Warm Up:
lower body lift prep
10 rnds 7 sec descent and hold squat, 5 sec rest Coach to help you perfect your squat position
BACK SQUAT 4 x 4 @ heaviest weight
REVIEW: Alternating arm battle ropes
5 cycles 3 mins on (amrap) 1 min rest
Parking lot tire sled drag (use vests) one length
20 alternating battle ropes (each arm is one rep)
20 Air Squats
Score is total reps, start with sleds every round
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
29 June 2016
Warm Up:
Shoulder Prep Phase 1
Lat activation drills (both for advanced, second one only for int/beginner)
If you didn't do yesterday's work, do this today:
Pull Up: 3 sets strict banded pull up @ smallest band possible to achieve 6-8 reps
Muscle Up: 3 sets of 5 false grip pulls, work on hollow body position and angle as per drill 1 in lat activation sequence, 3 sets of 6-8 ring dips
If you did yesterday's work, you will do the following:
3 sets max reps inverted body row
3 x 20 Barbell rows at appropriate weight
3 x 10 Banded face pulls
~set up~pull~transition~receive position
WORK: #14.4
60 cal row
50 TTB
40 Wall ball (20/14 to 10/9)
30 Cleans, can be power or squat (135/95)
20 Muscle Ups
Rx2: 115/75, CTB for MU
Rx3: with a partner, same weight as Rx2 / TTR or Knees up, Ring rows or pull ups for MU
MOD: no partner, less weight, knees up, ring rows
Strength: 3 sets MAX hollow body hold (off floor) 3 sets Max hang (any grip/any apparatus)
REVIEW: Active/Passive hang, medball chest pass, medball clean
WORK: With a partner
60 Cal Row
50 active / passive hangs
40 Medball chest passes
30 Medball cleans
20 Ring Rows
Shoulder Prep Phase 1
Lat activation drills (both for advanced, second one only for int/beginner)
If you didn't do yesterday's work, do this today:
Pull Up: 3 sets strict banded pull up @ smallest band possible to achieve 6-8 reps
Muscle Up: 3 sets of 5 false grip pulls, work on hollow body position and angle as per drill 1 in lat activation sequence, 3 sets of 6-8 ring dips
If you did yesterday's work, you will do the following:
3 sets max reps inverted body row
3 x 20 Barbell rows at appropriate weight
3 x 10 Banded face pulls
~set up~pull~transition~receive position
WORK: #14.4
60 cal row
50 TTB
40 Wall ball (20/14 to 10/9)
30 Cleans, can be power or squat (135/95)
20 Muscle Ups
Rx2: 115/75, CTB for MU
Rx3: with a partner, same weight as Rx2 / TTR or Knees up, Ring rows or pull ups for MU
MOD: no partner, less weight, knees up, ring rows
Strength: 3 sets MAX hollow body hold (off floor) 3 sets Max hang (any grip/any apparatus)
REVIEW: Active/Passive hang, medball chest pass, medball clean
WORK: With a partner
60 Cal Row
50 active / passive hangs
40 Medball chest passes
30 Medball cleans
20 Ring Rows
Monday, June 27, 2016
28 JUNE 2016
Warm Up: Row 400-600m @ 24 SPM
Shoulder Prep Phase 1
Lat activation drills (both for advanced, second one only for int/beginner)
Pull Up: 3 sets strict banded pull up @ smallest band possible to achieve 6-8 reps 3 x 3 negative push ups
Muscle Up: 3 sets of 5 false grip pulls, work on hollow body position and angle as per drill 1 in lat activation sequence, 3 sets of 6-8 ring dips 3 sets max push ups
5 Rounds
Each round is a 4 min amrap with 1 min rest
500m row
Rx2: Push Ups
Rx3: Inverted body rows
Shoulder Prep Phase 1
Lat activation drills (both for advanced, second one only for int/beginner)
Pull Up: 3 sets strict banded pull up @ smallest band possible to achieve 6-8 reps 3 x 3 negative push ups
Muscle Up: 3 sets of 5 false grip pulls, work on hollow body position and angle as per drill 1 in lat activation sequence, 3 sets of 6-8 ring dips 3 sets max push ups
5 Rounds
Each round is a 4 min amrap with 1 min rest
500m row
Rx2: Push Ups
Rx3: Inverted body rows
Sunday, June 26, 2016
27 June 2016
Warm Up: Lower and upper body lift prep
Shoulder prep Phase 1
12 SDHP (95/65)
12 Push Press (95/65)
10 Push Press
Rx: 95/65
Rx2: 85/55
Rx3: 75/45
MOD: Less weight
Lower and upper body lift prep
Review: Bench Press
Bench Press: 5 x 5 incr weight each set
