Tuesday, March 31, 2015

1 April 2015

Warm Up:
400m Jog

Squat therapy/hip mobility

Strength:  Back Squats 8-8-6-6 @ 60%/60%/65%/70%

+1 Burpees (each round add one more burpee)
5 OHS (75/105)
100m ROW

Monday, March 30, 2015

31 Mar 2015

Warm up:  Row 800 m @ 65% pace/mobility/ankles/calf/achilles

3 x 2 per side turkish get ups

In 12 mins do:
100 Double Unders
then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:
10 Kettlebell Swing (Russian)s, 70/55 lbs (Rx+) Rx=55/35
Shuttle Run, 36 ft

Sunday, March 29, 2015

30 Mar 2015

Warm up:
Shoulder Stability
Scap push ups
Scap Pull ups

Gymnastics Skill work, 1 min rest btwn sets
Pull Up Stream:
3 sets 8-10 strict banded pull up
3 sets 10 ring rows, focus on hollow body, pulling rings to chest/armpit
If ring rows are starting to get easy, elevate off box
3 x 10 barbell or dumbbell rows

HSPU stream:
3 sets 5-8 negatives
3 x 2 quality nose & toes wall walks CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL
3 sets max hold frog stand
3 sets around and back handstand pike bear crawl off box

60 sec accumulated hang
10 Push Ups

Rx2:  Bar push ups 14 peg or lower
MOD: Higher than 14 pegs

Reflections on the Open

Just like the Open, the blackout is over!

Contrary to what some of you are thinking, the blackout was not solely due to cherry picking.  In fact I would venture to say that the issue presented itself in less than 5% of wods that had been posted.  I'm sure it was totally a coincidence that whenever running was posted, attendance dropped by half.


But seriously, there was a reason for the blackout and it was this:
For those that participated in their first Open this year, you probably experienced a range of emotions; fear, anxiety, depression (hello muscle ups), more anxiety, and general mental breakdownedness (it's a word!).  The biggest barrier in the open in your own stupid brain.  You agonize until thursday and then double agonize/strategize/visualize while trying to sleep and ALL of the next day at work.  Then you freak a little bit or throw up a little bit (or pee a little bit) when that timer starts.  And then you get to work.  And you bite it off one piece at a time, and YOU DO IT!  And most of the time (for me at least), your stupid brain is telling you all the reasons why you can't / shouldn't do it, never mind finish it.  But when you do finish, and you sign that card, and you flip your brain (or the wall, or the rings...) the bird, you are UNBREAKABLE.  That feeling carries forward into your next day/week/month.  You will face tasks every day that seem insurmountable and scumbag brain will tell you that you can't and then you will say I CAN AND I WILL AND I DID!  And THAT, ladies and gents, is what makes you stronger.  And this game (and life) is all about the mental side.

SOOOOOO............for those that didn't get to experience this exquisite torture, we brought the blackout.  Preparing you for the unknown and unknowable.  Making you click that fricken bookmark 73 times after 6 pm thinking " maybe NOW it will be up" until, defeated, you head to bed and start scrolling through what could possibly be coming.  Can we honestly be running a 5k EVERY SINGLE DAY THIS WEEK?  And then you start making deals with yourself and think of every reason in the book why you might not make it the next day.  And then you wake up, and you get up, and you show up, regardless of what's on the board.  You have made a decision to be strong.  And it's a good decision.  And then it makes the next one easier, and the next, and so on until it's not a big deal anymore.  Life throws you a curveball?  Bring it.  You're ready, because you know YOU CAN DO THIS!

So that my friends is what the blackout was about.  You know we love you, you know we have your best interests at heart, and you ABSOLUTELY know that we do things like this for a reason, even if we can't/don't explain it to you at the time (because that's part of it too sometimes!).  And in return, you continue to honour us with your trust and loyalty and that is worth everything to us.  YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!

Congrats on finishing the Open.  I saw things every week that made me so fricken proud, and sorry to say it, but you guys totally raised the bar.  And to anyone who missed the last friday night lights, Bob went tarps off and it was spectacular (GO BOB!!!!).  Silvers:  You got some big shoes to fill with Bob and Debbie trailblazing the way this year.  BIG SHOES.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

20 March 2015

Warm Up:

Theraband shoulder activation
Squat therapy


19 Mar 2015

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell 35/55 american style
12 Hang power cleans (135/95)

Rx2:  Less weight and/or russian swings

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

18 Mar 2015

Warm Up:
Squat therapy
Ankle/calf mobility

RUN 4 x 400 m 2 min rest btwn runs

Strength:  Front squats (pause 3 seconds) 4 x 3

1 length bear crawl
2 pistols per side
10 glute bridge hip extensions - focus on activating the glutes, if your hammies are cramping you're using the wrong muscles

Monday, March 16, 2015

17 Mar 2015

Gymnastics Skill/Strength:
Roll Ups (see video, first part of the movement)

