Wednesday, January 28, 2015

29 Jan 2015

Warm up:
3 rounds
1 length walking lunge open into side angle
1 length high knee skip
1 length bearcrawl
1 length crabwalk
5 bottoms up press per side
10 scap pushups
3 mins accumulated hollow body hold

Push press 4 x 5 @60/65/70/70
Press 4 x 5 @ 60/70/75/80

5 rounds
10 deadlifts (115/195)
5 V ups



3 mins accumulated hang time
3 mins accumulated hollow body hold
3 mins accumulated superman hold
3 mins accumulated front plank

Skill work:  Pistols
work progressions off box/bands between posts

5 rounds:
1 rope climb (or modification)
10 double unders



Same warm up

Same strength work as silvers

2000 m row for time then 3 min rest and complete:
2 rounds
14 kb deadlifts
14 medball cleans
14 wallballs

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

28 Jan 2015

Warm up:
10- 12 laps run
3 x 3 per side bottoms up press
3 sets single wall walk focus on perfect form
scap pullups and pushups
accumulate 2 mins of hollow body hold and 2 mins of superman hold

5 Min Amrap
5 pull ups (rx2 ring rows)
10 kb swings (russian) 35/55 ( rx2 same weight/mod less weight)
20 DU (rx2 du/ mod attempts)

rest 3 mins

Row 4 x 200 m
4 x 400m
rest 1: 30 btwn rows

Rest 3 mins

40 wallballs for time 14/20 to 9/10

Monday, January 26, 2015

27 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
3 rounds:
5 laps
10 kb swing any style
10 goblet squats
10 walking lunge

Mobility work - squats

Back Squat 4 x 5 @ 60/65/70/70%
Front Squat 4 x 5 @ 60//70/75/80%

Warm up OHS

2 OHS (off racks) @75-80%
12 DU

Rx2:  If your OHS position is good but lighter weight is required/DU's

Coach will clear you for OHS based on your warm up.  If your position is not good today, you will do either just a bar or replace the 2 OHS with 6 OH Walking Lunge at the heaviest weight you can manage well (up to 45#)

If your oh positioning is good but the DU's are your poison, replace DU's with high parallette hopovers.



Same warm up

2 sets of 10 box dips
3 mins accumulated front plank in perfect hollow body
3 mins accumulated hang time
1 min accumulated parallette L sit
3 mins accumulated hollow body hold
3 mins accumulated superman hold

8 x 300 m row  1 min rest between rounds

after your last row, rest 1 minutes and complete:
50 sit ups for time



Strength:  5 x 5 Strict Press

Skill:  Hollow body hold to superman to hollow body


6 Overhead walking lunges
10 DU/DU attempts? or x3 singles

Thursday, January 22, 2015

23 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
Run 10 laps
Shoulder mobility and stability
Scap push ups and pull ups
Bottoms up KB press - Pick a weight and rep scheme to warm up the shoulder
Turkish Get Ups - same as presses, go for quality of movement, not weight

Warm Up with bar:  Pull / Muscle/ Dynamic x2
Pull/Dynamic/Dynamic/Jerk  2 x 2

Add weight and do reps of power clean & jerk to warm up to your wod weight

WOD:  "Grace" Compare to Aug 8

30 Clean & Jerks for time (95/135)

From hang, 30 x 1 clean and jerks for quality (this wod is not timed)

30 Medball clean and jerk or press for time (work the movement)

Cool Down:  Banded shoulder & Hip distraction
Lacrosse ball rollout - lats
Cobra to down dog

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

22 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
3 rounds
5 laps
Row 250 m
Hollow body/superman x 3

Ankle mobility

4 mins accumulated hang time
Pistol squats 3 sets 5 per leg

If you do not have pistols, work these progressions:
1 set 5 per leg single leg squats off a box, only go as deep as you can maintain neutral spine and stability in the bottom to drive up

1 set 5 per leg counter-balanced pistol
Use a plate or kb held in front of you to assist, can also use a box to stabilize the bottom position

1 set 5 per leg banded pistol with partner assistance - set up band on rig
Using the smallest band possible on the rig, have your partner stand in front of you holding another band that you can grab onto to assist in the drive up out of the bottom.

Ring Dips:
3 x 3 Negatives
If you do not have ring stability, do 2 sets of 10 tricep box dips

4 x 1000 m row 3 min rest btwn rounds


Same as regular class



Gymnastics Skill:  3 mins accumulated hang time

Strength:  3 x 5 Deadlifts

4 x 1000 m row 3 min rest btwn rounds

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

21 Jan 2015

Warm Up: 1 T & B
Walking lunge open up into side angle pose (cross between side angle pose in yoga and a walking lunge, see link for arm position but maintain regular lunge position and more upright torso)
High knee skips
Butt Kicks
10 per leg Curtsy Lunge

3 sets for quality wall walks 2-3
take sufficient rest between attempts

Warm up push presses

3 sets of
Push Press (85-90%) 6-8 reps
Rest 1 minute
Side Plank 30-45 secs each side
Rest 1 minute
Single leg hip bridge (tempo:  Hold 2 seconds at top, lowering down back to start position take 3 seconds)
Rest 1 minute

21 Burpees
15 Thrusters (65/95)
9 Pull Ups
800m row
9 Pull ups
15 Thrusters
21 Burpees

Rx+:  Burpee over a high parallette

Rx2:  Same weight
Inverted Rows or Low bar pull up or Ring Rows

Mod:  Less weight

Monday, January 19, 2015

20 Jan 2015

Warm Up
10 laps around the gym

Squat therapy
*During pole squat, replace 10 reps with accumulated 1 min hold in bottom position, keep feet 6"apart or less and spend some time in the bottom working out those tight calves and ankles, so move around a bit.  Note knee position and keeping weight mid foot.

