Thursday, February 28, 2013

1 March 2013

Today we run!  Dress accordingly because we are running outside.

Warm Up:
Row 500m
Then immediately head outside to run 1600 m (twice around the block)

Imagine you are running here :)
Cash Out:
Tabata TTB

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

28 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
Junkyard Dog
2 x 10 Knees to Squat jump/transition (do 1 set with dowel to transition into clean position)
2 x 10 Push Ups
1 x 10 Pull Ups
Any exercise where Michelle is smiling this much can't be that bad?!?!

Hang Clean/Ring Dips (Rx 135/85)
Fast elbows, high elbows are keys to the clean

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

27 Feb 2013

O Helen where art thou?
You better run as fast as you can or the highpants gang will hurt you!

Helen's at ShopGym.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds:
25 DU
200m row

400m Run (33 lengths, touch wall not floor)
21 KB Swings (35/50)
12 Pull Ups

Yoga stretches for cash out

Monday, February 25, 2013

26 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
Tabata Row
Hip Mobility

Doing these...

21 Back Squats (50%)
42 Double Unders (100%!!)
15 Back Squats
30 Double Unders
9 Back Squats
18 Double Unders

Will give you this! 

Cash Out:
Tabata Planks

Sunday, February 24, 2013

25 Feb 2013

Beans working the pullup bar
Warm Up:
Coach Glassman Warm UP (on the warm up board)

Skill Work:  Kipping for any movement (Handstand Push Ups, Dips, Push Ups, TTB)

5 Rounds:
30 Sit Ups
20 Box Jumps
10 Pistol Squats (total)
5 V Ups

Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy birthday John!

23 Feb 2013
the Original Wodfather :)
Today's chipper is dedicated to the wodfather.  I think I speak on behalf of everyone at ShopGym when I say that John has really inspired me to be the best that I can be in the box and outside of it.  When I hear that voice in the corner of the gym saying "Come on Crystal, you can do one more rep"  it makes me dig deeper and finish that rep (or flip him the bird, depends on the day!).  But we all love you John and are so very grateful you've allowed us to join you on your fitness journey.  Happy birthday Johnny!!

John's Birthday Chipper:
51 TTB
51 Shuttle Lengths
51 KB Swings
51 Air Squats
51 Sit Ups
51 Push Ups
51 Pull Ups
51 Box Jumps (your favorite John!!)

ps...don't worry, I will be doing this workout today too, but it's gonna be done here:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

22 Feb 2013

Weight for me!
Somedays you just think "I haven't destroyed my shoulders in a while, wonder when that's ever going to happen again?"

Today's your lucky day!
Kettlebell swings!

Warm Up:
Mitch's Warm Up
Shoulder Mobility

3 Rounds:
4 Push Jerk (60%)
8 Thruster (same bar)
16 Bench Press (60-70%)
32 KB Swings (20/35)
1 minute rest between rounds

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

21 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
3 rounds Box Jump Burpees

50/40/30/20/10 Double Unders & Sit Ups

Skill Work:
Split Jerk

Cash Out:
8 rounds 30 sec on 30 sec off:
Push Ups
M working on his box jumps

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

20 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
Row 250 m
5 Shuttle Runs
1 Bear Crawl (t & b)
We love situps!!

Shoulder & Hip Mobility

100 Double Unders
Then complete 3 rounds:
20 KB Snatch (alt arms)
20 Sit Ups
20 Med ball Cleans
Finish with 100 Double Unders (after the 3 rounds are complete Steve!)

Monday, February 18, 2013

19 Feb 2013

We're waaaaaiting for you!

Warm Up:
3 x 25 Double Unders
3 x 10 Wall Ball
3 x 10 Wall Squats

Hip Mobility (Leg swings, wall stretch, band stretch)
Shoulder Mobility

3 Rounds:
12 Box jump overs (is timer)
Tire Flips jump in and out every flip
Parallette L Sits
Parallette Pass Thru's with dip & push up

Sunday, February 17, 2013

18 Feb 2013

Safety first while working on kipping hspu's
Warm Up:
Three rounds of Cindy

Skill Work:
Kipping HSPU

5-3-2-2-1 Back Squat (Going for a heavy last rep but not a PR weight)

5 Rounds:
2 resistance shuttle runs (t & b)  (you will have a rope or band around your waist and your partner will drag behind you holding onto the rope/band)
Switch after every round

Tabata Hollow Rocks

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Massacre

Team competitions are a great testament to community.  If you have never watched one, go to the games website and check them out.  The teamwork is amazing and there's nothing like finishing a terrible workout with friends beside you!  And to watch a competition in person is even more exciting.