Pull Up Stream:
3 x 10 strict banded pull ups, use same band strength as last week but decrease band size for last set
3 sets max 90 degree flexed arm hang hold

HSPU Stream:
3 x 5 super slow negatives, speed down must be consistent from beginning to end
3 sets max frog stand

800 m Run
in remainder of time complete as many reps as possible of:
10 box jumps (24/30)
1 rope climb

20/24 box jumps
Rope climbs

20/24 box or lower
Weighted rope pull downs (flip rope over bar and attach 3 x 35 bumpers or 3 x 45 bumpers for men, stand just outside of the rig and do hand over hand pull downs until weight reaches the top of the bar, then reverse and hand over hand it back to the floor).

Sunday, March 15, 2015

16 Mar 2015

Warm Up:
Run 400 m
Squat therapy

Back Squat 4 x 6
Use heaviest weight you can, same weight across

150 Wall balls for time



21-15-9 :
Deadlift, 225/155 lbs
Overhead Squat, 135/95 lbs

Rx2:  Less weight

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

12 Mar 2015

Warm Up:
Junkyard dog
Squat therapy
Shoulder stability/pre-hab
wrist and forearm mobility

Pull ups:  10 sets of 3 position holds
Muscle Ups:  3 sets of 4-6 transition/hold/down (high rings)
If you cannot yet transition from high rings, 3 sets of seated transitions 4-6 reps each set


AMRAP 7 mins:
Squat Cleans and Sit-ups (anchored)

Complete as many as possible in 7 mins of:
10 Squat Cleans, 95/65 lbs
20 Sit-ups (anchored)

Rx2:  Hang power cleans same weight
MOD:  Hang power cleans lighter weight or medball cleans



Overhead barbell walk OR Overhead barbell hold

SKILL:  Ring pulls to 90 degrees, flex arm hang

10 MEDBALL Cleans
20 Sit Ups (anchored)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

11 Mar 2015

Warm Up:
Athlete's choice
Spend at least 15 minutes doing stability work and mobilising positions (sit in bottom of squat/overhead/tgu's etc)

3 Rounds
10 TTB
21 American KB Swings 35/55
Run 400 m

Less weight on swings or Russian style
Toes to rings

Knee raises

Monday, March 9, 2015

10 Mar 2015

Warm Up:
Mitch's warm up
Split kneel bottom's up press
open to Side angle lunge
wall walk to 80% height, hold at top

Back Squat 4 x 4 @ heaviest weight possible (add 5lbs from weight you did last week

Row, 500 m
20 Push Press, 115/85 lbs
Row, 500 m
15 Push Press, 115/85 lbs
Row, 500 m
10 Push Press, 115/85 lbs


Fight gone bad style, 3 rounds of 1 min max reps at each station:
1)  low box step up and downs (green box)
2)  wall balls
3)  dumbbell walking lunges
4)  parallette hopovers
5)  calorie row

Tabata core blaster:  Double tabata, alternate each round
Plank hold
Hollow body hold



Gymnastics Skill:  Hanging:  accumulate 2 minutes

Strength:  Deadlift

Kettlebell swing
Cal Row
Sit Ups

Sunday, March 8, 2015

9 March 2015

Warm Up:
Row 400-600 m at 65% effort

Theraband shoulder activation
Bilateral external rotations
Scap push ups
Scap pull ups

If you are working pull ups:
3 x 8-10 strict banded pull ups, use smallest band possible, absolutely NO HIP DRIVE
3 x 8-10 ring row, focus on hollow body and pulling rings to chest
3 x 10 barbell or dumbbell rows

If you are working muscle ups:
3 sets max dips (bar or ring)
3 sets max ring pulls to chest (false grip)
3 x 2 seated banded transitions (adv-no bands)
1 x 3 russian dips

5 Ring Push ups
10 Grasshoppers (each leg is one rep)

5 Push Ups (no thighs/pelvis touching floor)

5 bar push ups

Thursday, March 5, 2015

6 March 2015

Warm Up:

3 rounds:
10 KB RDL's (single leg)
10 Glute raises (leg raised) Hold 5 seconds at top position
1 min pole squat, sit in bottom and mobilize

4 x 6 Back Squats at heaviest weight (same all sets)
rest 3 mins btwn each set

3 x 2 Clean pull/muscle/dynamic with bar

Clean Pulls
4 x 6 @ +20lbs 1RM
2 x 2 @ +30lbs 1RM

Adv from floor/int from hang/beg from high hang, no load

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

5 Mar 2015

Warm Up:
Row at 60% pace 500 m
Theraband Shoulder activation
Bottom's up press (from bended knee position, not standing)
Walk walks to 80% height, hold 5 seconds at top position and control down, maintain hollow body

SKill Work:

Pull Up stream
3 x 8-10 strict banded pull up - no hip drive
rest 1 min btwn sets
3 x 10 ring rows - focus on form, hollow body & chest to ring
3 x 10 bicep curls alt (dumbbell)

Muscle Up stream:
3 sets max ring pull ups, false grip, pull as deep into chest as possible
rest 1 min btwn all sets
3 sets max dips (bar or rings)
3 x 2 seated transitions
1 x 3 russian dips

Progressive EMOM:
In 1 minute: Complete 3 rope climbs
Rest 1 minute
In 2 minutes:  Complete 6 rope climbs
Rest 2 minutes
In 3 minutes:  Complete 9 rope climbs
Rest 3 minutes
In 4 minutes:  Max double unders

Score is double unders.

