This class is packed so be ready to go on time!
Warm Up:
Hinshaw Run prep (15 mins)
RUN: 3 x 1000 m Run 3 min rest (18-22 MINS)
Review: Cluster - Set up/Pull/Squat position/Press (10< MINS)
For those that are not proficient in cleans, they will start each rep from the hang and not the floor
Wall ball - squat position in bottom, finish position at top
13 MIN AMRAP with a partner
+1 Cluster 95/65
+1 Wall ball 20/14 to 10/9
On 3,2,1 go workout will start with one partner completing one squat clean thruster (cluster) and one partner completing a wall ball. Each round, they will add one more rep of each and alternate movement. So second round 2 clusters/2 wallballs and so on. Wall balls after rnd 1 will be done partner style side by side so one partner will squat and throw to target, other partner will catch ball, squat and throw to target etc.
Rx2: 75/55
Rx3: Dumbbells
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