Thursday, April 28, 2016

29 April 2016

Warm Up:
Mobility 5 mins

Hinshaw warm up (all together) 15 mins

Work on arm position and try the band technique (around 2 min mark)
be mindful of listening to the rope


AMRAP 9 mins

Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 mins of:
10 Row Calories
20 Double Unders (Unbroken)s
10 Shuttle Runs, 25 ft

Rx2:  Double Unders (broken)
Rx3:  DU Attempts

OPEN GYM:  30 MINS to work mobility OR a gymnastics skill

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

28 April 2016

Warm Up:
Mobility - 10 MINUTES
Dynamics:  1 t & b each  (10 MINS)
High knees
butt kick
knees straight up and out (hurdles)
knees up outside and bring in (hurdles opposite way)

REVIEW:  Clean & Jerk  (30 MINS)


Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

Rx2:  125/85
Rx3:  any other weights, modified TTB

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

27 April 2016

Warm Up: (25 mins total)
Mobility: 5 mins Focus on hips and calf/achilles/ankle

Hinshaw (15 mins)
Inchworm x 5

Review: (8-10 MINS)  KB swings & Burpee (bottom position/hand placement)

WORK:  20-25 mins

With a partner, you will each complete equal reps (11/11) of each mvmt broken down however you choose:

22 KB Swings (55/35)
22 Box Jumps (24/20)
400 m run (together, holding hands is optional ;)
22 Burpees
22 Wall balls (20/14 to 10/9)

Rx2:  any mods

Silvers:  Same workout with 3 rounds
Modify any mvmts as necessary

Monday, April 25, 2016

26 April 2016

Warm Up:  HINSHAW  (15 mins)

RUN:  6 x 400m Run 2 min rest (18-22 mins)

Sets of 10: (10 mins)
Scap pull up (active / passive hang)
Banded lat pulldowns (sling band over pull up bar, squat below, focus on lat activation and pull band down)
Banded face pulls

Review:  Pull ups and mods
Focus on hollow body position, lat activation, squeezing core throughout movement

Row:  focus on SPM & pacing/upright torso & neutral spine/knees slightly corkscrewed out/drive from heel with strong pull

WORK: (5-8 mins)
Row cals
Pull Up

Rx2:  Inverted rows
Rx3:  Ring Rows

Sunday, April 24, 2016

25 April 2016

Warm Up: 10 mins
3 sets Superfriend tspine opener
10 Bow and arrow (per side)
10 Wall slides (focus on torso position on wall, set spine to neutral through whole mvmt)
10 dowel shoulder pass thrus
2 lengths Overhead dowel duck walk
10 per side bottoms up kb press (half kneeling)

Front Squat  - focus on start position and knees, tight core through descent and drive up, high elbows, chest up
Press (put the two together for Thruster)  Neutral spine, active shoulders with lat engagement, lockout
Push Jerk - focus on upright torso during dip, neutral spine, corkscrew knees, receive position with butt back (no knees forward!), finish position lockout
Overhead Squat - Focus on lat engagement & active shoulders, chest up, armpits out
Sumo Deadlift High Pull Focus on close bar path, explosive hip drive

AIRFORCE  Compare to Dec. 17, 2014
For time: *NOTE:  this workout starts with burpees*

20 Thrusters
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats

Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees. There is a 20 min cap.

Rx2:  75/55
Rx3:  Less weight

Skill work:  Squat position & Mobility


Same format as above, at the top of every minute and to start, athlete does 2 burpees
Coach will determine load

20 MEDBALL Cleans
20 Sumo stance Deadlift
20 Push Press
20 Back box Squats
20 Front box Squats

Thursday, April 21, 2016

22 April 2016


Warm Up:
Row 6 minutes alternating btwn 24 and 28 spm every minute

Reverse tabata:  Hollow body holds 10 sec hold 20 sec rest
Think banana and not v or c shape, point toes

3 x 1 wall walks:  hollow body, legs together, toes pointed  CONTROLLED

Ankle flexion walk, inside and outside

Calf stretch (runner's stretch)

Calf raises 2 x 10

Spell the alphabet with each foot

REVIEW: (10 mins)
Rope Climb techniques:  leg wrap or side straddle (J style)


Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
8 Handstand push-ups
8 Box jump, 30/24 inch box
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent

