Thursday, January 31, 2013

1 Feb 2013

Happy Birthday Mel (and Steve last week, thought he could fly under the radar)!
In your honour, I have mixed up the usual birthday workout in order to achieve an equally "oh-gosh-is-it-almost-done" warm and fuzzy feeling, but with lifting.  Enjoy!

Walking lunges are appropriate in any setting

One of Steve's favourite activities

Warm Up:
Mitch's Warm Up (on the board)

Deadlift/Bench Press/Front Squats

Cash out:  33 Burpees

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

31 Jan 2013

Mikey doing kettlebell swings

Warm Up:
Skipping 100 singles/100 DU's/100 Singles
3 x 10 KB Swings (increase load each set)
3 x 10 GHD Sit Ups
Shoulder mobility
Skill work (while waiting for workout start) - Pick a skill

Stagger start this one:
500m Row
1 Rope Climb
250m Row
2 Rope Climbs
100m Row
3 Rope Climbs

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

30 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
Tabata Air Squats
Tabata Bike/Row/DU's (Switch after every 2 if possible)
Mitch rippin' out some high rep dl's

20 Shuttle Runs (400m)
Then three rounds of:
5 deadlifts (70%)
20 Double unders
2 Pistol Squats (quality)
Finish with another 20 Shuttle Runs (400m)

Monday, January 28, 2013

29 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
10's of each:
RDL Leg Swings
Tuck Jumps
Dowel Thrusters
OH Squats at posts
Wall squats

Hip mobility

Workout: 12 Min AMRAP

Burpees & OH Squats (60%)

You will do as many reps of each movement as you can unbroken before switching to the next movement.  As soon as you stop AT ALL you move to the next one.  So unlike every other workout, your goal in this one would be to have a LOW amount of rounds in the amrap.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

28 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
Three rounds of Cindy:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
Mel rowing like a boss and looking hot while doing it

Three rounds:
~Bear crawl (there and back)
~10 Tuck Jumps
~Bear crawl (there and back)
~Row 200m
~25 DU's

Friday, January 25, 2013

26 Jan 2013

Workout comprised of five rounds, increasing reps each round:
10/15/20/25/30 OH Walking Lunges w Weight
15/20/25/30/35 Double Unders OR Tuck Jumps
20/25/30/35/40 Sit Ups
Each round ends with 5 Back (Leg) off high bench/box

Loving the burn post-workout

Thursday, January 24, 2013

25 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
3 rounds:
Knees up high skip (there and back)
Bear Crawl one way/sprint back
10 V Ups
5 Wall Squats

Shoulder & Hip Mobility

Gymnastic Skill:
Skin the Cats 3 x 3
For those proficient in skin the cats, work on Ring Handstands

3 Rounds:
12 Goblet Squats (35/55)
4 Wall Walks

24 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
Posted on the board

5 rounds (tire flip is timer):
Tire Flip one length
Double Unders
Sots Press
Mountain Climbers

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

23 January 2013

Warm Up:
Tabata row
30 box jumps
3 x 10 wall squats
3 x 5 pull ups

12 min amrap
10 Sumo deadlift high pull 65/95
10 Rocker Squat & stand ( start in a squat, roll back onto mat, roll back up into a squat and stand up to full extension)
5 lengths shuttle sprints

Monday, January 21, 2013

22 Jan 2013

Warm up:
1 complete around-the-gym walking lunges
3 x 10 weighted sit ups incr weight each round
3 x 5 wall squats
Shoulder & hip mobility

4 rounds:
20 shuttle runs
10 pistol squats
10 V ups
20 double unders

Sunday, January 20, 2013

ShopGym's first FrostFit

I thought it best to post while my emotions are still on a high from this amazing event. I have to say that I'm actually a little surprised at how emotional I still feel today. We had three athletes (four including Lynn who is now a member at Undefeated) competing in the 3rd annual event FrostFit. Well, you would think I was the mother to all three of these ADULTS. Could barely sleep the night before, was up way earlier than I needed to be the morning of, excitement like a child on Christmas Eve. Ridiculous! I know.

On the morning prior to the event, one of our athletes had to drop out. It was extremely hard for her to make that decision based on an injury that was progressively getting worse even after physio, chiro, massage and acupuncture. It was a bitter-sweet thing to happen, the bitter part being I was super excited to see her compete as an individual athlete, the events were right up her alley and I knew she would do well. She trained for it. Did all the things she needed to do but unfortunately it was not meant to be this year. So sorry MB.