Crossfit 204 is hosting their team competition aptly named the Valentine's Day Massacre tomorrow and ShopGym will have a team represented in the competition consisting of Mitch, Crystal, Terryl, & T-Rev.  This is our first Rx team competition that is not for charity or "fun", so our goal is to represent ShopGym well and finish every workout.  The day will be grueling (six, count 'em, six events) and the team would really appreciate any support you can throw our way.  Even if you can't stay all day but could maybe catch one or two events, it would mean the world to us. Any and all cheering and encouragement will be appreciated!

If you can't make it, you can follow our progress online at the 204 website.  Hope to see (& hear you) there!!

~Team ShopGym

15 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
100 Single Skips
40 Double Unders
80 Single Skips
20 Tuck Jumps
60 Single Skips
10 Ring Rows

Shoulder Mobility

Skill Work:  Muscle up progressions

3 Rounds of each:
Max Ring Dips

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

14 Feb 2013

"Happy Valentime's Day!" (30 Rock anyone??)

"We LOVE ShopGym!!"
In honour of the highly commercialized, guilt inducing "holiday" that is today , we are going to celebrate by treating it the same as every other day, by working out with friends.  You're welcome!

Warm Up:
3 rounds of 20 situps/20 double unders
Hip Mobility

Skill Work:
Barbell Roll Outs 3x3
Starting position, slowly roll out to a superman position and then pull bar back to starting position

Wall Ball (20/14)
Shuttle Runs (Lengths)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

13 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
Row 250m
50 DU's

EMOTM for 8 mins:

One Minute Rest

EMOTM for 8 Mins
One Bear Complex (not seven=1 rep, just one sequence)

12 min AMRAP:
8 Goblet Squats
8 Length Shuttle Runs
Guaranteed this is how you're gonna feel after this workout

Monday, February 11, 2013

12 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
3 rounds:
Box Jump burpees

Steve getting things done
20 Min AMRAP
30 Sit Ups
200/150 lb Sled Push (there and back)
*If class size is too large, do one length sled push then hold 200/150 lb deadlift at top while someone else does one length sled push

Sunday, February 10, 2013

11 Feb 2013

KB Bottom up presses at the barn

Warm Up:
10 Shuttle Runs
2 x 10 Push Ups
2 x 10 Pull Ups
2 x 10 kettlebell bottom up press

10 Minutes EMOTM (every minute on the minute)
Press/Push Press/Push Jerk

Overhead Squat

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Ain't Waitin' on the World to Change so SHUT IT John Mayer

Webster's Dictionary defines CHANGE as:

a : to make different in some particular
b : to make radically different
c : to give a different position, course, or direction to

CHANGE has been on my mind lately.  A wise man once told me that "if you're not changing, you're dying".  I think this can be applied on so many levels in one's life.  

In the XFit world we are told time and again to embrace the suck!  I think the same goes for the change.  For someone like myself who feels the most comfortable when there are no surprises and things/events are planned and organized, change is not always welcome.  Who am I kidding, it's almost NEVER welcome.  When I feel the inclination that something is about to change I instantly get on the defensive side and think of all the negative results that it will have.  This I have discovered is not always the case.

