Warm up:
Scap Push ups
Scap pull ups
Bird dogs
Inch Worm
Wall walks to high plank
Arm Circles
Bottoms up half kneeling press
Single leg RDLs
Couch stretch
Good mornings no load
3 x 10 Bulgarian split squats (no load)
HSPU Day 2
Phase 1: As many push ups as possible in 3 minutes. Move up :15 each week until you hit 5 minutes or phase 2
Phase 2: 10 box walkouts with highest box possible (4:13 mark of video)
Phase 3: 10 x 1 slow and controlled negatives to the ground. Go up 1 rep a week until you move to the next phase
Phase 4: 3 sets max kipping HSPU with 4 mins rest btwn
Phase 5: 2-5 Strict HSPU EMOM for 10 mins. Start with 3-5 first set. Each set after try to hit a min of 2 but more if you can
Deadlift: 5 x 3 work up to 3RM on last set
Death by KB Swings (AMERICAN) with rope climb buy in
Every minute on the minute complete 1 rope climb and plus one kettlebell swings. KB swings starts at 10 reps and build from there. Score is number of rounds you get into where you complete all the work. Partial reps count.
Rx2: supine climb up and down
Same strength & WOD
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