WORK: 5 Rounds for time
T & B Farmer carry (dumbbell or kb) (review set up and first pull)
T & B Front rack walking lunge (DB or KB)
200 m ROW
Shoulder prep Phase 1
12 SDHP (95/65)
12 Push Press (95/65)
10 Push Press
Rx: 95/65
Rx2: 85/55
Rx3: 75/45
MOD: Less weight
Lower and upper body lift prep
Review: Bench Press
Bench Press: 5 x 5 incr weight each set
WORK: 5 Rounds for time
T & B Farmer carry (dumbbell or kb) (review set up and first pull)
T & B Front rack walking lunge (DB or KB)
200 m ROW
Thursday, June 23, 2016
24 June 2016
Warm Up:
MOBILITY: Target t spine/shoulders / lats
Steve's shoulder Prep Phase 1
REVIEW: Handstand bear crawl from pike off box
Hollow body hold (from floor and bar)
ODD: HS Bear crawl around and back off box (red)
EVEN: 20 sec Hollow body hold off bar
Rx2: Yellow box
Rx3: Green box or hollow hold off the floor
Cash Out: OPEN GYM for gymnastics skill work (if you don't have your pull up, now's the time to work on it)
MOBILITY: Roll out upper body and lower body
Shoulder prep
REVIEW: HOLLOW BODY and hand position in wall walks
STRENGTH: 3 sets of 8-12 reps banded strict pull ups
Odd: Hollow body hold 20 secs off floor
EVEN: 45 second wall sit
MOBILITY: Target t spine/shoulders / lats
Steve's shoulder Prep Phase 1
REVIEW: Handstand bear crawl from pike off box
Hollow body hold (from floor and bar)
ODD: HS Bear crawl around and back off box (red)
EVEN: 20 sec Hollow body hold off bar
Rx2: Yellow box
Rx3: Green box or hollow hold off the floor
Cash Out: OPEN GYM for gymnastics skill work (if you don't have your pull up, now's the time to work on it)
MOBILITY: Roll out upper body and lower body
Shoulder prep
REVIEW: HOLLOW BODY and hand position in wall walks
STRENGTH: 3 sets of 8-12 reps banded strict pull ups
Odd: Hollow body hold 20 secs off floor
EVEN: 45 second wall sit
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
23 June 2016
Warm Up:
Junkyard dog
then 3 rnds:
10 Good mornings no load
10 Dowel OHS
10 OH Dowel walking lunge
Set up (hang) Pull Transition (SNAP) Finish
3 sets with dowel of PULL (stay up on toes) / MUSCLE SNATCH (again, stay up on toes) / Dynamic (catch it where you pull it and sit in your receive position for 2 seconds before standing it up)
Slow single skip / wrist turnover speed / long body positioning with relaxed shoulders
BAR WARM UP: 3 x 2 Pull/Muscle/Dynamic combo
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches (75lbs /55 lbs)
Rx2: Hang Power Snatch 65/45
Rx3: Hang Power Snatch 55/35
Mod: 15# bar or dowel and pull up bar touches for DU's (try to get mid fingers over the bar minimum, wrist is even better)
Junkyard dog
then 3 rnds:
10 Good mornings no load
10 Dowel OHS
10 OH Dowel walking lunge
Set up (hang) Pull Transition (SNAP) Finish
3 sets with dowel of PULL (stay up on toes) / MUSCLE SNATCH (again, stay up on toes) / Dynamic (catch it where you pull it and sit in your receive position for 2 seconds before standing it up)
Slow single skip / wrist turnover speed / long body positioning with relaxed shoulders
BAR WARM UP: 3 x 2 Pull/Muscle/Dynamic combo
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches (75lbs /55 lbs)
Rx2: Hang Power Snatch 65/45
Rx3: Hang Power Snatch 55/35
Mod: 15# bar or dowel and pull up bar touches for DU's (try to get mid fingers over the bar minimum, wrist is even better)
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
22 June 2016
RUN: 6 x 400m Time Trial (MAX Effort) 4 MINS rest btwn
REVIEW: Wall ball & burpee
WORK: 100 Wall balls for time
20/14 to 10/9
Every time you break (no stopping allowed at ALL)
drop and do 13 burpees
*credit to CF204
Rx2: 10 burpees
Rx3: Less height/weight and 10 burpees
The goal is to finish this workout sub 10 minutes (CAP at 15 mins) so modify appropriately
Hinshaw warm up
2 x 400 m MAX EFFORT run 4 mins rest btwn
WORK: With a partner complete 100 wall balls. Every time you switch off, you must complete 4 medball sit ups with your partner before starting the next set.