Rx2: Push Ups
Rx3: Any other mods, can include:
lowbar or box push ups/negatives
lower box jumps
hand over hand sled pull

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

21 April 2016

Warm Up:
Hinshaw warm up (run prep) 15 mins
Upper body lift prep (5 mins)

Review:  With Dowels  (15 mins)
Press/Push Press/Push Jerk
~set up  ~neutral spine  ~corkscrew knees ~chest up for dip drive  ~receive and lockout position
Review safe positions for getting barbell off the floor (deadlift stance)

Warm up with bar and add weight ( 3 sets) 5 mins

WORK:  20 min CAP
5 rounds of AMRAP S2OH (from floor)
Every time you put down the bar, run 400 m
Score is reps
Rx: 135/95
Rx2: 115/75
Rx3:  95/65
MOD:  any other weights

Note completed time in comments.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

20 April 2016

This class is packed so be ready to go on time!

Warm Up:
Hinshaw Run prep (15 mins)

RUN:  3 x 1000 m Run 3 min rest  (18-22 MINS)

Review:  Cluster - Set up/Pull/Squat position/Press (10< MINS)
For those that are not proficient in cleans, they will start each rep from the hang and not the floor

Wall ball - squat position in bottom, finish position at top


13 MIN AMRAP with a partner

+1 Cluster 95/65
+1 Wall ball 20/14 to 10/9

On 3,2,1 go workout will start with one partner completing one squat clean thruster (cluster) and one partner completing a wall ball.  Each round, they will add one more rep of each and alternate movement.  So second round 2 clusters/2 wallballs and so on.  Wall balls after rnd 1 will be done partner style side by side so one partner will squat and throw to target, other partner will catch ball, squat and throw to target etc.

Rx2:  75/55
Rx3:  Dumbbells

Monday, April 18, 2016

19 April 2016

Warm Up:  With a partner, alternating reps, complete total number as a pair
3 rnds
10 inchworm
1 length each crabwalk
1 length each bear crawl

then 3 rounds of plank wars (alternate arms that battle each round)
Two partners face each other holding the plank position. To start they reach out and clap their right hands, then left, then right again and begin. The object is to force your opponent to touch the ground with any body part other than their feet or hands. Players will grasp hands or forearms to try to jostle their player out of plank.  Once someone touches the ground, start over with the opposite hands.

REVIEW:  Hand position and body position (mimics plank) for HSPU and Push Ups and mods/Kettlebell Swings

2 Muscle-Ups
4 Handstand Push-Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings (70#/53#)

Score=Number of Rounds + reps

2 Russian Dips
8 KB Swings 70/55

2 inverted rows with one dip (bar/ring/box)
4 Push ups
8 KB swings 55/35

MODS:  can include any of the following
ring rows
box dips
negative push ups
low bar push ups
any weight kb swings

Cash Out:  1 MIN Max reps battle ropes

Sunday, April 17, 2016

18 April 2016

Warm  up:  Mobility:  Focus on achilles/calf/ankle (5 mins)

Henshaw Warm Up: 15 mins  One length each movement, follow along with video

RUN:  4 x 400 m RUN 2 min rest btwn (12-16 mins)

Cash Out:  Partner row

Same warm up

RUN:  4 x 200 m Run 1:00 rest btwn runs

WORK:  Tabata Mash Up  (10 Mins)
Alternating double tabata
EVEN:  KB swings
ODD:  KB goblet squats

Friday, April 15, 2016

Survey recap and programming notes

Happy Friday!  I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to fill in the online survey.  I could see that a lot of thought and time was put into most of the responses and sincerely thank you all for your honesty.

The purpose of the survey was two-fold:  1)  We wanted to get honest feedback from members on how they are feeling overall with all things gym related, and 2)  we wanted to gauge potential reactions/interest in some things we have planned going forward.

Overall, the responses were much as we expected.  There were some surprising tidbits (people hate air fresheners!  who knew?)  but mostly the responses we received were kind of expected.  While the overwhelming majority of answers were positive, it was the negative ones/ suggestions that we were most interested in.  We are constantly striving to be better and at the same time focus on things that are important to our members or bring value into their memberships and their life.

For instance, the constant struggle in the gym is facilities upgrades vs equipment.  What should the priority be?  At the end of the day, what brings more value to our members and makes them feel satisfied when they are here?  These questions are important so that we know where to focus our efforts.  Unfortunately almost half the respondents skipped this question, so we're still at square one lol.  But what I'm trying to say is each question was intentional and gives us valuable insight even though it may not have seemed like it.