About a year ago right around now, I decided that I was going to make a change, as much as I was procrastinating and putting things off, I knew it was time to get serious.  I had been to JN's barn off and on the year previous and never really committed to being serious about change until a very close friend (ok so maybe it was my sister) pretty much told me that if I wasn't willing to invest my time and energy into being committed, not to be surprised when others weren't willing to invest their time and energy into me.  BAM!  What an eye opener for me!  I absolutely NEEDED the right people in my life to invest in me, to coach me, to carry me when I was down and to get in my face and go all Jillian Michaels (although I'd prefer Bob Harper but that's a whole different kinda blog) on me when my internal dialogue was telling me all the reasons why I didn't have the power to finish the WOD, how I was just a fatty and had no business there. This was one of those 'aha moments' that Oprah talks about. I needed to change.  Needed to commit.  Needed to continually tell myself that I was worth the blood, sweat and tears that it was going to take and believe me there was plenty of all three of those.  In the begin of this journey we were still just a small group of crazies that got together and pushed each other to our limits and beyond.  We experimented on different WODs together.  Shared our PRs.  Shared our failures.  It's amazing how this thing that we do truly binds us together.

So a year has passed and you know what, I have battled the mental demons and the physical demons and can truly say that I have the business to be there...all the frickin' business in the world!  I have now embraced the suck and slowly the change.  The box is 'home' to me on really shitty days when the only thing I can muster up energy to do is walk through that door, hopefully get one of those famous 'John Bear Hugs', and know that every drop of sweat is one stress at a time leaving my body.  Anticipating the post wod feeling of absolute exhaustion mixed with the knowledge that you truly left it all out there EVERY time. 

These people who have travelled this road with me and done so many things for me have such a special place in my heart.  Losing any of them sends me into anxiety.  I am who I am today because of my ShopGym family and I will be forever in their debt.

Be the change you wish to see in this world my fellow ShopGym peeps and rock today out like nobodies business!


Friday, February 8, 2013

9 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
Tabata Skipping


Pull Ups!
Each Round For Time:
Ten rounds of:
115 pound Thruster, 5 reps (modified weight is 95/65)
10 Pull-ups
100 meter Sprint (5 runs t & b, do not have to touch the floor, wall touch is sufficient)
Rest 1 minute

Thursday, February 7, 2013

8 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
Mitch's Warm Up

Skill Work:
Kipping Tricep Dips ( I heart Doug!)

Row, row, row your goat
1000m Row

Tabata Air Squats

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

7 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
10 Shuttle Runs
3 x 10 Deep Wall Squats
3 x 10 Froggers 
Hip Mobility

Mitch cleaning house

5 Rounds:
12 Deadlift (50%)
12 Barbell Burpees
8 Power Cleans (70%)

6 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
Tabata Row
Tire Flips
Shoulder & Hip Mobility
Sherisse rocking the barbell turkish get ups

12 Min AMRAP
6 Front Squat (135/95)
8 Box Jumps (24/20)

Tabata Sit Ups
Tabata TGU's (no weight)

Monday, February 4, 2013

5 Feb 2013

Warm Up:
3 minutes skipping
5 Parallette L sits/10 Box Jumps/15 sit ups/20 air squats
3 minutes skipping
10 parallette L sits/15 Box Jumps/20 sit ups/25 air squats
3 minutes skipping

shoulder and hip mobility
Bergener warm up

10 reps jump to feet (squat position) from sitting knees
10 reps same with dowel to overhead snatch position

5 Rounds:
5 Snatch Balance (75%)
10 Squat Clean (60%)
15 Tuck Jumps

Sunday, February 3, 2013

4 Feb 2013

Warm up:
10 shuttle runs 

Then 3 rounds of 10's of situps, wall squats, push ups, wall ball
10 shuttle runs to finish

Complete five rounds of:On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps
15 Ring Push-ups
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution. Ideally this is done with two pairs of rings - one pair hung app. 8' off the ground and the second 4" off the ground.  This workout is about QUALITY, not speed. It is not timed.
See the demo here

This workout will be staggered, so be prepared to work a goat.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

2 Feb 2013

Is that a ghost, or is it madi box jumping like a boss?
Who is feeling chipper this morning?

Warm Up:
Tabata Row
3 x 5 Ring Rows
3 x 5 Wall Squats

10 KB Swings (35/50)
15 OH Walking Lunges with Barbell
20 Dumbbell Cleans (30/50)
25 Shuttle Runs (lengths)
30 Push Ups
35 Tricep Dips
40 Box Jumps