RUN: 6 x 400m Time Trial (MAX Effort) 4 MINS rest btwn
REVIEW: Wall ball & burpee
WORK: 100 Wall balls for time
20/14 to 10/9
Every time you break (no stopping allowed at ALL)
drop and do 13 burpees
*credit to CF204
Rx2: 10 burpees
Rx3: Less height/weight and 10 burpees
The goal is to finish this workout sub 10 minutes (CAP at 15 mins) so modify appropriately
Hinshaw warm up
2 x 400 m MAX EFFORT run 4 mins rest btwn
WORK: With a partner complete 100 wall balls. Every time you switch off, you must complete 4 medball sit ups with your partner before starting the next set.
21 June 2016
Warm Up:
Row 400-600 m @ 22-24 SPM
MOBILITY: Hips/t spine
SHOULDER PREP: Steve's Shoulder Prep Phase 1
Pull up mods
21-15-9 reps for time
Thrusters 95#/65#
Pull ups & #55 thrusters
Ring Rows and less weight than Rx
Gymnastics skill/strength: 3 sets max ring dips (mods are bar dips and box dips)
Row 400-600 m @ 22-24 SPM
MOBILITY: Hips/t spine
SHOULDER PREP: Steve's Shoulder Prep Phase 1
Pull up mods
21-15-9 reps for time
Thrusters 95#/65#
Pull ups & #55 thrusters
Ring Rows and less weight than Rx
Gymnastics skill/strength: 3 sets max ring dips (mods are bar dips and box dips)
Sunday, June 19, 2016
20 June 2016
Warm Up:
Hinshaw run prep
RUN: 4 x 200m 4 x 400m 1:30 rest btwn rounds
With a partner complete 10 rounds, alternate between partners:
2 min max metre row
If you do not hit 600m/500m (male/female) each row your partner will do 10 burpees during their rest period.
This workout is done continuously and the clock will be set to allow a 5 second transition between partners. You will need to get on and off the rower quickly!
Hinshaw warm up
RUN: 4 x 200 m 1:30 rest btwn
Partner row: Same as above, 7 burpee penalty instead of 10
Hinshaw run prep
RUN: 4 x 200m 4 x 400m 1:30 rest btwn rounds
With a partner complete 10 rounds, alternate between partners:
2 min max metre row
If you do not hit 600m/500m (male/female) each row your partner will do 10 burpees during their rest period.
This workout is done continuously and the clock will be set to allow a 5 second transition between partners. You will need to get on and off the rower quickly!
