Thursday, September 17, 2015

18 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Shoulder warm up (activation then upper body lift prep pick 3)

HSPU Day 3
Phase 1:Accumulate 100 push ups throughout the day (can do this over the weekend if you want)
Phase 2:  10 mins practice wall walks to as close to nose and toes position as you can/practice kicking up and holding handstand against wall
Phase 3:  3 sets of 4 feet elevated push ups. Once you can do all reps at a certain height, move up 3-6 inches/2 sets of 8-12 pike push ups (not off a box, feet on the floor)  Weekend homework:  10 x 1 negatives, slow and controlled descent.  Use a pillow or cushion under the head if you cannot control all the way to the floor
Phase 4:  As many kipping HSPU as possible in 3 minutes.  Add 0:30 per week until you get to 5 minutes.  Each week the goal is to get more reps than the last
Phase 5:  5 MIN AMRAP Kipping HSPU
Phase 6:  2 sets of :  5 Strict HSPU / rest 20 secs then max kipping HSPU.  Rest 2 minutes


Run, Rest: 1600 m, 1200 m, 800 m and 400 m
For time:
Run, 1600 m
Rest 3 mins
Run, 1200 m
Rest 2 mins
Run, 800 m
Rest 1 min
Run, 400 m

Post total time including rest.  Post times per round in comments

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