Back Squat:
1 x 5 @ 60%
1 x 3 @70%
1 x 2 @ 80%
1 x 2 @ 90%
1 x 1 @ 95%
1 x 1 @ 103%
**This is not a 1RM attempt, once you hit 103% you shut it down, no exceptions.

Front squat:
4 x 5 @ 60/70/75/75%

Borrowed from CFW FrostFit 2015
5 Shoulder to overhead (95/135)
5 Box jumps (24"/30")

Same height boxes

less weight than Rx2 or lower box



Warm Up:  same as above

Strength:  3 x 3 per side Turkish Get Ups, pause at each transition point

Gymnastics Strength:  4 MINs accumulated hang time, switch up grip and apparatus after every time you com down from the hang.

WOD:  10 Rounds
1 t & b shuttle sprint
7 Russian KB Swings
9 Low box jumps (for speed)

CASH OUT:  Tabata Row


5 x 5

SKILL:  Turkish Get Ups

5 Shoulder to Overhead
5 Box Jumps (or step ups)
3 Burpees

Sunday, January 18, 2015

19 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
Athlete's choice
Prep for rowing and sprints

6 x 400 m Row 1:30 rest btwn rounds

Death by Shuttles
EMOM plus one shuttle run there and back, long way (wood wall to redline)
Score is last COMPLETED round, no partials

Thursday, January 15, 2015

16 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
Tabata Line hopovers (alternate lateral one round, forward/backward the next)

1 x 10 per side DB rear delt row
2 x 10 Rear Lateral Raise (use 2 1/2 or 5 plates)
10's of T's/Y's/I's

Banded shoulder/rotator stability exercises
Wall slides

10 RFT
12 Burpees
12 Pull Ups

12 Burpees
6 Pull Ups

12 Burpees
6 Pull Up modifications that are currently used, athlete's choice (note mod in comments)

Your coach will decide which stream of programming you will do today, so please notify them at the beginning of class if you have any issues going on.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

15 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
10 laps around the gym
Shoulder mobility & Stability
10 per side Bird Dogs
3 x 1 per side Turkish Get Ups
5 sets Hollow body to superman to hollow body

Bench Press
5 x 3RM

WOD:  21-15-9
Plate carry sprints 35/45
Medball cleans 14/20

Plate carry will be lengths (red line to wood wall)
You may carry the plate however you like

Same warm up

Tabata Plank hold
Tabata Hollow body hold

WOD:   Same as regular class

ROW: 6 x 400 m row/1:30 rest btwn rounds


Max wall sit
10 x 1 Negative pull ups
3 x 10 Ring Rows


WOD:  Same as regular class

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

14 January 2015

Warm up:
Rnd 1: Non dominant hand throw
Rnd 2: bear  crawl
Rnd 3: crabwalk

Red: burpees
Yellow: star jumps
Green: tuck jumps

Push Press 4 x 5 @ 60/65/70/75
Press 4 x5 @ 60/65/70/70

WOD: 10 Min EMOM
1 Thruster 95/135
3 burpees jump and touch pull up bar
1 t & b shuttle run

Rx2: 75/105 thruster

Mod: any other weight

If you cannot get all of the work done in the allotted time, you will start fresh each minute and accumulate a 10 burpee penalty for each round not completed, to be done at the end of the class.

Pick a weight that will challenge you, the reps are low so that the weight can be heavier. Discuss with your coach if you are unsure.

Monday, January 12, 2015

13 Jan 15

Warm up:
1 lap around the gym
1 length bear crawl
1 length crabwalk forward
1 length crabwalk backwards
1 length seal walk
1 length inchworm to plank, not full push up

Strength:   To be done together as a group
1 set max hollow body hold
1 set max L sit hold (hanging)
1 set max plank hold (forearm)
1 set max handstand hold (mod is full pike off box)

5 x 1 SLOW AS YOU CAN GO negative pull ups

2 x 400 m row
2 x 1000 m row
2 min rests btwn rounds
Score includes rest


ANNIE Compare to Oct 6

Double Unders
Sit Ups

Rx2:  DU Attempts
Mod:  Parallette Hopovers

Same warm up
same strength work
same row

2 rounds, each station max reps in one minute and rotate
1) Low box step ups/step downs (SPEED)
2) Parallette hopovers
3) Red line to red line short shuttles, each width equals 1 rep, must touch red lines to start and finish
4) Skipping (singles)
5) Sit Ups


