Lower body lift prep and either squat therapy or front squat skill transfers
MOBILITY: Roll out and static stretch
REVIEW: with dowels, Front or Back squat
3 @ 60%
3 @ 70%
3 @ 75%
3 @ 85% *NOTE* there is no money maker set this cycle 1:30 rest btwn sets
LAT: 35 REPS , 30 sec rest, Rep effort 6-8 reps
Warm Up: all ankle and achilles exercises from Hinshaw warm up
You will choose a partner and your partner will count your reps and vice versa (one at a time) for both A and B
A) 100 DU for time
B) 100 Sit Ups for time
A) 500 singles
B) 50 Sit Ups or three sets max hollow body hold
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