Tuesday, February 28, 2017

1 Mar 2017

Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
Shoulder prep


LIFT:  PRESS 5 x 5 work up to heavy set of five


15 American KBS 55/35
20 Sit Ups
35 Double unders (Rx: Unbroken)

Rx2:  Unbroken DU

Rx3:  Any other weight/singles x 5 or DU attempts

Upper body lift prep


LIFT:  Bench Press 5 x 5 Work up to heavy sets of 5

SKILL WORK:  Double Unders
1) Master the slow single, work on body position, relaxed shoulders, arms at 45 degrees)
2) No rope, same jump speed as singles but double slap thighs
3) Add rope, same speed jump, same speed turnover as slap

SAME, modify appropriately

28 Feb 2017

Warm Up:
Monster walks
Cossack squats
Hamstring kickbacks
Shoulder prep

SKILL :  Toes to bar
Focus on lat engagement

For time:
50 cal Row
40 TTB
30 DU
40 reverse leg lifts (off boxes, legs hang)
50 cal row

TTB mods, singles x 5

Thursday, February 23, 2017

24 Feb 2017


Same outline as working double unders last week:
1) slow single
2) same speed jump, double slap thighs
3) same speed jump, with rope and focus on speed of wrists


Row 1000 m
100 DU
Row 800 m
80 DU
Row 600 m
60 DU
Row 400
40 DU
Then 100 m sprint (yellow to yellow is 10 m, you do not need to touch lines)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

22 Feb 2017

Warm up:
Hinshaw (dynamic movements, no arm swings/sprints)
Shoulder prep

PARTNER WORKOUT: Compare to Feb. 25, 2015

A) Row 2000 m
Partner 1 rows while partner 2 holds 2 kb's/db's in front rack position (35/55)
can only row while racked

B) 5 rounds of 5 box jumpovers (20/24) each (no touching of box allowed), partner holds OH plate (35/45)

C) 5 Rounds of 5 HSPU, partner must hold barbell in hang clean start position (stay tight tight tight!)

A) barbell 35/45
B) bench jumpovers (no touching)
C) 8 push ups

Rx3: feet/hands can touch box
mod push ups

Monday, February 20, 2017

21 Feb 2017

Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
Shoulder prep

Work up to heavy set of 5


3 Overhead Squats (off racks) @ 70% 1RM
4 shuttles lengths
20 Unbroken DU

Sunday, February 19, 2017

20 Feb 2017

Warm up:
Shoulder prep (10 MINS)

Skill:  Pull up (pick whichever level you are capable of doing) (5-10 MINS)

Level 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance

Level 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week

Level 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week

Level 4:
4 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around

Level 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly pull ups

WORK:  5 rounds, 30 sec on 30 sec off each movement for max reps (20 MINS)

-Air Squats
-Box push ups
-Frog jumps
-burpee box jumps

Score is total reps



Thursday, February 16, 2017

17 Feb 2017


Lower body lift prep
Hamstring kickbacks

REVIEW:  With dowels, DEADLIFT

warm up to working weight

3 Deadlift

Rx+:  Deficit DL off plates @ 65%
Rx:    @70%
Rx2:  @65%
Rx3:  @ less weight

B)  Not for time
5 Rounds
10 Hamstring sliders off roller
10 back extensions

Roll out & mobility


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

16 Feb 2017

Warm up:
Monster walk
Hamstring kickbacks
Single leg RDL's
10 rounds, 7 sec descent and bottom squat position, 5 sec rest
Coach to perfect your form

REVIEW:  Walking lunge - Torso position, knees, toes



Row cals
Walking lunge

Rx2: half reps on lunges

Rx3:  half reps all workout

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

15 Feb 2017

Shoulder Prep
Achilles/calf/ankle exercises from Hinshaw w.u.

SKILL:  DOUBLE UNDERS  (10-15 mins)
a)  slow skip - work singles at a slow pace with the focus on body position and jumping high.  This sets the pace and tone for the DU where you will jump exactly the same but the wrist turn will speed up to two revolutions instead of one.
b)  jump with thigh slap - after you master the slow single, drop your rope and start jumping at the same speed and height as your singles, but keep arms down at thighs and double slap the thighs in the top of the jump to mimic wrist revolutions.
c)  Add rope and put it all together, focus on long body/shoulders back/arm position/chest up


50-40-30-20-10      DU
10-8-6-4-2              Push Press @ 70%
10-8-6-4-2              Pull up

Rx2:  65% & jumping pull ups
Rx3:  DB push press, pull up mods

Warm up & skill:  same

WORK:  same with mods

Monday, February 13, 2017

14 Feb 2017

Warm Up:
Shoulder Prep
Monster walk (one length each way)
Single leg RDL
Hamstring kickbacks
Hamstring sliders on rollers

SKILL:  Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Snatch
*note:  in the video, he is doing more of a muscle snatch where the feet do not leave the floor.  Your goal is to get to a heavy enough weight were you have to get very dynamic and have to jump to move the weight*

Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy set of 3 per side.


WORK:  10!1 HSPU/THRUSTER (95/65)
3 pull up bar touching burpee btwn each set

Rx2: 85/55, HSPU off box or negatives
Rx3: Less weight, mod hspu

CASH OUT:  Tabata supine alternating toe touches (feet up in air while in crunch position, alternating touching left hand to right toe etc )

Sunday, February 12, 2017

13 Feb 2017

Warm Up:

SKILL:  Turkish Get Up
3 x 2/side
Focus on pausing at all the points of the movement.  This exercise is to be done for QUALITY.

