Sunday, December 30, 2012


Ringing in the New Year!!  And what an ideal way to do it :)  Now you can blame those wobbly legs tonight on the front squats.

Gymnastic Skill:  Take 10 mins to work on one gymnastic skill (ring dips, L-Sits, MU's, Skin the cats, rope)                          

Then chest up, elbows up for heavy Front Squat day                            
Gradual increase in weight to achieve 3 rep max

Friday, December 28, 2012


Warm Up:
10 Burpees
10 Double Unders
10 Burpees
10 Tuck Jumps
10 Burpees

Shoulder mobility

5 Rounds with 3 mins rest btwn each round:
20 pullups/30 pushups/40 situps/50 squats

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Warm Up:
Tabata Row
Shoulder Mobility

BOB HARPER:                
3 rounds of:                
5 pull ups                        
10 Hand Release Pushups                      
15 KB Swings          
20 Burpees                  
25 DU's

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Warm Up:
Skipping Circuit
100 Singles
100 Skier (Side to side hop)
100 Front & Back Hop (Bunny Hop)
100 Singles
100 Knees up
100 Fast Skips
50 Left Foot
50 Right Foot
50 Double Unders

Shoulder Mobility

21-15-9 Deadlift/HSPU

Tabata Sit Ups

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

The ShopGym coaches want to send out a merry Christmas to all of our ShopGym family!  We've had a lot of changes and seen a lot of growth this past year and we want to thank each and every one of you for coming alongside us in this journey.  We appreciate the patience as we've gone through some growing pains and have enjoyed seeing the comaraderie and relationships develop as we've shared in triumphs and defeats.  ALL of you have made huge strides this year and we'll bet each and everyone of you is doing AT LEAST one thing that you never thought you would be able to do.  You should all feel proud of your accomplishments!

That being said, here is tomorrow's workout:

Be kind to one another.  Laugh out loud.  Enjoy your family and friends.  Reach out to someone who is hurting or lonely.  Count your blessings.

Peace to all of you and have a very merry Christmas!


Sunday, December 23, 2012


Warm Up:
3 Rounds Burpee Box Jumps
Burgener Warm Up

Clean & Jerk Skill work    
Pull Up Ladder
Every min on the min for 14 min's (+1 each round, go till fail)  

Then immediately after 3 rounds of 18 KB Swings/10 Push Press

Friday, December 21, 2012


Warm Up:
3 Rounds Row 1 min on, 30 secs off
100 Double Unders OR Tuck Jumps
50 Walking Lunges
20 Lengths Shuttle Run

15 Min Metcon
(stay at each stn for 1 min and rotate, count tot reps):
Barbell Box Step Ups/
Hollow Rocks /
Weighted calf raises/
GHD SitUps/
Handstand Hold (each sec is 1 rep)

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Warm Up:  3 rnds Cindy
then it's Heavy Lifting Day:
5-3-3-2-2-1 Deadlifts              
then 3-3-3-3-3 (gradual increase) Back Squats

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


12 Days of Christmas: 
We can all thank T for this one :)  Singing the 12 days of christmas while doing this workout is mandatory.

12 days of Christmas:
1 Power Snatch
2 Ring Dips
3 Burpees
4 Pull Ups
6 Pushups
7 Air Squats
8 Jumping Alt. Lunges
9 Box jumps (20")
10 Wall Ball (20/14)
11 KB Swings (53/35)
12 Thrusters (95/65)

This is a builder, so you will be doing a slow progression to twelve rounds.  Breakdown as follows:
Round 1 - 1 Power Snatch
Round 2 - 2 Ring Dips/1 Power Snatch
Round 3 - 3 Burpees/2 Ring Dips/1 Power Snatch etc ("and a partridge in a pear tree")


15 Min AMRAP:      
Length and Back Farmer Barbell walks as timer (45/75)
Rope Climb/GHD Back Extensions
Med ball cleans

Monday, December 17, 2012


Tabata Row, then 3 Rounds:                                
1 Strict Press          (70-80%)    
1 Strict PullUp            
1 Strict Press                      
3 Strict PullUp        
1 Strict Press              
5 Strict Pullups

Strict Pullup means strict!  No kipping allowed in this one.  Go up a band if you need to, but no kipping allowed.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Warm Up:
Tabata Row

Strength: Rom  DL's 5- 3-3-3-1-1-1        
2 mins max reps of each:                              
Box Jumps                    
Single skips

There is no single multiplier for double unders, you must attempt double unders.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Pick a partner!!!

