It all started with one simple article in Men’s Health Journal, a man who was looking for something different to do at the Globo Gym and 10 different published WODs. Fast forward a couple years and a purchase of a property with a 5000 sq. ft vacated chicken barn, a friend who was easily convinced to try something different and a few of his friends that wanted to come along for the ride. Boxinga! ShopGym was birthed.
How exciting to be a part of this! I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be involved in something that is so life changing for anyone who is willing to put themselves out there, break down their walls and continually move forward.
Since our move into town, SG has exploded! We are constantly and consistently receiving emails from people asking what the heck we are doing in that old building by the tracks, why are we flipping tires on the boulevard and how can they become a part of it. Awesome!
Herein lies the tricky part. Growing pains!
Growing pains are defined as: an organization experiencing temporary difficulties and/or problems at the beginning of a particular stage of development
Yep, that about sums it up. I always tell my fellow Admins that these are great problems to have. We are growing! We are sharing this wonderful thing that was shared with us back at the barn. Paying it forward. We are being allowed to influence and walk alongside people that truly are looking to be better people, physically and psychologically. Denying someone of this as we grow just seems so wrong. This is absolutely amazing and so precious. Precious because it means that another human being is willing to trust us/me with their insecurities and vulnerabilities and that is something that I know I can speak for ALL of us Admins/Coaches when I say that we DO NOT take that responsibility lightly.
With any growth comes pros and cons. Decisions that need to be made for the whole of the community. Decisions that need to be made so that we can all continuously grow. How to add in more classes when it's all on a volunteer basis? How to add more space or use the space we have to the utmost efficiency? How to keep everyone happy? (Ok, that one is just me. My battle. My weakness. My downfall. Whole other post. #weakestlink) But at the end of the day, the most important question is, how to encourage every single member to keep fighting the fight whatever that may be in our/their life. We are all fighters. We are not victims.

We definitely don't have all the answers but are meeting regularly and communicating with each other on a daily basis dialoguing all types of different scenarios to make things work. I have learnt so much over these last 9 months and am SO up for the task of strategizing on how to make things better as we grow. 9 months ago I probably wouldn't have been anywhere near thinking I could contribute anything to this kind of venture. Today, I feel empowered to do just that. Contribute. I owe that to SG and my SG family.
So to sum up this post I just want to thank everyone for being patient through these "pains", thank you for giving us grace and trusting us to make wise decisions based on the betterment of our entire SG family. You are all very important to us and we want you to know it!
And remember my friends...TRAIN HARD, EAT CLEAN AND BREATHE FIRE!
How can you tell I'm the only non-type A coach?! #mushymuch?
**I want to dedicate all hashtags in this post to coach Mitch as I know how much she LOVES them and of course, the "boxinga" is there for T-Rev because he would expect no less.