Hinshaw warm up
RUN: 4 x 200 m 1:30 rest btwn
Partner row: Same as above, 7 burpee penalty instead of 10
Thursday, June 16, 2016
17 June 2016
If you did not do baseline yesterday, you will do this today:
Warm Up: Athlete's choice, baseline prep
Shoulder prep/activation Phase 1 (only if you have NO shoulder pain)
Strength: 3 sets handstand bear crawl around and back off box
WORK: Baseline
500 m row
40 air squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups
For time
Rx2: jumping pull ups off a plate or floor (chin up grip ok)
Rx3: lowbar pull ups / thighs touching ground on push ups
Cash Out: Pick a gymnastics skill and work 3 sets of a progression
If you DID baseline yesterday you will do this today:
Warm Up:
High knees
walking lunge open to side angle
good mornings no load
rdl leg swings
pigeon & couch stretch
tspine mobilisation
Shoulder Prep Phase 1 (only if you have NO shoulder pain)
REVIEW: CLEAN & JERK (20 mins)
Warm Up: BAR 3 sets of pull/muscle/dynamic/jerk
Add weight (2x until at working weight) 2 x Pull/Power Clean/Jerk combo at each weight
30 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
Rx2: 115/75
Rx3 will not be timed
30 x 1 Hang clean & jerk any weight for quality not time
30 medball or dumbbell clean & jerks or press for time
Warm Up: Athlete's choice, baseline prep
Shoulder prep/activation Phase 1 (only if you have NO shoulder pain)
Strength: 3 sets handstand bear crawl around and back off box
WORK: Baseline
500 m row
40 air squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups
For time
Rx2: jumping pull ups off a plate or floor (chin up grip ok)
Rx3: lowbar pull ups / thighs touching ground on push ups
Cash Out: Pick a gymnastics skill and work 3 sets of a progression
If you DID baseline yesterday you will do this today:
Warm Up:
High knees
walking lunge open to side angle
good mornings no load
rdl leg swings
pigeon & couch stretch
tspine mobilisation
Shoulder Prep Phase 1 (only if you have NO shoulder pain)
REVIEW: CLEAN & JERK (20 mins)
Warm Up: BAR 3 sets of pull/muscle/dynamic/jerk
Add weight (2x until at working weight) 2 x Pull/Power Clean/Jerk combo at each weight
30 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
Rx2: 115/75
Rx3 will not be timed
30 x 1 Hang clean & jerk any weight for quality not time
30 medball or dumbbell clean & jerks or press for time
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
16 June 2016
Warm Up: Athlete's choice, baseline prep
Shoulder prep/activation Phase 1
Strength: 3 sets handstand bear crawl around and back off box
WORK: Baseline
500 m row
40 air squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups
Cash Out: Pick a gymnastics skill and work 3 sets of a progression
Shoulder prep/activation Phase 1
Strength: 3 sets handstand bear crawl around and back off box
WORK: Baseline
500 m row
40 air squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups
Cash Out: Pick a gymnastics skill and work 3 sets of a progression
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
15 June 2016
Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
wall slides
4 x 5 strict pull ups on smallest band you can perform all 5 reps without coming off the bar, last two reps should be tough
Warm up bench to working weight
2x AMRAP 6 mins:
For 2 cycles:
AMRAP in 6 mins of:
3 Bench Press, 70% 1RM
6 Toes-to-bars
9 Row Calories
Rest 3 mins between each cycle.
For each cycle restart the AMRAP.
Rx2: Toes to Rings
Rx3: Less weight, knees to chest
Upper body lift prep
wall slides
4 x 5 strict pull ups on smallest band you can perform all 5 reps without coming off the bar, last two reps should be tough
Warm up bench to working weight
2x AMRAP 6 mins:
For 2 cycles:
AMRAP in 6 mins of:
3 Bench Press, 70% 1RM
6 Toes-to-bars
9 Row Calories
Rest 3 mins between each cycle.
For each cycle restart the AMRAP.
Rx2: Toes to Rings
Rx3: Less weight, knees to chest
Monday, June 13, 2016
14 June 2016
RUN: 4 x 1000 m run, 3 min r
Review: Back Rack Thruster (aka Cheerleader)
Warm Up: with bar, 1 set, then add weight for 2 sets to get to your working weight
Row cals
Cheerleader (95/65)
Rx2: 85/55
Rx3: 75/45
MOD: any other weights
RUN: 4 x 1000 m run, 3 min r
Review: Back Rack Thruster (aka Cheerleader)
Warm Up: with bar, 1 set, then add weight for 2 sets to get to your working weight
Row cals
Cheerleader (95/65)
Rx2: 85/55
Rx3: 75/45
MOD: any other weights
Sunday, June 12, 2016
13 June 2016
Warm Up:
3 rnds , 1 length each dynamic movement or 10 reps static mvmts:
Bear crawl
crab walk
inch work
scap push up
wall slides
theraband internal rotation
theraband external rotation
Gymnasty day:
A) If you have your muscle up, one set max effort strict ring muscle ups, then 3 sets x 60% reps , rest as needed between sets
B) 4 x 3-5 strict weighted pull ups, try to increase weight each set. Fourth set is a drop set where you will do 3-5 reps at top weight, reduce weight 20% and do a max set at that weight to fail, then drop another 20% and do final set to fail. The only rest in this drop set is the changing of weight. Then immediately following do one set of 4-8 kipping pull ups
B1) If you do not have weighted pull ups but have pull ups, you will do a max set of strict pull ups and then 3 sets of 60% reps (same scheme as muscle ups) and on third set as soon as you are done, do one set of 4-8 kipping pull ups
C) 3 x 10 Elastic support pull ups with 1 sec pause on hips (only the first portion of video, we will not go up on rings)
If you do not have your pull ups yet, you will start with C and then move to cashout work (see below)
In this workout, we are going for perfect hollow rocks like in the video. If you cannot perform them as shown in the link for the rep scheme required, please scale with the appropriate scaling option.
