Sunday, January 4, 2015

5 January 2015

6 laps jog around the gym

Partner Warm Up:
Leap frog 2 lengths
Wheelbarrow one length each
Partner carry 2 lengths each
Lower leg lifts - One partner stands while the other lies on the floor with head btwn partners feet, grabbing their ankles.  Floor partner brings legs up high and standing partner throws legs side to side or straight down in random movements.  20 reps and switch.  Partner on the floor will try to avoid their feet touching the floor just like they would do in regular leg lift
Medball chest throws (20 total)

10 sets of parallette L sits hold 15 seconds each and rest as needed
50 Russian Twists (10#/15#)
50 Hollow Rocks - Focus on long hollow body position, the movement should be small with minimal hip flexion during the movement (don't start as a C and end up as a V)

PULL UP:  If you don't have a set of five strict pull ups, you will work this stream
1 x 10 Negatives
2 x 5 Half pull ups (start at top of bar)
10 x 1 Partner assisted pull ups:  partner up, one person goes as far as they can in the pull up and their partner will put fingers under the toes to assist their partner to get over the bar.  Alternate reps with your partner so that you get enough rest btwn sets

CHEST TO BAR PULL UPS:  If you have your five strict pull ups but do not have your chest to bar, you will work this stream
3 sets max flexed arm hang, bar at chest position
3 x 5 Ring Rows, as parallel to the ground as you can be, pull rings all the way to the chest, no hip drive
5 x 3 inverted body rows, pull chest to bar.  Chest must touch bar so set up at whatever angle you need to to make this happen. You are going for quality.

RINGS:  If you have your chest to bar, but do not have five unbroken ring dips, you will work this stream
1 x 10 bench/box dips
5 x 3 negatives with banded support
10 x 1 high box dips (like a russian dip but no transition, start in the bottom)
If you need assistance, have a partner use fingers under your feet to help get you up

Muscle Up:  If you have 5/8 strict ring dips, you will work Muscle ups
3 x 5 Ring pulls to chest
3 x 5 Ring dips
3 x 3 seated banded transition and press
3 x 3 Russian dips

50 burpees for time

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