Partner Workout inspired by the Games:
One partner holds the barbell in top of deadlift position (bar cannot drop or 20 burpee penalty) 135/225
Each partner team has to complete:
1000m row/100 Air Squats/100 Ring Rows/
100 Situps/100 Push Press/100 Box Jumps  (bar can change partners anytime but can't drop)

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Warm Up:
Tabata Row
Shoulder Mobility

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Each minute on the minute for 30 minutes

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Warm Up:
Coach Glassman Warm Up
20 lengths shuttle run

Annie on 'roids?                          
50 DU's                            
10 Floor to OH            
40 DU's                  
10 Floor to OH                      
30 DU's                    
10 Floor to OH                                      
20 DU's                            
10 Floor to OH              
10 DU's                              
10 Floor to OH

Floor to OH can be
any lift: snatch, 
clean & jerk, clean 
to thruster etc.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Happy Bday Brand!                          
38's of:                                                    
Box Jumps                
Hang Cleans
Air Squats  

Monday, December 10, 2012


Warm Up:
Tabata Row

Skill Work:
Muscle up Progressions
10 reps of each progression:
Jump and hold
Ring Dip
Full transition from toes

10 Min AMRAP:        
Max Burpee Toes to Bar

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Burgener & Junkyard Dog Warm Ups
SNATCH DAY:          
Working to 1 Rep Max Snatch    5-3-3-3-2-2-1-1

Friday, December 7, 2012


6 Rounds:
Squats 80/64/48/32/16/8
KB Swings 40/32/25/16/8
Pull Ups 20/16/12/8/4/2

First number in the rep scheme is round 1, second number is round 2 etc.  So round 1 is 80 squats/40 kb swings/20 Pull ups, Round 2 is 64 squats/32 kb swings/16 pull ups etc.

Your forearms will not be thanking you.  Thanks to 204 for this baby!

Throwing down the gauntlet

I saw this quote today and decided, after way too long of an absence, to post what's on my mind.  The words in this quote are SCREAMING at me and have validated what I've been thinking about over the last two weeks.  It's time to step it up.

A few weeks ago we were in the box at noon and DUs were on the board, one of our athletes was quickly trying to figure out how many singles would be the modification as DUs were something that she couldn't even imagine doing 30 of.  It brought me back to the first time I decided that modifying with singles just wasn't an option anymore.  I had been a member of ShopGym for some time and I knew it was time to take that ugly, uncomfortable, hard step and rock them out.  I also knew that in order to do this I would have to kick that little voice in my head straight in the ass and say "I WILL do this because I CAN do this so shut the hell up!"  One more thing I knew was that my coach would probably have to lock up with me still working on round 1 of a 12 min AMRAP and I had to be okay with that.  Truly okay with that.  I had to promise myself that this wasn't going to send me into a spiraling downhill self worth UFC fight, me versus moi!

Perhaps it's these steps in my ShopGym journey that make me hate timed based W O Ds or A M R A Ps because to me at this point in my head, time means nothing.  There I said it.  No offense to those that are more advanced with the movements and such, right now I'm talking about myself only, so chase the clock like nobody's business my friends and I'll be the first to cheer you on.  My point is that sometimes we get in a zone where we are just moderately uncomfortable and we don't want to push harder.  True story peeps!  I'm guilty of this on quite a few levels in the box.  I want to be able to do all the moves 'unmodified'.  I want to someday RX the W O Ds but I have to realize that this does not come over night nor does it come with me being okay to just stay in my moderately uncomfortable place.  One needs to push themselves beyond their comfort zones to see, feel, reap the success that lies beyond.

My challenge for every one of my ShopGym family members is to CHALLENGE yourself just a little bit more.  Break out of that comfort zone and even if you know that this will mean that it will slow you down or you'll be the last one to finish.  Take it from someone who knows what it's like to be slow/last, who really gives a shit, you get over it pretty quick!

