Sunday, June 12, 2016

13 June 2016

Warm Up:
3 rnds , 1 length each dynamic movement or 10 reps static mvmts:
Bear crawl
crab walk
inch work
scap push up
wall slides
theraband internal rotation
theraband external rotation

Gymnasty day:

A)  If you have your muscle up, one set max effort strict ring muscle ups, then 3 sets x 60% reps , rest as needed between sets

B)  4 x 3-5 strict weighted pull ups, try to increase weight each set.  Fourth set is a drop set where you will do 3-5 reps at top weight, reduce weight 20% and do a max set at that weight to fail, then drop another 20% and do final set to fail.  The only rest in this drop set is the changing of weight. Then immediately following do one set of 4-8 kipping pull ups
B1) If you do not have weighted pull ups but have pull ups, you will do a max set of strict pull ups and then 3 sets of 60% reps (same scheme as muscle ups) and on third set as soon as you are done, do one set of 4-8 kipping pull ups

C) 3 x 10 Elastic support pull ups with 1 sec pause on hips (only the first portion of video, we will not go up on rings)

If you do not have your pull ups yet, you will start with C and then move to cashout work (see below)


In this workout, we are going for perfect hollow rocks like in the video.  If you cannot perform them as shown in the link for the rep scheme required, please scale with the appropriate scaling option.

4 rounds for time
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Sit Ups

Rx2:  10 Hollow Rocks
Rx3:  5 Hollow Rocks or 10 passive to active hollow hold

Cash Out:  Tabata Rope Hang


Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
Lower body lift prep
Wall slides
Shoulder mobility

REVIEW:  Bench Press

STRENGTH:  BENCH PRESS 5 x 5 increase each set to get to 5RM weight for last set (review spotting technique)

5 Rounds
Dumbbell walking lunges (one length)
5 Medball Russian twists
(modification lower leg lifts with 2-5 lb dumbbell held between feet)

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