The most important question in our minds was #3; is this is a safe and judgement free zone?  This has always been the most important to us at ShopGym.  We have worked extremely hard to make this space a special environment and  we fiercely protect it.  We were SO happy to see that we scored 100% on this.  That's not just our coaches who make it happen.  Buy-in is required from every person who walks through that door, so we want to thank you for making people feel welcome and safe and committing to the principles in our mission statement.

Some of the classes / special interest clinics we've been looking to add are yoga, running clinics, and various informational nights (nutrition, supplements etc) as well as specialized periodized extra programming such as body sculpting.  Again, we want to focus our energies on what people want and would attend, so those responses were helpful in shaping our direction.  Our hope is to add some extras at no cost to members as well as others that would be offered outside of your regular membership.

Evening class times have been an issue.  We know things have been moving around quite a bit lately and we apologize for that.  We are hoping to get some consistency across the board for those classes going forward and will be contacting the regular and sometime evening attenders to get a bit more feedback on that.  Because we juggle a few programs in the evening or have crossover classes, it can become a space issue.  As well, the silvers class has moved to a monday/wednesday/friday schedule which has also disrupted things somewhat.  We appreciate your patience as we work these things out.  Again, feedback from you is invaluable.

We like a variety of social events, those will continue to happen!

There were a few comments about open gym and also a few regarding more time in class for special skills training.  These two actually go hand in hand.  I will use this to segue into an explanation of programming.  This is a long read, so if it doesn't interest you to know what goes into it, feel free to leave here and many thanks for your time!

Programming:  The method behind the (perceived) madness
Judging from some unrelated questions and comments, I got the impression that a lot of you don't a) understand our method of programming  b)  understand that there IS a method to our programming, and c)  recognize bias training when it's happening.  So I thought I would give everyone a very general overview of what goes into programming for the gym.

While what we do is constantly varied, that does not mean it is random.  I don't have a hopper at home (much to David's dismay) that I spin every week and see what spits out.  I follow a template for programming on a very basic level.  This ensures that we hit up the three modalities and combinations (gymnastics, monostructural metabolic, and weights) evenly and our programming is well balanced (not specialized, be good at everything!) .  Within this template, I need to make sure that the movements themselves are varied.

Taking all that into account, I next look at the year ahead (in fall) and ask myself a few questions:
1)  What holes did I see in our programming last year?  What needs the most attention?
2)  What is our gym demographic?  Has it changed?
3)  What are the majority of goals written on the board related to?

These questions are important.  #1 is the most important from a programming perspective; if we have holes in the programming and people are not seeing success, that falls on me.  So I need to be very honest with what I see and try to figure out what combination of factors are inhibiting success for our members.  Gymnastics is a very broad domain, there are so many different movements to choose from.  It can be difficult to get as many reps at a certain movement as you may like sometimes because we program for the population as a whole.  So we try to add skill movements that transfer to other movements.  Why do we throw in so many single wall walks?  or active/passive hangs?  or hollow body holds? Because they all reinforce a movement pattern that we need to establish for your handstand push ups, push ups, pull ups, ring rows, inverted rows, plank holds, etc etc.  There is a reason we include wall slides in the warm up, it sets your spine to neutral and reinforces that position when you are bench pressing or push pressing or jerking.  The warm up is just as intentional as the workout, and we are trying to make you better at other movements without doing those movements. Highly skilled gymnastic work (think muscle ups or getting your first pull up) or olympic lifting does take reps to get results (that's why we have open gym), but if you put in the accessory work during class, it will come more quickly.