~ I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else.  I believe you have to better than you ever thought you could be.  Ken Venturi

Sidenote:  The athlete that didn't think she could do.  DID IT that day!  Took her a little longer but she did it and in my books that's really all that counts :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Tabata Row                            
Then 3 Rounds:                      
30 DU's                                  
10 Burpees                  
Bear Crawl (length and back)
Finish Tabata Row

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


You can thank Lynn for this guy sneaking into the lineup this month:

FRAN:  21-15-9     Thrusters (65/95)    Pullups

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


METCON for time:                    
Row 250 m                  
25 Wall Ball          
Row 250 m              
25 Hang Cleans            
Row 250 m                          
25 DU's    

Monday, December 3, 2012


5 Rounds:                  
10 Snatch Balance      
100 "running" skip (single skips with rope but as fast as you can go, as if you are running)

Sunday, December 2, 2012


December is ramp up the endurance month to offset all the partying.  A guilt free december is our gift to you!

20 Min AMRAP of
5 HSPU/10 Pistols/15 PullUps

Friday, November 30, 2012


Dress appropriately, because we're running outside!

5 Rounds:                    
Run 200m                          
10 Bentover Barbell Row                
20 DU's

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Warm Up:
Box Jump Burpee Gauntlet
6 Rounds:
4 box jump burpees
5 pull ups
5 push ups
10 Air Squats

3-2 x1 Front squat
5 x 3
Tabata V Situps

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


12 min AMRAP              
8 box jump burpees                  
4 TGU's

Monday, November 26, 2012


3 Rounds:                          
10 Pistol Squats          
10 OHS (70%)

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Warm Up:
Tabata Row

Pick a gymnastics skill

7min AMRAP        

Friday, November 23, 2012


Dress for the weather, because we're running outside!
Warm Up:
Two Rounds:
Run 400m
10 KB swings

100 Pull Ups                                  
100 Push Ups                  
100 Sit ups                                      
100 Air Squats

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Warm Up:
6 Rounds of:
4 box jump burpees (vary heights)
5 pull ups
5 push ups
10 Air Squats

Clean & Jerk Skill day

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


5 Rounds:                              
10 Floor Press (70%)            
10 Box Jumps

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


15 Min AMRAP:              
15 Hang Cleans (50%)    
2 Shuttle Runs (width of gym, touch floor at both ends, there and back =1)                                        

Monday, November 19, 2012


5 ROUNDS:                    
Bear Crawl length of gym and return        
7 Hanging Wipers (Left & Right = 1 wiper)

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Warm Up:
6 Rounds:
Box Jump Burpee gauntlet
5 Pull ups
5 Push ups
5 Air Squats

Overhead Squats - You are working up to a heavy one rep max

Friday, November 16, 2012


Modified Joshie:
3 rounds:
21 Dumbbell Snatch (right arm) Rx 40 lbs
21 Pull Ups
21 Dumbbell Snatch (left arm)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Row 1000m
Tabata Ring Dips/Bar Dips

ShopGym Christmas!

ShopGym Christmas party will be held this Sunday, November 18th starting at 5 pm in the Trotco building on 349 Bronstone Drive.  ShopGym families and partners are welcome to attend.  There will be lots of food and lots of laughing.  What could possibly go wrong in a room full of Type A's?

See you then!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012


What's not to love about this?
Deadlifts & DU's                    
Five Rounds:                          
10 Deadlift (70%)          
20 Double Unders

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Warm Up:
6 rounds:
Box Jump Burpee gauntlet
5 pull ups
5 push ups
5 Air Squats

Skill day:
Muscle Up Progressions

Friday, November 9, 2012


Variation on Jason:                  
100 Air Squats                      
5 Ring dips                              
75 Air Squats                            
10 Ring Dips                      
50 Air Squats                          
15 Ring Dips                            
25 Air Squats                                        
20 Ring Dips

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Go heavy!

Working to one rep max back squat

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Chip chip cheerio!
50 Box Jumps/100 DU's/200m row
40 box jumps/80 DU's/200m row
30 box jumps/60 DU's/200m row
20 box jumps/40 DU's/200m row
10 box jumps/20 DU's/200m row

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Rower as timer, ROW 200m,
Rope Climb/GHD Situps   (because we only have one rope, alternate rounds with your partner)                              
KB Snatch (Alt arms)  

