Monday, February 13, 2017

14 Feb 2017

Warm Up:
Shoulder Prep
Monster walk (one length each way)
Single leg RDL
Hamstring kickbacks
Hamstring sliders on rollers

SKILL:  Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Snatch
*note:  in the video, he is doing more of a muscle snatch where the feet do not leave the floor.  Your goal is to get to a heavy enough weight were you have to get very dynamic and have to jump to move the weight*

Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy set of 3 per side.


WORK:  10!1 HSPU/THRUSTER (95/65)
3 pull up bar touching burpee btwn each set

Rx2: 85/55, HSPU off box or negatives
Rx3: Less weight, mod hspu

CASH OUT:  Tabata supine alternating toe touches (feet up in air while in crunch position, alternating touching left hand to right toe etc )

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