Warm Up:
Mobility: Include ankle/achilles/calf (10 MINS)
Wall walks: 3 x 1 For quality
Working on hollow body position through entire movement, from starting plank, during the move up the wall, and finish position (nose and toes). Toes should be pointed in the finish position and the goal is to keep your legs as closely together through the movement as possible (no V position with the legs on the walk)
Tabata Row alt btwn 22 and 26 SPM (5 MINS)
Review: (15 MINS)
Air Squat - 5 rnds of 7 sec hold in bottom position striving for perfection, 5 sec rest
Hollow body rock: Ensure core integrity, work hollow body hold focussing on squeezing butt and pushing pelvis into the floor, lat engagement. 5 sets of hollow body hold and partner pushes the feet down to start rocking, see if hold can be maintained and rocking continued
Box Jump: Foot position on landing, torso upright, step down
L-sit: Core engagement, legs pushing straight out (active muscles) toes pointed
Tabata Mash Up: (16 MINS)
With a partner, you will complete a full tabata of each movement, alternating with your partner for total reps. There will be no rest between tabatas; once you have done 8 rounds of one movement you will move on to the next one.
A) Air Squat
B) Hollow body rocks
C) Box Jumps 24/20
D) L - Sit (off dip bars or btwn boxes) each second held is one rep.
Rx Standards:
A) below parallel
B) full extension of legs, toes pointed, hollow body position held all through the movement
C) 24/20
D) Legs straight out (some minor knee bend allowed), feet together, toes pointed
A) parallel or above parallel
B) Loss of hollow body position, i.e. knees bending, hips creasing (more of a C or V shape) etc
C) Lower boxes or step ups
D) Knees bent or legs fall below 90
Dynamics: Include walking lunge open to side angle, quadraped crawl, deadbugs, birddogs
Strength: Landmine exercises 2 sets of 10 per side, appropriate weight
1) Half kneeling press
2) Landmine Oblique Twist
3) Landmine Single Leg RDL (Romanian Deadlift)
WORK: Double Tabata
Alternate each round between the following movements:
A) Hollow body holds (passive to active to passive to active on mats)
B) Up and down plank
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