If you do not complete your rope climbs, subtract 20 double unders for each climb not completed.

Rx2:  Seated weighted pulls (not in a squat; seated on the floor with legs extended in front, hand over hand pull)   Use kettlebells (3 x 35's/3 x 55's) Drag weight should be close to bodyweight.



Bench press


2 min at each station for max reps, 60 secs rest

1) Sledgehammers on tires
2) OH walking lunges
3) Row calories
4) KB Swings
5) Airdyne calories

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

4 Mar 2015

Warm Up:
Jog 10 laps
Sit in bottom of squat at pole and mobilize for 1 min accumulated (feet 6"or closer together)
2 x 20 overhead throw against wall with dodgeball (throw straight ahead)
1 x 10 Deadbugs
From floor Y's/T's/W's
Shoulder theraband activation sequence

Skill Work: Hanging wipers   
rx2: 3 sets Max hanging L-sit straight legged as possible

For 5 cycles:
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
5 Sots Press, 45/35 lbs
5 Ring Rows (False Grip)s
20 Double Unders

Rest 1 min between each cycle.
For each cycle restart the AMRAP.

Rx2:  Regular grip ring rows
low box step up & downs

Monday, March 2, 2015

3 Mar 2015

Warm Up:
1 Length:
Walking lunge to side angle
Spiderman lunge
high knees
bear crawl

Shoulder stability:  Spend 10 mins, pick your poison
Hip Mobility:  banded distraction, couch, pigeon, bulgarians, rdl leg swings

Zercher squats 6 x 4 same weight all sets
Rest 2 mins btwn sets

Push Press:  4 x 6 @ heaviest weight, same all sets
rest 3 mins btwn sets

Gymnastics skill work:

Handstand work:
If you do not have your HSPU, 3 sets max HS hollow body nose and toes hold
rest as necessary btwn sets (no more than 60 secs rest)

If you have HSPU, 3 sets max effort HSPU, 60 rest btwn sets

All:  3 sets max hollow body hold

Pull Up Stream:
10 sets of 3 Position holds (see Feb 24th)

Muscle Up Stream:
If you have your M Ups, 3 sets of 4-6 high ring muscle up transition to bottom position and down (no press out), try to string reps together
If you are working to get your first muscle up, 3 x 4-6 banded seated muscle up transitions.  Use smallest band possible.

Fight gone bad style, 3 rounds of 1 min max reps at each station:
1)  low box step up and downs (green box)
2)  wall balls
3)  dumbbell walking lunges
4)  parallette hopovers
5)  calorie row

Tabata core blaster:  Double tabata, alternate each round
Plank hold
Hollow body hold

Strength:  Farmer walks - barbell

Skill Work:  Toes to rings/knees to chest/knee raises

Medball cleans
Sit ups

Sunday, March 1, 2015

2 Mar 2015

Warm Up:
Hungry Hungry Hippos

Split into 2 teams with ball container in middle of the floor.  On 3-2-1 Go, first person in line does reps of designated movement and then runs to the middle to grab a ball and return to their base, tag off and the next person goes.  Team with the most "marbles"wins the round, losing team does penalty. (coaches make sure there is an odd number of marbles)

Rnd 1)  3 burpees
Penalty:  5 wall balls

Rnd 2)  5 air squats
Penalty:  5 push ups

Rnd 3)  Bear crawl to bucket
Penalty:  5 medball cleans

Rnd 4)  Crabwalk to bucket
Penalty:  10 line hopovers

Rnd 5)  Inchworm with push up to bucket
Penalty:  10 grasshoppers

2 stations, dowels through green & yellow box stacked.  Two footed hop over dowel then sprint 3m  to cone and either veer left or right depending on your lane.  2 sets of 10 sprints, alternating left turn/right turn each time.

WOD:  5 x 400 m ROW
3 min rest btwn rounds

Score includes rest

27 Feb 2015

OPEN WOD 15.1 

9-minute AMRAP:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts
5 snatches
  (M 115 lb. /  F 75 lb.)

Workout 15.1a

1-rep-max clean and jerk

  6-minute time cap

15 Knee raises
10 Deadlifts (55/85)
5 Ground to overhead (same weight)