Sunday, February 7, 2016

8 Feb 2016

Warm Up:
Shoulder activation (theraband)
Shoulder activation (dynamic) to include inch worms, bear crawl, quadruped crawl etc

Wall walks 3 x 1
Work on perfecting movement

Review:  Burpee and Pull ups (and pull up mods)

WORK:  10 rnds alternating mvmts (30 sec on / 30 sec rest) for reps (track seperately)

Odd: Burpees
Even: Pull Ups

Rx2:  Jumping pull up
Rx3:  Ring Rows

Spend 20 mins working on a skill / progression work as follows:

HSPU:  Pick 1,2, or 3 depending on where you are in your handstand ability.  Note:  If you have not met your standards for the second level of HS work (pike position push ups), you are not cleared to work #3 (see instagram video posted to SHOPGYM group on FB)

Level 1. Hollow Body Plank Shoulder Taps- Hand placement should be shoulder width with shoulders stacked directly over the elbow and wrist with fingers spread wide and middle finger pointed forward. Maintain a proper hollow position throughout while pressing away from the floor through the palms and protracting the shoulder blades, tucking the ribs, pulling belly button to spine, tucking the pelvis, engaging the glutes and legs, and squeezing the heels together. From there keep hips and shoulders squared to floor and maintain a neutral spine. Then you're ready to tap your shoulders!

Level 2. Pike Shoulder Taps- Aim to hit a stacked position with hips over shoulders, elbows, and wrists. You may have a slight bend at the knee if there is tightness though the posterior chain. Shoulders press into the shoulders while you actively push away from the floor while tapping your shoulders!

Level 3. Inverted Hollow Body Shoulder Taps- Proper stacked position and overhead mobility is crucial for this progression. Stay tight while applying all of the above to begin tapping shoulders!

Level 2/3:  Power Monkey hs work with bands
Level 1:  Handstand walkouts from standing position to plank and back

Muscle Up:
2 x 5 Ring to chest pulls
3 x 3 banded seated transitions
3 x 3 Russian dips

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