Monday, November 5, 2012


Junkyard Dog Warm Up
Burgener Warm Up

12 Min AMRAP:
Snatch/+2 Burpee Ladder
Start with 1/3, 2/4 etc and get as high up as you can in 12 mins

*This is a light weight exercise 30-75 lbs*

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012


Fab 40                              
Birthday Workouts:                
40 OHS w Dowel or 15lb bar/dumbells                  
40 Sit Ups                                        
40 Double Unders                            
40 Goblet Squats                            
40 Box Jumps                          
40 Pull ups                                      
40 KB Swings

Thursday, November 1, 2012


3 ROUNDS:                  
45 lb (rx) Sots press   15 reps
3 wall walks
20 sec L sit hold
3 wall walks

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Romanian Deadlift

Back Squats

5 Rounds
10 Pullups
20 Air Squats

used with permission from Crossfit 204


Tabata Mashup:

(1) Row

(2) Ring Row

(3) Plank

(4) Air Squat

(5) KB Swings

Friday, September 28, 2012

Why I Do What We Do

These are the reasons I ShopGym.  And of course so I can push 180lb sleds across the boulevard ;P

Monday, August 27, 2012

Highway to Hell or should I say Highway of Hell

So I was creeping my niece's pinterest boards this evening and came across this one that I thought was so fitting to what the last couple days have been for me in the fitness aspect of my life.

Ever have one of those days when you're a bit down and having a "party for one" in the pity department?  Well that was me on Saturday so I decided to use the best endorphin booster that I know of.  Exercise!  Strapped on the old running shoes and headed out to sweat my badittute out.  Tunes cranked.  Began by walking at a fairly brisk rate.  Walked a little further than normal.  A lot further than normal.  Began to jog.  Ya know, that running thing, she can be such a moody beeatch when she wants to be.  You never know what she's going to throw your way.  Those of you that run on a fairly regular basis will know exactly what I'm talking about.  One day she's your best friend and you can run like Forrest and the next time she is the devil!  Saturday she was Lucifer himself and I felt like I was running on a highway of hell.  I ended up going almost 4 miles but it was the WORST RUN EVER.

Why am I telling you this?  I'm sharing this story because it applies to so many aspects of our lives.  When we're in the box @ ShopGym, there are times when I can let my mind go all the way to the extreme of "I'm the worst, slowest, crappiest ShopGym athlete ever!" when really all it was was I didn't get more than 1 pullup on the black band.  Big deal!  It's only 6 months ago that I was on ORANGE!

If we allow our minds to go to these places where we let "one bad workout make us feel like the worst athlete that ever lived" we are destined to fail.  The mind or the mental game is by far the biggest aspect of what we do, how we do it and why we do it.

I decided after my run to just forget about it and move on.  If I never run again...oh darn *insert sarcasm*.  The point here is that the decision I made to keep plugging along and allow myself to have a crappy run gave me the permission to move ahead mentally and when I got a message from a friend to workout on Sunday morning, I was totally ready to dive right in because I wasn't festering on "being such a loser" the day before.  Bonus to all this was that I got to work out with a good friend and I got to share my new PR of a 65lb SNATCH with him. What good is a PR if you can't share it right?!  Just thankful that I was in a mental space to enjoy it!

Like success, failure is many things to many people.  With positive mental attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order and prepare to try again.  ~ W. Clement Stone

Keep putting one foot in front of the other my ShopGym friends :)


Monday, August 20, 2012

Mother of Mercy...what an awesome Saturday!

Community.  Webster's definition:  a unified body of individuals

This past weekend me, Mel, Crystal and John headed out to CrossFit 204 to help out with their Classic competition.  There were athletes competing from all over Canada and we were all so stoked to be a part of it.  Mel, me and Crystal a.k.a. The ShopGym Girls were there pretty much to marshal some of the running portion and to load sleds.  John, on the other hand, worked with Paleo Nick on roasting a good old fashioned hawg ;)

First of all I just want to say that Mike from CrossFit 204 is such a class act.  I don't know the guy from Adam but every time I had a question or he was instructing us on what to do he just had this aura about him that made me feel so welcome and so not stressed about what we needed to do.  Thanks so much Mike!

I was also witness to something while I was waiting in line in the lobby, I won't go into details about it but I have to say that I walked away with a smile.  Just being able to witness the basic kindness and gentle spirit of one of the competing athletes as she chatted and thanked a spectator for coming to support her.  Crystal KP, you are a class act as well.

