2
Thursday, May 14, 2015
15 May 2015
Warm Up:
Calf/achilles/ankle mobility
Strength: Barbell Glute bridge, pick appropriate weight
*Activate glutes (squeeze your butt to start the movement), if your leg cramps you are recruiting the wrong muscles*
3 x 5 for quality
Compare with Oct 15, 2014
2 x 400m RUN
2 x 1000m RUN
2 min rest btwn sets
Calf/achilles/ankle mobility
Strength: Barbell Glute bridge, pick appropriate weight
*Activate glutes (squeeze your butt to start the movement), if your leg cramps you are recruiting the wrong muscles*
3 x 5 for quality
Compare with Oct 15, 2014
2 x 400m RUN
2 x 1000m RUN
2 min rest btwn sets
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
14 May 2015
Warm Up:
Theraband Shoulder activation
Half kneeling bottom's up press (light load)
TGU (light or no load)
With a partner
50 Medball chest passes, stay tight through the whole movement
Then singles:
25 Russian Twists (with medball)
10 Medball burpee to candlestick
21-15-9 reps for time
Deadlifts (225#/155#)
Handstand Push-Ups
Rx2: 175/125
Mod: Less than 175/125 and/or push ups or push up mods
Theraband Shoulder activation
Half kneeling bottom's up press (light load)
TGU (light or no load)
With a partner
50 Medball chest passes, stay tight through the whole movement
Then singles:
25 Russian Twists (with medball)
10 Medball burpee to candlestick
21-15-9 reps for time
Deadlifts (225#/155#)
Handstand Push-Ups
Rx2: 175/125
Mod: Less than 175/125 and/or push ups or push up mods
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
13 May 2015
Warm Up:
Roll out
Row 600-800 m at warm up pace
Side lying clam
Deadbug (slow and deliberate, hold extended position for count of 5)
Cross Behind lunge
Bulgarians (off benches, no load, generate mvmt from back leg)
Glute bridges
Strength: Front Squats
4 x 4 @ +5lbs from last week
30 Double Unders
10 Hang Power Cleans (125/95)
+1 burpee
Rx2: (95/65)
x 5 Singles
10 Medball cleans
Roll out
Row 600-800 m at warm up pace
Side lying clam
Deadbug (slow and deliberate, hold extended position for count of 5)
Cross Behind lunge
Bulgarians (off benches, no load, generate mvmt from back leg)
Glute bridges
Strength: Front Squats
4 x 4 @ +5lbs from last week
30 Double Unders
10 Hang Power Cleans (125/95)
+1 burpee
Rx2: (95/65)
x 5 Singles
10 Medball cleans
Monday, May 11, 2015
12 May 2015
Warm Up:
Roll out/mobility
Athletes's choice - Running Prep
Pre: 6 x 400 m RUN 1:30 min rest btwn
Shoulder Prehab/warm up
Strength: Press 4 x 5 work up to heavy set and start your sets there
Push Press 4 x 5 same as press, work up to heavy set and start set there
Correctives - Deadbugs/birddogs/half kneeling bottoms up press/pole squat (spend 1 min in bottom)/wall slides/scap push ups (all fours)
Warm Up:
Pre: 4 x 400 m ROW 1:30 rest btwn rounds
5 Rounds
5 Knees up
10 Kettlebell swings
5 Dumbbell thrusters
Roll out/mobility
Athletes's choice - Running Prep
Pre: 6 x 400 m RUN 1:30 min rest btwn
Shoulder Prehab/warm up
Strength: Press 4 x 5 work up to heavy set and start your sets there
Push Press 4 x 5 same as press, work up to heavy set and start set there
Correctives - Deadbugs/birddogs/half kneeling bottoms up press/pole squat (spend 1 min in bottom)/wall slides/scap push ups (all fours)
Warm Up:
Pre: 4 x 400 m ROW 1:30 rest btwn rounds
5 Rounds
5 Knees up
10 Kettlebell swings
5 Dumbbell thrusters
Sunday, May 10, 2015
11 May 2015
Roll out with ball/roller
Warm Up:
8-12 reps
Side lying shoulder rotations
Half kneeling bottoms up press
Scap push ups (all fours)
TGU no load or light load
Scap pull ups
Strength: DIPS
3 sets max bar dips or 3 x 5 bar dip negatives
Rx+ max bar dips with weighted vest
3 x 3 Ring pulls to chest
Rx+ False grip rings to chest
Half Cindy: 10 MIN AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
Rx2: Low bar pull ups
MOD: Ring Rows / Negative push ups
Warm Up:
8-12 reps
Side lying shoulder rotations
Half kneeling bottoms up press
Scap push ups (all fours)
TGU no load or light load
Scap pull ups
Strength: DIPS
3 sets max bar dips or 3 x 5 bar dip negatives
Rx+ max bar dips with weighted vest
3 x 3 Ring pulls to chest
Rx+ False grip rings to chest
Half Cindy: 10 MIN AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
Rx2: Low bar pull ups
MOD: Ring Rows / Negative push ups
Thursday, May 7, 2015
8 May 2015
Warm Up:
8-12 reps of each:
Side lying clam
Kneeling bottoms up press
Single leg glute bridges
TGU's (lightweight or no load)
Side lying shoulder rotations
Strength: 4 x 4 Front Squats
WOD: With a partner, one works while one rests