The sweet part of it being my sister was taking her place.  I was so nervous prior to the first event I just knew I had to go pull a Rich Froning/Dan Bailey and go pray with her prior to the event.  Prayed for a shoulder of steel as she is also coming off an injury. Prayed that God would fill her with His strength.   First event starts. Clean ladder 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 150. When I saw CS do her first pull, then second, I thought to myself 'smooth as butta'. As I snapped away with my camera, she kept going and moving to the next barbell and I was just slowly filling with emotion. When she hit the last barbell (150#) and I heard DS cheering her on in the crowd I just couldn't keep it in (my eyes are filling with water here as I type this). Emotional much?! She failed on the last pull and ended with about 16 unnecessary deadlifts but I was just so effin' PROUD! On so many levels she is my hero but this is suppose to be a blog for ShopGym so I won't get all biased and sappy here.  Btw, she finished exactly middle of the pack in her division and majority of those ladies are half her age.  Thanks to the big guy for keeping her shoulder safe!

Then there's JN aka The WodFather. Clearly that name was earned yesterday. I was also incredibly proud of him. I know the nerves were getting the better of him the week leading up to the competition but there really was nothing to fear. It just goes to show that age has nothing to do with it and believe me, he tries to pull that card often. JN, you could've totally ran with the big dogs yesterday and been just fine. I hope that this will be the last of him not realizing how good he really is AND how respected he is in the community of Xfit. I know that I can speak for every single athlete that has ever been a member of our little ShopGym that are we privileged to have or have had a coach like him.

CK. What can I say? You came to us probably not even knowing what you were getting yourself into. I am proud that you stuck to your guns and competed in the RX division with only 7 months under your belt and you totally held your own. Just think of all the things you will be able to master with 12 months of training! You did your best and left it all out there just the way a true ShopGymer would. Proud of you!

 The whole day was emotional for so many people. Ms RC from CF Core KTown getting her first Muscle Up x 2 with the crowd going absolutely wild and then just weeping about it immediately after to Mr DE PRing on his clean ladder. Ya know, it really is a funny thing how this community works, I pretty much saw DE at a competition last year at CF204 and saw that he was a little smaller than most of the guys and decided I was going to head over to where he was lifting a sick amount of weight over his head and cheer him on. This guy is like a Chris Spealler. Heart and determination of a warrior. From there I pretty much introduced myself to his girlfriend and loved the energy that came from both of them and decided they were my kinda people. But this is what I love, I don't even feel silly about this. I like them therefore I consider them my friends. Nuff said.

~People inspire you or drain you, choose wisely.  Hans F Hansen...I do believe I have chosen quite wisely.

Inspire someone this week my ShopGym family!


21 Jan 2013

Warm up:
Row 500m
3 x 10 wall squats toes as close to the wall as possible
3 x 5 TTB

Then Strength Day!
5 x 5 back squats @70%
5 x 5 bench press @70%
increase weight on last set of 5
Finish withh 5 x 5 barbell rows

Thursday, January 17, 2013

18 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
10 Shuttle runs
20 Sit Ups
10 Shuttle Runs
20 Air Squats
10 Shuttle Runs
20 second L Sit (use as many attempts as necessary for 20 seconds total)

5 x 200m row (30 sec rest btwn rounds)
3 x 2 min rounds broad jump burpees one way/bear crawl back

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

17 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
Skipping Circuit
100 Singles
80 Double Unders
80 Singles
60 Double Unders
60 Singles
40 Double Unders
40 Singles
20 Double Unders
20 Singles
10 Double Unders
10 Singles

Floor Press/Floor Wipers/Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

16 Jan 13

Warm Up:
2 complete sets broad jump burpees
2 x 10 sets toes to wall squats to below parallel
3 x 5 Parallette pass throughs (done on racks, bars placed low)

5 Mins Heavy Deadlift 1 rep every 30 seconds

3 Rounds for time:
(Groups of 3, Sled pull is timer)
Sled Pull - One length, heavy (sled pull is stationary hand over hand, pull sled from far end of gym to you)
Good Mornings (55/75)
Box Jumps

Frostfit Games

Anticipation has been building for the annual Frostfit Games competition being held this Saturday, January 19th at Crossfit Winnipeg. But this year's competition is especially exciting for us because we will have three of our very own competing in this event. Best of luck to Mel, John, and Chris (and Lynn!) who we know will represent us well. If you have some time, please plan on coming down to cheer our competitors on. I know they will appreciate the support. All information and heat schedules can be found on the Frostfit website.

