Tuesday, September 22, 2015

23 Sept 2015

Lower body lift prep
Squat mobility
Shoulder warm up

HSPU Day 2
Phase 1:  As many push ups as possible in 3 minutes.  Move up :15 each week until you hit 5 minutes or phase 2
Phase 2:  10 box walkouts with highest box possible
Phase 3:  10 x 1 slow and controlled negatives to the ground.  Go up 1 rep a week until you move to the next phase
Phase 4:  3 sets max kipping HSPU with 4 mins rest btwn
Phase 5:  2-5 Strict HSPU EMOM for 10 mins.  Start with 3-5 first set. Each set after try to hit a min of 2 but more if you can

Front Squat:  4 x 4 as heavy as possible

15 KB Swings Russian  55/35
15 Double Unders
15 TTB

less weight
45 singles

Mod:  any further modification

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