#2 is equally important.  Our demographic has everything to do with how I program.  Right now, our demographic is primarily concerned with general physical preparedness, or gpp.  This means that they may show up every day or come once a week but most of the goals are the same: to be fitter, look better, feel better, and do life better.  There may be variations on a theme, such as getting leaner or doing one or two competitions, but overall our members like to workout, have fun, and not take themselves too seriously.  So if I program crazy intense workouts all of the time, people are going to get injured or stop coming.  The other side of that however, is that there are obviously a wide variety of fitness levels in the gym.  In every certification I have taken when the discussion turns to programming (no matter if it's weightlifting, gymnastics, or level 1 or 2) the question comes up about Rx+ and Rx and how to program for everyone from the firebreather to the newest newbie.  The consistent response has always been this:  You program for the top capabilities in your gym and scale from there.  This way everyone is challenged.  There are days where I put up the workout and I know that no one in the gym will Rx it.  This is usually the case with HQ workouts/named workouts/hero workouts or other common benchmarks.  That's not up there to make you feel bad about yourself, it's there as a goal and a guideline.  If Rx weight is 185 lbs and the goal of the workout is to finish in 8 mins, a person can look at that weight and determine what scaled weight will help them achieve that time domain.  The goal on the board is that you get the desired response to the workout on that day.  So if you didn't sleep last night and #65 thrusters are going to do you in, then choose #45 instead.  You don't need to explain yourself to anyone, it's YOUR workout.  Then if you finish that workout in 8 minutes give or take, you know that you achieved what you were supposed to for that day.  If you finished it in 3 minutes, well maybe you didn't push yourself like you could have, but you still worked intensely for those 3 minutes so good on you.

#3 tells me what people want to achieve.  It's great to have a goal board up on the wall, but if people don't put stuff on there, how are we as coaches and myself as programmer going to know how to help you?  If I see 15 out of 20 ppl want to get a pull up, I know how to program for the next cycle.

After my thought process outlined above, I make a yearly outline with what we want to happen.  We bias program in our gym.  This means that while we follow the template, we will bias or lean towards a certain way of training to achieve a specific goal.  What this usually looks like is in fall, we strength bias, so programming involves a lot of lifting, a lot of the week.  While the program we use varies, we always run at least two cycles of strength with deload in a year.  After christmas, we gear up for the open so we start revving up the engine and start working on more muscular endurance and metcon-y type stuff so that when the open hits, you have retained the strength you built up over the fall but can still giver cardio-wise.  After the open, we go to general programming.  In spring we start the endurance (running) bias to prepare people for marathon and race season.  This can be an 8 - 12 week bias depending on how people are feeling (if you didn't notice, we are in week 3 right now).  Then June or July we bias again to gymnastics where you will see more isolated work to achieve a very specific movement (usually muscle ups/hspu/pull ups).  We do accessory work to strengthen and also volume work for reps.  Fall goes back to regular programming although sometimes we will do a month bias of endurance before the snow flies.  And then it's back to square one!

Once that's done, I break out the monthly programming.  In addition to everything above, I also have to look at whether I am hitting all of the time domains to keep intensity up (2 - 3 short, 1 - 2 medium, 1 long) and then mix up the number of movements within that (single modality like a 5k row, couplets, triplets, chipper) and make sure I hit all of those.  I base our model on 5 days on, 2 days rest.  Saturday is always chipper day and is treated as a bonus. More than one chipper per week can be detrimental to progress.  Whatever you might think, more is not always better.  You need to hit up ALL the time domains for the program as a whole to be effective.

 And THEN I need to look at loads and make sure that over a month we are getting the prescribed amount of light weight days, medium weight days, and heavy days.  Sometimes I will program a week of bias training (cleans anyone?) just to get people more reps at a highly skilled movement or to trash a body part.  These all help keep the body guessing.

So if you look at all of that and then check out the blog every night before you hit the gym next day, hopefully you can see from the warm up and the way the class is designed what the goal is for that workout.  We are very thorough on the blog to explain the movements and the warm up and what we want you to be thinking about while you are doing those movements.  Your coach is there to help and guide you, but knowing what the group is trying to accomplish and being prepared will only make your experience better.

So that's it in a nutshell.  Again, thank you for taking the time to do the survey and to read this.  And I'm sorry to Mitch and Lynne, but we will not be moving the barbell clips.  ;)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

15 April 2016

Mobility:  5 mins to target crunchy areas

Warm up:  9 mins
With a partner, tabata warm up, alternating every 5 reps
4 rnds of tabata on each movement
1a)  squats  1b) froggers
2a)  inchworm (1 rep each, alternating)  2b)  Good mornings no load, because it's a slower movement, alternate every rep

Deadlift:  set up - pull (see sets outlined below)- finish - return
1 x 10 start position to knee pull and return (on coaches mark altogether)
1 x 10 start position to full extension
1 x 10 from finish position back down to knees, focus on hips back first, bar touches thighs all the way down