4 rounds for time
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Sit Ups
Rx2: 10 Hollow Rocks
Rx3: 5 Hollow Rocks or 10 passive to active hollow hold
Cash Out: Tabata Rope Hang
Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
Lower body lift prep
Wall slides
Shoulder mobility
REVIEW: Bench Press
STRENGTH: BENCH PRESS 5 x 5 increase each set to get to 5RM weight for last set (review spotting technique)
5 Rounds
Dumbbell walking lunges (one length)
5 Medball Russian twists
(modification lower leg lifts with 2-5 lb dumbbell held between feet)
3 rnds , 1 length each dynamic movement or 10 reps static mvmts:
Bear crawl
crab walk
inch work
scap push up
wall slides
theraband internal rotation
theraband external rotation
Gymnasty day:
A) If you have your muscle up, one set max effort strict ring muscle ups, then 3 sets x 60% reps , rest as needed between sets
B) 4 x 3-5 strict weighted pull ups, try to increase weight each set. Fourth set is a drop set where you will do 3-5 reps at top weight, reduce weight 20% and do a max set at that weight to fail, then drop another 20% and do final set to fail. The only rest in this drop set is the changing of weight. Then immediately following do one set of 4-8 kipping pull ups
B1) If you do not have weighted pull ups but have pull ups, you will do a max set of strict pull ups and then 3 sets of 60% reps (same scheme as muscle ups) and on third set as soon as you are done, do one set of 4-8 kipping pull ups
C) 3 x 10 Elastic support pull ups with 1 sec pause on hips (only the first portion of video, we will not go up on rings)
If you do not have your pull ups yet, you will start with C and then move to cashout work (see below)
In this workout, we are going for perfect hollow rocks like in the video. If you cannot perform them as shown in the link for the rep scheme required, please scale with the appropriate scaling option.
4 rounds for time
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Sit Ups
Rx2: 10 Hollow Rocks
Rx3: 5 Hollow Rocks or 10 passive to active hollow hold
Cash Out: Tabata Rope Hang
Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
Lower body lift prep
Wall slides
Shoulder mobility
REVIEW: Bench Press
STRENGTH: BENCH PRESS 5 x 5 increase each set to get to 5RM weight for last set (review spotting technique)
5 Rounds
Dumbbell walking lunges (one length)
5 Medball Russian twists
(modification lower leg lifts with 2-5 lb dumbbell held between feet)
Thursday, June 9, 2016
7 June 2016
RUN: 6 x 400 1:30 r
20 DU
10/5 cal ROW
Rx+ : Unbroken DU
Rx2: Pull up bar touch for DU (jump up and touch the pull up bar) Aim for wrists at the bar and choose an appropriate bar height for your stature
CASH OUT: Accumulate 3 mins of hang time in as little time as possible
RUN: 6 x 400 1:30 r
20 DU
10/5 cal ROW
Rx+ : Unbroken DU
Rx2: Pull up bar touch for DU (jump up and touch the pull up bar) Aim for wrists at the bar and choose an appropriate bar height for your stature
CASH OUT: Accumulate 3 mins of hang time in as little time as possible
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
9 June 2016
Warm Up: Upper body lift prep
MOBILITY - focus on tspine and shoulders/wrists
Strength: Press 5 x 5 @ heaviest weight 3 mins rest
REVIEW: Sled push high and low handle/Plank position/Iron Cross position
With a partner or in a team
7 rounds for time of:
Sled Push High Handle, 145/125 lbs (2 x blue plates + sled/2 x Yellow plates + sled), 35 ft (one blvd length)
