Tuesday, April 30, 2013

1 May 2013

Happy May Day!  Does anyone celebrate that anymore?

Anyhoo, for those of you who have never done "Fight Gone Bad", you are in for a treat!  SO MUCH FUN WILL BE HAD!! #nosarcasmhere #lovethisworkout

Warm Up:
Glassman plus shoulder and hip mobility/achilles & knee circles

Not this kind of fight gone bad, the other kind
3 rounds

You will spend one minute at each station before rotating directly to the next station and continuing your reps.  After ALL five stations have been worked, there is a one minute rest and then you get to do it all over again!!

This workout is total reps accomplished.  We will partner you up with someone and do this workout staggered so you will have assistance with rep counting and recording.  Each calorie rowed equals one rep on the rower.

1)  Wall Ball (20/14 to 10'/9')
2)  SDHP 75/50
3)  Box Jumps (24"/20")
4)  Push Press (75/50)
5)  Row (calories)

Monday, April 29, 2013

30 April 2013

For those of you who have been shopgymming for a while, you can compare this workout to March 15, 2011.

The men of ShopGym showing off their mad shoulder mob skillz
Warm Up:
3 x Box Jump Burpee circuit
Shoulder & Hip Mobility

Open Gym time:  15 minutes

7 rounds:
20 DU's
15 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups

Sunday, April 28, 2013

29 April 2013

Warm Up:
Mitch's warm up (Pick 10 things but must include frog jumps and air squats)
Shoulder & Hip Mobility
Hammie & Achilles stretches (get ready for sprinting)

Open Gym Time:  15 minutes to work on a skill

6 rounds:
100m sprint/100m walk (rest)

Then 3 rounds of:
3x Triplet Press/Push Press/Push Jerk

You're probably going to feel like this after 6 rounds of sprints

Friday, April 26, 2013

27 April 2013

Warm Up:
3 Rounds of Cindy
~5 Pull Ups
~10 Push Ups
~15 Air Squats

Kim rippin' out some HSPU like butta!
KB Swings/HSPU/DU's

Thursday, April 25, 2013

26 April 2013

You may thank Coach T for bringing this one to our attention.  Enjoy!

Warm Up:
Burgener & Glassman

Danielle working on her flexibility in the OHS
Workout:  "AIRFORCE"

20 reps of each:  (95/65)
Overhead Squat
Front Squat

The twist?  Every minute on the minute you will stop and drop.  Four burpees.  Sounds grossly awesome!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

25 April 2013

Happy birthday to my pops!  Super proud of my dad, he's been coming to ShopGym for almost a year now and I couldn't be happier with the effort he's been putting in.  In his honour, here is his 61st birthday workout:

3 rounds:
6 minutes on, 1 minute off:
6 Tire Flips
12 KB Swings
18 Calorie Row

Love you dad!

(His actual birthday is on Saturday the 27th but I found out he's going away for the weekend so we're celebrating today!)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

24 April 2013

Warm Up:
Run 400m
Air Squats (sit at bottom for 3-5 secs)
Tuck Jumps
Knee Circles
Ankle Circles
Achilles stretches

Tire Flips:  At least they're not burpees
3 Rounds of 1:30 on, 0:30 rest
Row/Box Jumps/Tire Flips

Tire Flips can be done with a partner alternating flips

Monday, April 22, 2013

23 April 2013

Warm Up:
Cam loves pistol squats!
3 Rounds of:
5 Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 Tuck Jumps

Hip & shoulder mobility

Strength:  1-1-1-1-1 Back Squat with 3 sec hold at the bottom

Then:  8 x 200m Sprints with 2 minute rest between rounds

Sunday, April 21, 2013

22 April 2013

Warm Up:  Burgener & Glassman

Mitch snatching like a boss
Death by Snatches (Rx 115/85 - weight tbd by coach)
Every minute on the minute for a max of 15 minutes:
Snatch +1 Pull up
(so first round is 1 snatch, 2 pull ups; second round is 2 snatch, 3 pull ups and so on)

Tabata rowing or 5 x 100m sprints (30 sec rest btwn rounds)

Friday, April 19, 2013

20 April 2013

Warm Up:
Pick 10 from Mitch's Warm Up

Team Workout:
Everyone will be put onto a team, size dependent on numbers.
Each member of the team will do the following workout but cannot move to the next station until the teammate in front of them is done their reps at that station.

Gather your friends because we're doing a team workout!
400m row
50 Sit Ups
30 Double Unders
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (with either barbell OR kettlebell)
10 Box Jumps
5 Wall Ball

Thursday, April 18, 2013

19 April 2013

Warm Up:
3 rounds of 25 Double Unders/10 Box jumpovers

Open Gym - 15 minutes

Workout:  EMOTM for 8 minutes:
~1 Snatch
~2 OHS
~3 Power Cleans

Tabata:  Sit Ups

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

18 April 2013

Today we will be participating as a community in one group workout at 6:30 pm.  We will be doing the workout "MARTIN" named after the 8 year old boy who was killed Monday in Boston.  We will not only be doing this workout in his memory, but in memory of ALL the children around the world who have lost their lives due to terrorism, conflict, and war.

Please bring your families out to cheer along the run route.  If you can't workout, just come to cheer and if you've never been to ShopGym, still come out and cheer.  There will be community time after the workout where we can just hang out.