HPCL:  set up - pull - finish
1 x 10 start position to pull - this should be very deliberate and controlled, not fast.  Pause at top to ensure hip extension (hard to balance if your hips aren't open)
1 x 10 muscle clean (from hang)
1 x 10 dynamic power clean

Push Jerk:  set up - dip - finish
Feet move back under hips
place Dowel along your back to ensure there is no gap between your spine and the dowel
once achieved, maintain that position to start dip work
Dip:  1 x 10 corkscrew knees and dip (no drive, just looking to be able to dip without chest dipping as well.  Can use dowels on backs to work this position)
Dip/Drive:  1 x 10 dip and drive, working 2 second descent, corkscrew knees, explode in drive
Dip/Drive/Drop (or drive under):  1 x 10 full jerk movement pay attention to foot placement.  Ensure the feet move (up and out, not up and down in the same place).  If the feet aren't moving, do a few narrow grip OHS to figure out where your feet need to be.

Bar warm up & add weights to get to working set

WORK:  "DT " compare to April 6, 2015  10-13 MINS
scale appropriately to finish this workout in the proper time domain

5 rounds for time:
12 Deadlifts (155#/105#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155#/105#)
6 Push Jerks (155#/105#)

Rx2: 125/85

Rx3:  Less weight
or modified movements:  KB DL/High hang clean or medball clean/DB Push jerk

Same workout, scaled or modified where necessary  20 MIN CAP
Modification options may include:
Less weight
DB or KB instead of barbell
Medball cleans
Less rnds

14 April 2016

Warm up:
1 t & b each of
Ankle flexion walk inside foot
Ankle flexion walk outside foot
Sampson stretch walking lunge

Calf / ankles / achilles stretch

2 x 5 each:
Scap pull ups
Banded face pulls
Ring rows

Review:  KB swing & Pull ups

400 m run
21 KBS
12 Pull Ups

Rx2:  Jumping pull ups off plate or floor
Rx3:  less weight/ring rows

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

13 April 2016

Warm Up:
Mobility (10 mins):  Target crunchy areas to prep for squatting/pressing/jumping including calf/achilles/ankle

5 each: (3 mins)
bottoms up press (each arm)
walking lunge open to side angle
standing wall slides - focus on torso position on the wall, ensure tailbone to bottom of shoulder blade is touching AT ALL TIMES

SDHP:  set up (same position as olympic lift) - pull (full explosive hip extension, no pulling early with the arms, bar stays close) - finish (bar above the collarbone)
PUSH PRESS:  set up (feet and torso, use your dowel along the spine to reiterate neutral position, elbows just in front of the bar) - bar path (straight, no rainbow) - Finish position (neutral spine, arms locked out, active shoulders, bar over middle of frontal plane).  Then work the dip (corkscrew knees out, neutral spine, chest up) and watch for dipping of the chest.  Once all is good, put it all together.

Compare to Dec. 2, 2015

3 Rounds, 1 min work at each station, 1 min rest after all five stations are completed:

Wall Balls (14'/20') to 9'/10'
SDHP (55/75)
Box Jumps (20'/24')
Push Press (55/75)
Row (calories)

less weight/height


Same as regular class

Modification options:
Wall balls - static movement (i.e.  squat and press medball against the wall rather than throw it) or kb thruster
SDHP:  kettlebell instead of barbell
Box Jumps:  step ups
Push press:  DB push press

12 April 2016

Warm Up:  RUN PREP (10 MINS)

PRE:  4 x 800 m RUN  2:30 r btwn rounds (22-26 MINS)

Review:  Thrusters (10 mins)
set up - pull (full extension) - fast elbows/elbows up - bottom position (squat mechanics) - finish position (active shoulders, arms locked out, bar over middle of frontal plane)

Warm up with bar and add weight

WORK:  3 RFT (7-9 mins)
500 m ROW
5 Thrusters

Rx:  115/75 
Rx2:  95/65 
Rx3:  85/55 
MOD:  KB Thruster any weight

Sunday, April 10, 2016

11 April 2016

Warm Up:
Mobility:  Include ankle/achilles/calf  (10 MINS)

Wall walks:  3 x 1  For quality

Working on hollow body position through entire movement, from starting plank, during the move up the wall, and finish position (nose and toes).  Toes should be pointed in the finish position and the goal is to keep your legs as closely together through the movement as possible (no V position with the legs on the walk)

