Roll out (5-10 mins)
T & b: high knees/kickbacks/forward walking lunge/backward walking lunge
Shoulder activation
Phase 1: None - work 3 sets of max L Sit hold off dip bars OR 3 x 3 bar dip negatives
Phase 2: As many strict pull ups as possible in 8 mins
Phase 3: 5 MIN AMRAP of kipping/butterfly pull ups
Phase 4: None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest
Phase 5: None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest
WOD: Compare to June 2, 2014
Score is total rounds A + B
A: Death by 10 metres
Pylons will mark 10 m on the boulevard, athlete will complete one 10 m sprint the first minute, 2 the second minute and so on until they cannot get all their work done in the allotted minute.
B: Death by DU
Same as above, starting with 10 DU, adding 10 reps each round
Rx2: Parallette hopovers
Cool down:
Phase 1: 3 x 1 flexed arm hang max hold
Phase 2: 7 x 1 pull up with 5-7 second negative on way down
Phase 3: butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5: Muscle up transitions on rings, no press out or Russian dip transition no press out
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