Roll out (5 mins)
Jog 400 m
10's of:
Leg swings
Side lying clam shell
Half kneeling bottoms up press
Single leg romanian deadlifts
Seated Wall slides
Bird dogs
Banded shoulder stretches
Rotator cuff banded prehab
Phase 1: 5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2: 3 sets max reps kipping pull ups, rest 3 mins btwn efforts
Phase 3: 4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4: 70 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5: 5 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken. Do not go over 20. 1 min rest btwn sets
4 rounds
1 minute max distance row
Rest 3 minutes
1 minute max reps front squat (75% bw)
Rest 3 minutes
Cool down:
Phase 1: 5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups, this picture shows low squat but we will continue to do these from our knees)
Phase 2: Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 20 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3: Butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5: None
Roll Out
Jog 400 m
SKILL: Turkish Get Ups
Phase 1: see above, you will use a smaller band than on tuesday when you were going for 8-12 reps
3 Rounds
1 min max distance row
Rest 3 mins
1 min max reps kettlebell swings
Rest 3 mins
4 rounds
1 minute max distance row
Rest 3 minutes
1 minute max reps front squat (75% bw)
Rest 3 minutes
Cool down:
Phase 1: 5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups, this picture shows low squat but we will continue to do these from our knees)
Phase 2: Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 20 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3: Butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5: None
Roll Out
Jog 400 m
SKILL: Turkish Get Ups
Phase 1: see above, you will use a smaller band than on tuesday when you were going for 8-12 reps
3 Rounds
1 min max distance row
Rest 3 mins
1 min max reps kettlebell swings
Rest 3 mins
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