One of the things that CrossFit often talks about is community.  The unified body.  I have to say that on Saturday I witnessed this first hand.  The sense of unification was palatable.  No matter where you were from or whether you knew the athlete on a personal level or not, everyone wanted everyone to do well.  There was no egos nor attitudes, it was just pure rooting for the next guy.  Obviously there is a sense of competition in the air, as Ricky Bobby says "if you ain't first you're last!" but it just isn't that "dog eat dog" mentality.  It's community.  The guy standing next to you has no problem chatting with you about the events or how heavy those snatches were or how hard the athletes work to get to where they are.  There's no judging or backstabbing, it's just genuine respect and kindness for people.  It just really makes me think about the what ifs.  What if we all took a little bit of this mentality and used it in our everyday lives?  What if we rooted for the other guy once in awhile instead of ourselves?  What if we all took the time to be thankful for the people in our lives that are our "spectators"?  I don't know, I think it would be interesting to see the tiny acts of goodness trickle into something so much bigger than ourselves.  Something to think about anyway.

Thanks go out to Mike and CrossFit 204 again.  We really felt like a part of la famiglia!  Just wish I would've worn my Iron Maiden time :)

~We sometimes feel that what we do is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.  Mother Teresa.

Peace out my community of ShopGymer!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Certified callous care??

I want to start off this post with a huge CONGRATULATIONS to John, Mel & Crystal (Mitch will be certifying in Vegas in October) on getting their Level 1 certifications this past weekend in Minneapolis.  I so admire the dedication of our coaches. The time it takes and the amount of cash it takes to become certified is a big deal and I'm so thankful that we have them in our box.  Here's a picture of the class.  See if you can spot our ShopGymers.  I'm actually quite surprised the ladies aren't right beside Jason McDonald in the picture as it sounds like  he was demonstrating a lot for the ladies ;)

Ok, enough about that.  Down to bidnezz.  "Callouses!  I love them especially when they rip" said no one ever!  Yesterday's WOD of 15 DL then 8 rounds of 8 HSPU & 16 TTB followed up with a 15 DL chaser was an absolute killer on the hands.  I will admit that my hands are a little bit a lot a bit on the sensitive soft side.  Never had a callous rip in my entire life and yesterday I had one on each palm rip right off.  No big deal right?!  Until I put my hands into the bathtub last night.  Mother father, that was some serious acid-o-skinarama.  Jimeny crickets!  So here is a helpful video which we probably could've used prior to yesterday but whatever.  Better late then never I always say :)

Enjoy the tutorial on callous shaving.

Reason #39 on why we do what we do at ShopGym:  'Cause 60 minutes on the elliptical won't do you a damn good in a bar fight!

Peace my friends.


Monday, July 23, 2012

21-15-9 Shades of Games

I can't believe it's been over a fortnight since I last posted.  Confession:  my nose has been stuck in a certain trilogy and I'm embarrassed to say it has taken up some all of my spare time.  We won't mention which trilogy it was as this isn't that kind of blog.

So much as happened over the last 2 weeks.  Hello?!  CROSSFIT GAMES 2012!  Needless to say, I was glued to my laptop the entire weekend.  One of my favorites was when it was announced that the individual athletes would be participating in a mini triathlon and not only that but TWO WHOLE DAYS PRIOR TO WHEN THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO START!  Holy crapoly!  I can't even imagine.

A lot of the events this year were track based, which I actually enjoyed quite a bit as it showed a lot of diversity and allowed for anyone, small or large, to have a fighting chance.  The final event was my favorite.  A combination of the Girls.  Elizabeth, Isabel and Fran.  Oh Isabel, how I loathe thee yet these ladies and gents made it look like a walk in the park.  So jealous!

Here's a look at the female winner, Annie Thorisdottir and male winner, Rich Froning.  First two to ever win the Crossfit Games 2 years in a row consecutively.

If you have some spare time on your hands, google either one of these athletes because guaranteed, you will be motivated!

And don't forget - Strong people are harder to kill...and more useful in general. ~some random crossfitter.

Rock it out peeps!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Four Five IS about the food!

Nutrition.  Hot topic these days.  80% food 20% exercise.  Is it true?  Is it just "one of those" stats?  It's funny because over the last week or so this seems to be a topic of conversation for me in multiple different groups.  Perhaps it's a sign.  Nahhh!