Sled Push Low Handle, 145/125 lbs, 35 ft
Plank Hold
Barbell Overhead Walk, 135/95 lbs, 35 ft
Front Rack Walking Lunge, 135/95 lbs, 35 ft
Iron Cross
Each partner in the group will complete their two lengths of sled work while the others hold plank. Then each partner will complete the overhead walk and front rack walking lunge while their team holds iron cross. Mark in comments if you were more than 2 ppl working together
Rx2: 35's/25's sled and 125/85 barbell
Rx3: 25's/15's sled and 115/75 barbell
MOD: Less weight
MOBILITY - focus on tspine and shoulders/wrists
Strength: Press 5 x 5 @ heaviest weight 3 mins rest
REVIEW: Sled push high and low handle/Plank position/Iron Cross position
With a partner or in a team
7 rounds for time of:
Sled Push High Handle, 145/125 lbs (2 x blue plates + sled/2 x Yellow plates + sled), 35 ft (one blvd length)
Sled Push Low Handle, 145/125 lbs, 35 ft
Plank Hold
Barbell Overhead Walk, 135/95 lbs, 35 ft
Front Rack Walking Lunge, 135/95 lbs, 35 ft
Iron Cross
Each partner in the group will complete their two lengths of sled work while the others hold plank. Then each partner will complete the overhead walk and front rack walking lunge while their team holds iron cross. Mark in comments if you were more than 2 ppl working together
Rx2: 35's/25's sled and 125/85 barbell
Rx3: 25's/15's sled and 115/75 barbell
MOD: Less weight
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
8 June 2016
Warm Up: (10 mins MAX)
10's of good mornings (no load)
leg swings (forward / backward and side to sides)
walking lunges open to side angle
one length bear crawl
one length each (from hinshaw warm up):
straight leg march
tippy toe walk/heel walk/toes in/toes out/inside foot/outside foot
knees up with arms pumping
Review: ( 15 MINS)
Hang clean
Bar warm up: pull/muscle/dynamic/jerk (5 mins)
add in btwn weight for warm up
26 Minute AMRAP Teams of 2
Partner A runs one 400M Sprint
Partner B does AMRAP Hang Power Cleans + Jerks (135, 95) until A gets back.
Switch and repeat.
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Back squats from floor until A returns.
Switch and repeat.
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Double Unders
Switch and repeat. 10 Double Unders= 1 pt, round down.
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Burpees
Switch and repeat.
5 burpees= 1 pt
If above is completed in less than 26 minutes, start over and continue until 26 minute cap
Rx2: 115/85
Rx3: 95/75
MOD: DU attempts and Dumbbell hang clean & press
10's of good mornings (no load)
leg swings (forward / backward and side to sides)
walking lunges open to side angle
one length bear crawl
one length each (from hinshaw warm up):
straight leg march
tippy toe walk/heel walk/toes in/toes out/inside foot/outside foot
knees up with arms pumping
Review: ( 15 MINS)
Hang clean
Bar warm up: pull/muscle/dynamic/jerk (5 mins)
add in btwn weight for warm up
26 Minute AMRAP Teams of 2
Partner A runs one 400M Sprint
Partner B does AMRAP Hang Power Cleans + Jerks (135, 95) until A gets back.
Switch and repeat.
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Back squats from floor until A returns.
Switch and repeat.
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Double Unders
Switch and repeat. 10 Double Unders= 1 pt, round down.
Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Burpees
Switch and repeat.