Monday, January 14, 2013

15 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
50 Double Unders
Junkyard Dog
Bergener Warm Up

10 Power Snatches (Touch and go) 70% 1RM
20 Shuttle Runs
10 Clean & Split Jerks (Touch and go) same weight
20 Shuttle Runs
10 Power Snatch
20 Shuttle Runs

Note: Those not proficient in the olympic lifts will do med ball cleans for the snatches and heavier dumbbell cleans for the Clean and Jerks.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

14 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
3 rounds of box jump burpees
5 sets of 5 sit ups/1 jump touch of the pull up bar
Shoulder Mobility

AMRAP (30 seconds rest btwn rounds):
3 minutes: Push Ups
2 minutes: Dips (ring or bar)
1 minute: Pull Ups

This workout is structured to be continuous work. Start as close to Rx as you can, but be prepared to modify the movements to ensure you are working the whole round.

Friday, January 11, 2013

12 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
20 shuttle runs
3 complete lengths (there and back) walking lunges 1st round forwards, 2nd round backwards, 3rd round alternating front and back
1 complete length bear crawl

50 Calorie Row (approx 500m)
40 Push Press (45/65)
30 Burpees
20 Toes to Bar
10 Snatches (45/65)
10 Snatches
20 Toes to Bar
30 Burpees
40 Push Press
50 Calorie Row

Thursday, January 10, 2013

11 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
50 Double Unders/10 Burpees/50 Double Unders
3 x 20 Weighted situps (increase weight for second set)
5 x 3 Hanging Wipers

2-2-2-2-2 Zercher Squats
If form is good, steady increase in weight,
Your coach will tell you whether you are increasing your weight or not.

2-2-2-2-2 Barbell Turkish Get Ups - Weight prescribed by coach

Tabata Mountain Climbers

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

10 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
10 complete rounds (there and back = 1) High knees skip, sprint back
3 rounds 5 Burpee Pull Ups
Hip & Shoulder mobility

Tabata Taster:
Tabata Row
Tabata Bar Tricep Dips
Tabata Sit Ups (anchored)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

09 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
3 rounds of 10 Tuck Jumps/3 Burpees
10 Leg swings (hip opener) each leg (front and back swing, side to side swing)
3 x 5 Pistols (each leg)
Shoulder mobility (dowels/bands)
3 x 5 Reverse (slow descent) pull ups

Two rounds for time:
100 Double Unders
30 Ring Rows
30 Power Cleans (50%)
30 Toes to Bar
30 Front Squat (Same bar as power cleans)

Monday, January 7, 2013

8 Jan 2013

Warm up:
3 Rounds Burpee Box Jumps
Burgener Warm Up

Clean & Jerk Skill work    
Pull Up Ladder
Every min on the min for 14 min's (+1 each round, go till fail)  

Then immediately after 3 rounds of 18 KB Swings/10 Push Press

Sunday, January 6, 2013

7 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
Tabata Row

Skill Work:
Take some time to perfect your squat, focus on the points of performance:
~Chest Up
~Shins vertical, butt back and down
~Lumbar Curve
~Weight in heels
~Depth below parallel
~Knees track over feet

Do 3 sets of 10 deep, slow wall squats trying to get your toes as close to the wall as possible.

Skipping Circuit
100 singles
100 knees up
100 singles
100 bunny hop (forward/back)
100 Skier (side to side)
100 singles
100 fast skips
100 singles
50 Left Foot
50 Right Foot
50 Double Unders

Friday, January 4, 2013

5 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
Run 400m
25 Box Jumps
10 TTB
25 Tuck Jumps
10 Hanging Wipers

Shoulder Mobility

Bergener Warm Up elements:
10 Down and Up (speed through the middle)
10 Elbows high and outside
10 Muscle cleans (fast elbows)
10 Dowel Cleans full movement


10, 9, 8....1
Hang Power Cleans (or medball cleans)
Chest to bar pullups
Barbell Burpees

Thursday, January 3, 2013

4 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
25 Dowel Thrusters
10 Turkish Get Ups - No weights
25 Hollow Rocks
10 Burpee Pull Ups
25 Double Unders

Skill Work:
3 times max effort L-Sit hold (Top of rings/bars, not a hanging L sit)

50 Air Squats
40 Sit Ups
30 Weighted Calf Raises
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Push Ups
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Weighted Calf Raises
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats

For time.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

3 Jan 2013

Warm Up:
25 Tuck Jumps
25 Double Unders
25 Knees Up skip step
25 Double Unders
25 Froggers (Floor Thrusters)

Skill work:
Split Jerks 5x3

10 Press
15 Box Jumps
20 Double Unders
10 Push Press
15 Box Jumps
20 Double Unders
10 Push Jerks
15 Box Jumps
20 Double Unders

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year!

Warm up:
20 shuttle runs
2 lengths there and back walking lunges
Shoulder mobility
Dowel hang cleans

Strength:  5 lengths there and back overhead barbell walk, gradual increase in weight each length(start with bar)

Row 500 m
Then two rounds:
12 Hang cleans (60%)
8 Ring push ups
4 pullups

Finish with 500 m row