Station A:
5 min AMRAP Rx: 50/75 (ish, weights are marked on backside of little white tag on bags)
10 Sandbag Clean & Jerks
10 Sandbag back squats
Rest 3 mins
Station B:
30 KB SWINGS (American)
30 Wall balls
8-12 reps of each:
Side lying clam
Kneeling bottoms up press
Single leg glute bridges
TGU's (lightweight or no load)
Side lying shoulder rotations
Strength: 4 x 4 Front Squats
WOD: With a partner, one works while one rests
Station A:
5 min AMRAP Rx: 50/75 (ish, weights are marked on backside of little white tag on bags)
10 Sandbag Clean & Jerks
10 Sandbag back squats
Rest 3 mins
Station B:
30 KB SWINGS (American)
30 Wall balls
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
7 May 2015
Warm up:
Roll out (ball/roller)
athlete's choice
Correctives/stability exercises: (to include)
wall slides
sleeper stretch
reverse snow angels (scroll down to third video on page)
Scap push ups
Strength: Gymnasty work
Pull Up Stream: (If you do not have your strict pull ups, you will work this stream)
1 x 10 3 pos holds
1 x 10 Negatives (7-10 second descent, use band to assist if necessary)
1 x 10 each of 3 position ring row progressions (passive to active lats/passive to active lat with pull/active position pull). You are trying to pull to your belly button, if you need to modify, pull to chest/armpits
HSPU: You will work this stream if you have your pull ups
1 x 10 Negatives (descent should be 5-7 seconds)
Accumulate 3 minutes in hollow body Handstand hold nose and toes
400 m Run
50 Air Squats
Dynamic warm up
Bench Press 5 x 5 (increase weight to last heavy set of 5)
WOD: 4 Rounds
400 m ROW
20 Air Squats
Roll out (ball/roller)
athlete's choice
Correctives/stability exercises: (to include)
wall slides
sleeper stretch
reverse snow angels (scroll down to third video on page)
Scap push ups
Strength: Gymnasty work
Pull Up Stream: (If you do not have your strict pull ups, you will work this stream)
1 x 10 3 pos holds
1 x 10 Negatives (7-10 second descent, use band to assist if necessary)
1 x 10 each of 3 position ring row progressions (passive to active lats/passive to active lat with pull/active position pull). You are trying to pull to your belly button, if you need to modify, pull to chest/armpits
HSPU: You will work this stream if you have your pull ups
1 x 10 Negatives (descent should be 5-7 seconds)
Accumulate 3 minutes in hollow body Handstand hold nose and toes
400 m Run
50 Air Squats
Dynamic warm up
Bench Press 5 x 5 (increase weight to last heavy set of 5)
WOD: 4 Rounds
400 m ROW
20 Air Squats
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
6 May 2015
Warm Up:
Row at warm up pace 1000 m
Squat therapy
Strength: Back Squat 4 x 4RM
Work up to 4RM weight and start your sets there
20 DU
5 Roll to Candle Stick (rolling squats)
1 OH Walking Lunge (Length) 35/45
DU Attempts
Assisted candle stick
less weight on lunges
Row at warm up pace 1000 m
Squat therapy
Strength: Back Squat 4 x 4RM
Work up to 4RM weight and start your sets there
20 DU
5 Roll to Candle Stick (rolling squats)
1 OH Walking Lunge (Length) 35/45
DU Attempts
Assisted candle stick
less weight on lunges
Monday, May 4, 2015
5 May 2015
Warm Up:
Jog 400 m
Theraband Shoulder Activation
Scap pull up and push ups
Wall walks
Squat therapy
Skill work:
3 sets max parallette (use dip bars) L Sit holds
Compare to Nov 27, 2014
Jog 400 m
Theraband Shoulder Activation
Scap pull up and push ups
Wall walks
Squat therapy
Skill work:
3 sets max parallette (use dip bars) L Sit holds
Compare to Nov 27, 2014
Thruster/Pull Ups
Rx2: same weight
Low bar pull ups
Less weight
Ring Rows
Push Press 5 x 5
WOD: Fran
Thrusters/Ring Rows
Thruster/Pull Ups
Rx2: same weight
Low bar pull ups
Less weight
Ring Rows
Push Press 5 x 5
WOD: Fran
Thrusters/Ring Rows
Sunday, May 3, 2015
4 May 2015
Warm Up:
Athlete's choice - Run prep
RUN 5 KM for time
Compare to Nov 17, 2014
Start at main street
North to 1st st North
East to 5th Ave
South (across main street) all the way to beginning of Hampton loop
Hampton loop back up to 5th
North up 5th to 4th Street
West on 4th to 2nd ave
2nd ave to 1st street
1 street back to main/CFN building
Athlete's choice - Run prep
RUN 5 KM for time
Compare to Nov 17, 2014
Start at main street
North to 1st st North
East to 5th Ave
South (across main street) all the way to beginning of Hampton loop
Hampton loop back up to 5th
North up 5th to 4th Street
West on 4th to 2nd ave
2nd ave to 1st street
1 street back to main/CFN building
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