5 burpees= 1 pt
If above is completed in less than 26 minutes, start over and continue until 26 minute cap
Rx2: 115/85
Rx3: 95/75
MOD: DU attempts and Dumbbell hang clean & press
Sunday, June 5, 2016
6 June 2016
Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep
Front squat skill transfers with bar (5's each)
~group will do each exercise together so coach can review points of performance and purpose behind each exercise:
Arms out squat
Regular front squat
1 1/4 bounce
3 sec pause
Bottoms up
Strength: 4 x 4 Front Squat @ heaviest with 2 mins rest btwn
Review: Medball slam
Key P.O.P: set up/neutral spine all the way through/ride the ball down into half squat position
Review: Sledgehammer strike
Key on full range of motion in the swing and hip transference (keeping arm closest to the head of the hammer long through the bottom portion of the swing, over the shoulder, then slide the hand down on the finish, no half/short swings)
10 RFT;
7 Medball slams (1:31 mark on video)
12 Sledgehammer strikes (alternating)
Rx: 20#
Rx2: 14#
Rx3: 10#
Strength: Skill transfer exercises with bar
Really focus on all the points of performance/breathing/keeping body tight through whole mvmt
REVIEW: Medball clean & sledgehammer (see above P.O.P)
Set up (like a deadlift) - pull (long body) - shoulder shrug - front squat
7 Medball cleans
10 Sledghammer slams
Lower body lift prep
Front squat skill transfers with bar (5's each)
~group will do each exercise together so coach can review points of performance and purpose behind each exercise:
Arms out squat
Regular front squat
1 1/4 bounce
3 sec pause
Bottoms up
Strength: 4 x 4 Front Squat @ heaviest with 2 mins rest btwn
Review: Medball slam
Key P.O.P: set up/neutral spine all the way through/ride the ball down into half squat position
Review: Sledgehammer strike
Key on full range of motion in the swing and hip transference (keeping arm closest to the head of the hammer long through the bottom portion of the swing, over the shoulder, then slide the hand down on the finish, no half/short swings)
10 RFT;
7 Medball slams (1:31 mark on video)
12 Sledgehammer strikes (alternating)
Rx: 20#
Rx2: 14#
Rx3: 10#
Strength: Skill transfer exercises with bar
Really focus on all the points of performance/breathing/keeping body tight through whole mvmt
REVIEW: Medball clean & sledgehammer (see above P.O.P)
Set up (like a deadlift) - pull (long body) - shoulder shrug - front squat
7 Medball cleans
10 Sledghammer slams
Thursday, June 2, 2016
3 June 2016
Warm Up:
Bear crawl
Scap push ups
Scap pull ups
Theraband shoulder activation
Skill work:
8 x 3 2nd pull MU development drill (1:48 mark)
Review: clapping push up
10 Rnds
3 Pull Ups
3-5 Hspu (5 is rx+)
30 sec rest
After 10 rounds are complete rest 5 mins and move onto B
Rx2: 5 Pull Ups
Rx3: 5 Jumping pull ups off floor or plate/clapping push up
MOD: Ring Rows/low bar push up
Rest 5 MINS
10 Rnds
6 Burpees
6 alternating pistols
10 shoulder shrugs off dip bars
Rx2: box pistols
Rx3: assisted pistols other (pole assist/band assist/ring assist)
Hollow body hold on rings
Hollow body hold then retract shoulders
Hollow body/retract shoulders/pull
Controlled descent
Strength: Ring Rows
5 sets of 5 quality reps
REVIEW: Farmer carry/landmine thruster
Landmine Thrusters
KB/DB Farmer carry t & b
Bear crawl
Scap push ups
Scap pull ups
Theraband shoulder activation
Skill work:
8 x 3 2nd pull MU development drill (1:48 mark)
Review: clapping push up
10 Rnds
3 Pull Ups
3-5 Hspu (5 is rx+)
30 sec rest
After 10 rounds are complete rest 5 mins and move onto B
Rx2: 5 Pull Ups
Rx3: 5 Jumping pull ups off floor or plate/clapping push up
MOD: Ring Rows/low bar push up
Rest 5 MINS
10 Rnds
6 Burpees
6 alternating pistols
10 shoulder shrugs off dip bars
Rx2: box pistols
Rx3: assisted pistols other (pole assist/band assist/ring assist)
Hollow body hold on rings
Hollow body hold then retract shoulders
Hollow body/retract shoulders/pull
Controlled descent
Strength: Ring Rows
5 sets of 5 quality reps
REVIEW: Farmer carry/landmine thruster
Landmine Thrusters
KB/DB Farmer carry t & b
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
2 June 2016
Warm up: (15 mins)
Lower body lift prep
single leg romanian deadlifts with kb
couch stretch
iron cross
banded hip openers
no load good mornings
Review: Deadlifts with dowels (10 mins)
Warm up deadlifts with weight (15 mins)
WORK: Compare to 5 Feb 2015
3 min max cal row
2 mins max reps Deadlift (225/155)
1 mins max reps DU
Score is total reps, each cal equals one rep
Rx2: Deadlifts 185/125
MOD: Less weight and DU Attempts
Lower body lift prep
single leg romanian deadlifts with kb
couch stretch
iron cross
banded hip openers
no load good mornings
Review: Deadlifts with dowels (10 mins)
Warm up deadlifts with weight (15 mins)
WORK: Compare to 5 Feb 2015
3 min max cal row
2 mins max reps Deadlift (225/155)
1 mins max reps DU
Score is total reps, each cal equals one rep
Rx2: Deadlifts 185/125
MOD: Less weight and DU Attempts
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