5 x 5 Back Squats

Gymnastics Strength:  Same as regular class

WOD:  ANNIE with singles

Sunday, January 11, 2015

12 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
Squat therapy
hip mobility
shoulder mobility

Back Squat: 4 x 5 @ 60/65/70/75%
Front Squat: 4 x 5 @ 60/65/70/70%

4 Rounds for time:
30 KB Swings (35/55)
15 Wall ball (14/20) to 9/10

Thursday, January 8, 2015

9 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
10 laps

Skill Work:
2 MINS Hang time in as short a time as possible

3 sets max hollow body hold
3 sets max superman hold
1 set max effort plank

6 x 400 m Row
1:30 rest btwn rounds

Cash out:
Tabata DU's

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

8 Jan 2015

Warm Up & Mobility:
Athlete's choice- include shoulder work

Push Press
4 x 5 @ 60% 65% 70% 75%
4 x 5 @ 60% 65% 70% 70%

In 6 MINS complete:
3 rounds of 6 thrusters 65/95 and 6 CTB pull ups
In remainder of time max reps toes to bar

** Competitors for FrostFit this weekend **
Switch toes to bar to max reps hollow rocks (don't shred the hands)

Cash Out:
Tabata wall balls #10/#14 to 9/10'

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

7 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
10's of 
Jumping Jacks
Jumping Squats
RDL Leg swings 

Squat therapy:
Focus on bracing sequence during movements; shoulders, stomach, butt, feet
Keep everything nice and tight

3 MINS Accumulated Hang time 

Back Squats:
4 x 5 @ 60% 65% 70% 75%
Front Squats
4 x 5 @ 60% 65% 70% 70%

3 x 800 m  ROW
5 min rest btwn rounds

Hanging/Squats/Row can be done in whichever order the athlete prefers in order to share the rowers.

Monday, January 5, 2015

6 Jan 2015

Warm up:
Row 300-500 m at warm up pace

3 x 3 per side bottoms up kb press
3 x 1 per side TGU- pause at each movement junction
10 scap push ups
10 scap pull ups
10 scorpion
10 iron cross
10 cobra to down dog
Couch stretch
10 dumbbell push press

Death by Bear Complex (65/95)/Shuttle Runs
On alternating EMOM you will complete plus one rep of bear complex or t & b shuttle runs.

Eg: Round 1: 1 bear complex
Round 2: 1 t & b shuttle run
Round 3: 2 bear complex
Round 4: 2 t & b shuttle run
And so on until you cannot complete the prescribed amount of work in the one minute time allotment

Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3 incr weight

Death by shuttle runs
EMOM complete plus 1 there and back shuttle run

Sunday, January 4, 2015

5 January 2015

6 laps jog around the gym

Partner Warm Up:
Leap frog 2 lengths
Wheelbarrow one length each
Partner carry 2 lengths each
Lower leg lifts - One partner stands while the other lies on the floor with head btwn partners feet, grabbing their ankles.  Floor partner brings legs up high and standing partner throws legs side to side or straight down in random movements.  20 reps and switch.  Partner on the floor will try to avoid their feet touching the floor just like they would do in regular leg lift
Medball chest throws (20 total)

10 sets of parallette L sits hold 15 seconds each and rest as needed
50 Russian Twists (10#/15#)
50 Hollow Rocks - Focus on long hollow body position, the movement should be small with minimal hip flexion during the movement (don't start as a C and end up as a V)

PULL UP:  If you don't have a set of five strict pull ups, you will work this stream
1 x 10 Negatives
2 x 5 Half pull ups (start at top of bar)
10 x 1 Partner assisted pull ups:  partner up, one person goes as far as they can in the pull up and their partner will put fingers under the toes to assist their partner to get over the bar.  Alternate reps with your partner so that you get enough rest btwn sets

CHEST TO BAR PULL UPS:  If you have your five strict pull ups but do not have your chest to bar, you will work this stream
3 sets max flexed arm hang, bar at chest position
3 x 5 Ring Rows, as parallel to the ground as you can be, pull rings all the way to the chest, no hip drive
5 x 3 inverted body rows, pull chest to bar.  Chest must touch bar so set up at whatever angle you need to to make this happen. You are going for quality.

RINGS:  If you have your chest to bar, but do not have five unbroken ring dips, you will work this stream
1 x 10 bench/box dips
5 x 3 negatives with banded support
10 x 1 high box dips (like a russian dip but no transition, start in the bottom)
If you need assistance, have a partner use fingers under your feet to help get you up

Muscle Up:  If you have 5/8 strict ring dips, you will work Muscle ups
3 x 5 Ring pulls to chest
3 x 5 Ring dips
3 x 3 seated banded transition and press
3 x 3 Russian dips

50 burpees for time

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2 Jan 2015

Warm Up:
tabata line hopovers
Shoulder prehab and stability

Push Press:
1 x 5 @65%
3 x 5 @ 75%

4 x 5 @ 65%

21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Kettlebell Swing, 53/35 lbs
Goblet Squat, 53/35 lbs

Rx2:  Same weight but Russian Swings
Mod:  Less weight