Peace, friends!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

17 April 2013

As we are now finished our six week strength bias, we are retesting our opening numbers, so compare with March 4, 2013

WU:  Coach Glassman
Shoulder & Hip Mobility


1st attempt should be weight you can do for a heavy set of 3
2nd attempt should be weight you know you can do for a heavy single based on previous lift
3rd attempt is your goal weight

Monday, April 15, 2013

16 April 2013

In homage to 13.3 (last year's 12.4), our friend Mike W over at Crossfit 204 came up with this beauty workout in order to work some goats.  He aptly named it "The Humbler" and you will soon know why!  Thanks to Mike for letting us use it.

Mitch thoroughly enjoying the wall ball burn
Warm Up - Rotate through these movements at your own pace:
Double Unders
OH Dowel Squats
Scorpian/Iron Cross
Grody hip rotation stretches a la KStarr
Shoulder Pass Thrus (Dislocates)
Wall Squats
Inch Worm

And here she is in all her glory...The Humbler:

3 Rounds: (meh, 3 rounds is NUTHIN!)
30 Wall Ball (20/14) to 10' and 9'
30 Double Unders

Then to make it interesting, we will finish with:
5 x 200m sprints (2 min rest btwn rounds)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

15 April 2013

Warm Up:
Burgener and Junkyard Dog
Hip & Shoulder mobility

Skill/Strength:  3 x 5 or 5 x 3 Squat Cleans

Coach T-Skins working on his cleans
Three rounds of deliciousness, 2 minutes on, 1 minute off of:
8 Power Cleans
8 Thrusters
8 Pullups

Friday, April 12, 2013

13 April 2013

WU:  Glassman

Press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1

Happy birthday to T-Rev and Michelle!  You can thank them for this lovely little chipper!

39 Calorie Row
37 Sit Ups
39 Double Unders
37 Dips
39 Box Jumps
37 KB Swings
39 Shuttle Sprints (lengths)
37 Pull Ups

For time :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

12 April 2013

WU:  Glassman
Hip Mobility BIG TIME!

Front Squat 3 x 5 OR 5 x 3
Back Squat 1 x 20


4 Rounds

25 D.U.'s
15 Medball Cleans

SKILL WORK:  SitUp to Pike (Flexibility)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

11 April 2013

WU:  3 rounds of:
         10 Wall Ball
         10 Double Unders
         10 Pull Ups
         10 Sit Ups

WOD (20min. AMRAP):

Row 250m
Run 400m
10 PushUps
10 Wall Squats

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

10 April 2013

WU:  Glassman


10, 9, 8...1

Hollow Rocks
Air Squats
Box Jumps
Dumbbell Cleans

Monday, April 8, 2013

9 April 2013

WU:  Glassman

Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1-1 THEN 1 x 20
Beginner:  1 x 12
This is why we Deadlift folks!  Who needs CAA?!


Tabata 1
Alternate between Thrusters & Mountain Climbers

Tabata 2
Alternate between OHS & Leg Lifts

SKILL WORK:  Cartwheels

Sunday, April 7, 2013

8 April 2013

WU:  Glassman

Back Squat 5-3-3-1-1-1-1


7 Rounds (15 min. cap)

2 Shuttle Runs
5 Pullups
10 KB Swings

SKILL WORK:  KB Swing around the body

Friday, April 5, 2013

6 April 2013

WU:  Glassman

Press 3 x 5 OR 5 x 3
10-7-4 OR 12-9-6 OE 1 x 12-15 (fail)

Beginners:  10-7-4 OR 1 x 10


Row 1000m
Rest as needed THEN
4 mins. max D.U.'s

SKILL WORK:  GHD Hip Extentions  3 x 5 reps

5 April 2013

WU:  Skipping 2 mins.
Glassman WU

Front Squat 3 x 5 OR 5 x 3
Beginners may introduce training bar (wgt tbd by coach)


8 Rounds
7 Rolling Squat
2 Shuttle Sprints
3 Squat Cleans (bw)


1 x 5 Front Roll
1 x 5 Back Roll

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4 April 2013

Warm Up:
Mitch's Warm Up

Goat Work: 15 mins  Pick something you're terrible at.

Sylv works on her ring dips.  Today we will use the bars.

4 Rounds:

50 DU's
10 Bar Dips
10 Pass Thru's
Then finish with a 400m run

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

3 April 2013

Warm Up:
3 rounds:
2 minutes on 1 min off
Max DU's

Burgener Warm Up

Always bench with a buddy
10,9,8...1 Hang Cleans (70%)
1,2,3...10 Bench Press (70%)

Beginners:  Replace Hang Cleans with Medball Cleans
Really beginner beginners:  Replace Medball Cleans with Medball deadlift/front squat combo


Monday, April 1, 2013

2 April 2013

Glassman WarmUp

Lower Back/hip/shoulder mobility

Deadlifts:  3 x 3
THEN 21-15-9 or 15-12-9 or 1x15-21
Beginners: 10-7-4 for burnout


10 Min AMRAP:
5 Push Jerk (Rx B.W.)
15 Double Under's

Progression: tuck on the left, headstand on the right
Skill Work:  10 Mins
Tripod tuck to headstand
Straddle to headstand
Pike to headstand