Tabata Row alt btwn 22 and 26 SPM  (5 MINS)

Review:  (15 MINS)
Air Squat - 5 rnds of 7 sec hold in bottom position striving for perfection, 5 sec rest

Hollow body rock:  Ensure core integrity, work hollow body hold focussing on squeezing butt and pushing pelvis into the floor, lat engagement.  5 sets of hollow body hold and partner pushes the feet down to start rocking, see if hold can be maintained and rocking continued

Box Jump:  Foot position on landing, torso upright, step down

L-sit:  Core engagement, legs pushing straight out (active muscles) toes pointed

Tabata Mash Up: (16 MINS)

With a partner, you will complete a full tabata of each movement, alternating with your partner for total reps.  There will be no rest between tabatas; once you have done 8 rounds of one movement you will move on to the next one.

A) Air Squat
B) Hollow body rocks
C) Box Jumps 24/20
D) L - Sit (off dip bars or btwn boxes) each second held is one rep.

Rx Standards:
A)  below parallel
B)  full extension of legs, toes pointed, hollow body position held all through the movement
C)  24/20
D)  Legs straight out (some minor knee bend allowed), feet together, toes pointed

A)  parallel or above parallel
B)  Loss of hollow body position, i.e. knees bending, hips creasing (more of a C or V shape) etc
C)  Lower boxes or step ups
D)  Knees bent or legs fall below 90

Dynamics:  Include walking lunge open to side angle, quadraped crawl, deadbugs, birddogs

Strength:  Landmine exercises  2 sets of 10 per side, appropriate weight
1)  Half kneeling press
2)  Landmine Oblique Twist
3)  Landmine Single Leg RDL (Romanian Deadlift)

WORK:  Double Tabata
Alternate each round between the following movements:
A)  Hollow body holds (passive to active to passive to active on mats)
B)  Up and down plank

Thursday, April 7, 2016

8 April 2016

Warm up :
3 rnds
1 length walking lunge
1 length backwards walking lunge
10 dowel good mornings
3 inchworm
1 wall walk
5 active/passive hang

Review:  inverted body row/pull ups (lat activation)/Ring Rows

Strength work:
Inverted body rows 2 x 10, then 1 x max effort (to fail) 45 sec rest btwn sets
Strict pull ups or chin ups: 2 sets max effort, 1 min rest btwn
If you do not have your pull up, do elevated ring rows (Rx2) or Ring rows (rx3)


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

6 April 2016

Warm up:  5 mins

Review with dowel:  clean and push jerk (see monday for points of performance)  15 mins

With a partner in sets of 5 each, 5 min AMREP of
Power Clean & Push Jerks

Pick a weight you can both do with ease for reps

Rx:  135/95
Rx2:  any other weights
Mod:  medball cleans or dumbbell clean and jerks

Set up for Eva (2 mins rest)

Wod:  Partner Eva  (cap at 30 mins)
5 RFT:
800 m run - both together
30 KB Swings 55/35
30 Pull ups

Work can be divided any way

Rx2:  Jumping pull ups (from floor or plate)
Rx3:  Ring Rows

Sunday, April 3, 2016

4 April 2016

Warm Up: (15 MINS)
High knees
walking lunge arms up overhead (sampson stretch)
Good mornings with dowel
Shoulder pass throughs
Arm circles
Pigeon & couch stretch
Superfriend t spine

Review start position from hang
Pull (hip extension, long arms, shoulders back)
Transition (fast elbows)
Finish position and reset for jerk

Reset feet
elbows slightly in front of the bar
chest / torso upright in dip
drive under the bar

*note* if you are not a regular attender of barbell class, you will not Rx this workout and will do a push jerk, not a split jerk.  Your coach will help you find an appropriate weight.

(10 MINS)  Bar warm up:  3 sets of 2 :  Pull/Muscle clean/Dynamic Clean/Jerk

add weight:  3 sets of 2:  pull / power clean/ jerk

do three single clean & jerks at your working weight

WOD - GRACE  (sub 7 mins)
*Scale appropriately so that you finish this workout in the proper time domain*

30 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#) (Power or full clean)

Rx2:  115/75

Rx3 will not be timed
30 x 1 Hang clean & jerk any weight for quality not time

30 medball clean & jerks or press for time