Here's what I think.  For those of us that have these twisted "crazy" hangups with food, any mention of a "diet" or "nutrition challenge" sends us over the deep end.  It's like someone just announced that we can never eat anything but spinach and brussel sprouts ever again FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES!  It's an instant feeling of panic!  "I better eat like an absolute HOG the day before because starvation nation is soon to arrive."  Stupid?  YES, I know!

So after today's WOD of 21-15-9 box jumps, kb swings then run 400m, I was absolutely gassed!  I even had a woozy pukey feeling.  "Why?" I asked the group.  "Why do I feel like this and why do I feel like I'm giving it everything and I still end up last??"  To which the Wodfather a.k.a. Johnny replied, "well, what did you eat yesterday?  How did you sleep last night?"  Lightbulb moment!  And yes, I am a slow learner.  It's the food!  Which I guess I've known subconsciously all along but didn't want to commit to better ways.

This is what I've decided.  There will be no diet.  There will be no nutrition challenge.  What there will be is wiser choices!  I will fuel this temple with what it deserves!  And I will know that what I put into my body, my body will return back to me.  Simple as that.  A wise man once told me, "keep it simple stupid!" and that is what I shall do.  Baby steps.

And remember ShopGymers...

The odds are it's not food if it arrives through the window of your car ~author unknown


**Disclaimer:  I am in no way knocking "nutrition challenges" or "diets".  This is just what works for me personally not ShopGym as a whole.  No offence intended.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

For those about to rock (or WOD), we SALOOT you!

Yesterday was a HUGE day for ShopGym.  We officially ended our very first Intro class and it was awesome!  We had 13 people sign up for the evening class and 3 or 4 for the early morning class.  We covered everything from flatulence to flat abs.  (I love you mom!  I'm sorry John!)

One of the things that struck me most was how open and receptive people are to learn new things.  Every single one of our newbies (box) jumped in with both feet ;) and succeeded!  Who knew you could all do a pullup?!  Modified or not, it's still a pullup!

About half way through our Intro Class sessions one of our ladies had a horrific loss happen to her family yet she persevered and continued to come.  I cannot imagine how hard it was for her to do that.  I want to personally take this opportunity to thank her for allowing us to share that evening with her, through tears and sweat, I believe our bond just got that much stronger.  ShopGym prayers will continue to go out to you and your family.

As all good things must come to an end, I hope that we will WOD together again in the near future my ShopGym newbies!

Remember peeps:  Eat Clean, Train Mean, Get Lean!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nothing screams summer like burning triceps

June 21, 2012 WOD

5 RDS for Time

5 Snatch
5 Ring Dips

I personally find the snatch a difficult and complex movement and was actually happy to find that I wasn't the only one.  Today's nooner was tough in a different sort of way.  A technique kinda way.  So like I do many times before or after I WOD I immediately grab my protein smoothie and log into youtube.  Chris Spealler and EvaClaireSynkowski do an awesome job breaking down the snatch and because I'm a huge fan of Chris, I choose this video to watch.

Check it out if you're looking to improve your snatch!

And remember "every accomplishment starts with the decision to try" ~ author unknown

Rock it out my fellow ShopGym peeps!


*title copyrighted from my niece's fb page ;)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

We're Back...

As you can see from the last post, it's been awhile.  So just a quick update as to what we've been up to.  In May of this year John sold his farm and ShopGym officially became a resident of Niverville.  Although the space is a lot smaller that John's shop, we are making it our own and adjusting quite well.

June 5th was the start of our first official Intro to ShopGym class and the interest has been phenomenal.  We had 13 people signed up and a lot of additional inquiries as to what our crossfit style workouts are all about. Our 13 newbies are doing so well!  I'm encouraged and inspired by their dedication and courage and i hope that some, if not all, will stick around once the 4 weeks is up, which brings me to:  what's next?!

Due to the overwhelming interest, we have decided to run another Intro to ShopGym class.  It will consist of 4 sessions in a span of 2 weeks.  July 3, 5, 10 and 12th from 6-7 p.m.  Cost is $30 and we will be limiting the class to 8 people max. in order to coach more one on one with people.  ShopGym IS all about community.  It's very important to us to build that relationship with our workout buddies and small class size will allow us to do that.  So sign up quick!

We will be updating this blog on a regular basis so please feel free to comment.  We would LOVE your feedback!

Head Up, Heart Strong, Spirit Unbreakable  ~ Julie Foucher

Rock it out today my friends!