WORK:  Compare to Nov. 3, 2016

Rowing Sprints
In 100m increments row/rest interval rows. Rest as long as you row, going up to 800m.

100m   200m   300m    400m   500m   600m   700m  800m
 rest      rest       rest       rest       rest      rest      rest     rest

Score is total time including rest


Thursday, February 9, 2017

10 Feb 2017

Warm up:
10 rounds, 7 sec descent and rest in bottom of squat, 5 sec rest
Use this time to mobilize the squat position and work on perfecting the movement

Spend 5 mins rolling out or static stretching


WORK:  5 Rounds
30 unbroken wallballs (20/14 to 10/9)

Each set is to be completed unbroken and continuous with no resting in the set.  If you stop to rest, the set does not count.  Scale accordingly.  Rest as needed between sets.

6 rounds
10 weighted sit ups
10 hamstring slides (off roller)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

9 Feb 2017

Warm up:
Shoulder prep
Upper body lift prep

Mobility work
Include t spine barbell smash and barbell trap smash

REVIEW:  PUSH JERK (20 mins)
Focus on 3 second descent and explode up, corkscrew knees, chest straight, speed driving under the bar

Start or finish with 750m row
5 rounds
15 wall ball (20/14 to 10/9)
7 push jerks @65% 1RM

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

8 Feb 2017

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep, add in RDL's, sliding hamstring curls, and hamstring kickbacks (banded)
Shoulder prep

If you are beginner or intermediate, you will work from the hang

Add barbell, work on pull/muscle/dynamic clean

REVIEW:  TTB (5 mins)
Focus on LAT ENGAGEMENT and HOLLOW BODY start position

WORK: Open 16.2
As many reps as possible in 20 mins of:
25 Toes-to-bars
50 Double Unders
15 Squat Cleans, 135/85 lbs
25 Toes-to-bars
50 Double Unders
13 Squat Cleans, 185/115 lbs
25 Toes-to-bars
50 Double Unders
11 Squat Cleans, 225/145 lbs
25 Toes-to-bars
50 Double Unders
9 Squat Cleans, 275/175 lbs
25 Toes-to-bars
50 Double Unders
7 Squat Cleans, 315/205 lbs

Start with a 4 min time cap, every time you finish the Squat Cleans add 4 minutes to your time cap. Stop at 20 mins.

 25 hanging knee raises
  50 single-unders
  15 squat cleans, 95 / 55 lb.

If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 hanging knee raises
  50 single-unders
  13 squat cleans, 115 / 75 lb.

If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 hanging knee raises
  50 single-unders
  11 squat cleans, 135 / 95 lb.

If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 hanging knee raises
  50 single-unders
  9 squat cleans, 155 / 115 lb.

If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 hanging knee raises
  50 single-unders
  7 squat cleans, 185 / 135 lb.

Stop at 20 minutes.

Same warm up

REVIEW:  Sumo deadlift high pull

20 Hanging knee raises
50 Single Unders

Sunday, February 5, 2017

6 Feb 2017

Warm up:  Tabata row
Work at 70% pace

Squat:  10 rounds, 7 sec descent/hold in bottom for coach to correct form and for you to mobilise your position, 5 sec rest at top  (clock will beep for rounds)

Monster walk:  with bands, one length each way
Foam roller hamstring curl x 10
RDL x 10 per leg (no load or light load, goal is to maintain perfect form, not load it up)
Banded hamstring kickbacks x10 per leg
Cossack squat x10 each side
Tspine Mobility


Spend time working through the clean with dowels, focus on set up from high hang and hang for beginner/intermediate and from the floor for advanced.  Then move up to the barbell and add weight.

Work up to four sets of 3 or 4 great quality reps up to 75% 1RM weight

REVIEW:  Overhead dumbbell walking lunge

1 t & b red line to red line OH DB walking lunge (55/35)
15 Wall balls (20/14 to 10')

Rx2:  45/30
Rx3:  any other weight, wallballs not to 10'


Review set up, pull to knees and back down, then work hips back in the descent, then full movement
Use the review to warm up with the dowels and then start warming up with weight

Work up to four sets of four or five reps working on PERFECT form, no heavier than 70% 1RM

5 RFT with a partner
1 t & b OH Medball lunge (each partner, four lengths total, one works at a time)
15 (each) medball chest passes

Thursday, February 2, 2017

3 Feb 2017


While one partner rows, the other runs lines

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2 Feb 2017

Warm Up: 10 mins
3 sets Superfriend tspine opener
10 Bow and arrow (per side)
10 Wall slides (focus on torso position on wall, set spine to neutral through whole mvmt)
10 dowel shoulder pass thrus
2 lengths Overhead dowel duck walk
10 per side bottoms up kb press (half kneeling)

Front Squat  - focus on start position and knees, tight core through descent and drive up, high elbows, chest up
Press (put the two together for Thruster)  Neutral spine, active shoulders with lat engagement, lockout
Push Jerk - focus on upright torso during dip, neutral spine, corkscrew knees, receive position with butt back (no knees forward!), finish position lockout
Overhead Squat - Focus on lat engagement & active shoulders, chest up, armpits out
Sumo Deadlift High Pull Focus on close bar path, explosive hip drive

AIRFORCE  Compare to April 25, 2016
For time: *NOTE:  this workout starts with burpees*

20 Thrusters
20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Push jerks
20 Overhead squats
20 Front squats

Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees. There is a 20 min cap.

Rx2:  75/55
Rx3:  Less weight