Sunday, September 13, 2015

14 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  Current ability less than 10 standard push ups/GOAL:  10 standard push ups
Phase 2:  10 Standard push ups/GOAL:  Kick up to handstand on wall and hold perfect hollow body position for 30 seconds and come down in a controlled manner
Phase 3:  Comfortably kick up into handstand on wall and hold perfect hollow body 30 secs/GOAL:  1 Strict handstand push up
Phase 4:  1 Strict Hanstand Push up/GOAL:  3 strict HSPU and 10 KIPPING HSPU
Phase 5:  3 Strict & 10 Kipping HSPU/GOAL: 6 Strict HSPU and 20 Kipping HSPU
Phase 6:  6 Strict & 20 Kipping HSPU/GOAL:  10-20 Strict & 30-50 kipping, full range of motion HSPU on 18"boxes with shoulders touching

Phase 1:  10 MIN EMOM 3-8 reps regular push ups (at whatever level you can do them).  If you can no longer do 3, adjust progression to an easier one where you can get all your reps done. If you can do 8 reps all the way through, move to a harder progression

Phase 2:  10 walkouts, getting hands as close to your feet as possible

Phase 3:  Accumulate 20 knee on box handstand push ups.  Go up 5/week until you are at 40.  Each week make it a little more difficult by using a higher box or moving hands closer to the box

Phase 4:  5 x 5 box push ups from full pike position

Phase 5 & 6:  4 sets 1-3 deficit handstand push ups, start with small deficit and each work increase reps until you can get to 5, then increase deficit

WOD:  10!1
CTB Pull Ups
Box Jumps (20/24)
Sit Ups

Rx2:  Regular pull ups (kipping or strict)

MOD:  Ring rows or jumping pull ups

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