Warm Up:
Run 400 m
Shoulder Activation
Mobility: spend 5 minutes working a position that isn't one of your best (bottom of squat/overhead press out/bottom of overhead squat etc)
Gymnastics Skill/Strength work:
Pick one of the following streams
Pull Up:
3 sets 8-12 banded strict pull ups
3 x 3 negative pull ups
1 set max flex arm hang
Accumulate 4 minutes hang time
Muscle Ups:
3 x 5 seated banded muscle up transition
Use smallest band possible
3 x 5 False grip chest to Ring pulls (high rings) Try to maintain hollow body planche position
3 x 3 Russian dips
Kip practice - 3 sets of kip swing practice maintaining hollow body hold, feet together, toes pointed
WORK: <5 mins
100 situps for time (abmat may be used)
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