Tuesday, December 29, 2015

30 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Dynamics 1 t&b each (rig to redline)
High knees
Walking lunge open to side angle
Tiny bunny hops
Frog jumps

3 rnds:
10 Good mornings
10 active/passive hangs, on 10th rep finish with 1 strict pull up

-Set up
    ~feet, back, hamstring engagement, body over the bar
10 x-Pull & reset- on coaches count, controlled mvmt, stay up on toes for 2 secs
10 x Pull & transition (muscle snatch) and reset on coaches count
10 x Hang Power snatch on coaches count

Bar warm up:  Pull / Muscle/ Dynamic 3 x 2


Buy In:  4 t&b bear crawl (short way, wall to silver line)
10 DU unbroken
10 Hang Power Snatch 95/65
10 Pull Ups

Feet elevated low bar pull ups

Ring Rows
Alternating single arm dumbbell snatches

Sunday, December 27, 2015

28 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
1 x t&b of each
Tiny bunny hops
Walking lunge open to side angle
Bear Crawl
Ankle flexion walk (one way ankles out, one way ankles in)

3 x 10 calf raises
Runner stretch
Lie on back and trace the alphabet in the air with each foot (left and right all letters)
Ankle and calf mobility

Review:  Burpee
Hand placement
Elbow position

WOD:  100 box jumpover burpees for time
Full extension at top of jump NOT required
Step downs encouraged

Rx2:  any box height other than 24/20

Tabata hollow body holds


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

24 Dec 2015

12 days of Christmas

1 power snatch 95/65
2 ring dips
3 burpees
4 pull-ups
6 push-ups
7 air squats
8 alternating jumping lunges
9 box jumps (24/20)
10 wall ball 20/14
11 kb swings 55/35
12 thruster 95/65

Complete round 1, then 1-2, then 1-3, etc in as little time as possible.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

23 Dec 2015

Warm Up: (15 mins)
Upper body lift prep
Lower body lift prep

10 Rounds 5 sec squat hold 10 sec rest (3 mins)
Coach will help you strive for perfection

REVIEW:  7-8 mins
Bench Press (2-3 mins)
Practice neutral spine position against the wall while taking 10 breaths on coaches count without losing contact with the wall (like a wall sit but have hips positioned higher than 90 degrees)

Front Squat - grab dowels (5 mins)
Review set up/start position
Neutral spine
Elbows up
Bottom position

3 sets of 3 front squats with dowel, on coaches count
Use this time to perfect your position, work to eliminate chest dip and tailbone wink


WOD:  10!1
Double Unders
Toes to bar
Front rack walking lunge (l & r=1) dumbbells or kettlebells
Rx:  45-55/30-40
Rx2:  35/20 Toes to rings
Rx3:  any other weights, knees to chest

Monday, December 21, 2015

22 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Dynamics (5 mins)
Mobility (5 Mins)
Squat therapy (to be done together as a group, on coaches count)
Coach will tweak your squat form in preparation for wall balls

10 rounds 5 sec hold in bottom of squat, 10 sec rest
Working on perfect form

Review:  Wall balls (5 mins)
Set up
Proper positioning

WOD:  30-20-10 (5-7 mins) GHD Sit-ups and Wall balls
30-20-10 reps, for time of:
GHD Sit-up (use medball with feet in db's or tire)
Wall Ball, 20/14 lbs
Rx2:  regular situps
Rx3:  less weight/height on wallballs

Open Gym:
pick a gymnastics skill progression to work on

Sunday, December 20, 2015

21 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Mobility (5 mins)
Lower body lift prep (7 mins)

SKILLS WITH A DOWEL:  Coaches will ensure position and tweak where necessary
5 mins on each movement progression (15 MINS)

Review Deadlift positions:  On coaches count, 10 reps each
Set up/pull to knees and return to start
Full Pull/finish position
Deadlift - Full mvmt

Review Hang Power Clean: On coaches count, 10 reps each
Set up and start position
Receive position
HPCL - Full mvmt

Push Press:  On coaches count, 10 reps each
Set up and core activation, neutral spine, pelvic shift
Press up, straight line, active shoulders, core activation, neutral spine
Dip:  coach will place dowel behind back to ensure straight up and down dip drive
Push Press - Full mvmt

Bar warm up

WOD:  INCREDIBLE HULK Compare to Aug 21, 2015
20 MIN AMRAP  115/75 5reps each mvmt:
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat

Rx2:  with a partner or less weight

Cool down:  Sampson stretch, couch stretch, pigeon, roll out

Thursday, December 17, 2015

18 Dec 2015

Warm Up: (15 mins total)
Row 500-750m at 60% pace
Shoulder activation

Gymnastics skill work:
Spend 25 mins working either pull up, hspu / handstand walk, or muscle up progressions
If you are not proficient at double unders, spend at least 10 minutes working efficiency on this skill

AMRAP 7 mins: Rope Climbs and Shuttle Runs

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of:
1 Rope Climb
Shuttle Run, 150 ft

Rx2:  Supine to standing rope climb with 3 K2E and back down
Rx3:  Seated (legs straight) Dumbbell presses (5 reps)

Cool down:
Spend 5 minutes rolling out

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

17 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Mobility (5 mins)
Upper body lift prep (7 mins)


In teams of 3:
3 RFT  (each person will complete three rounds of rowing, three rounds of sleds, three rounds of ropes)
Row 500 m (timer)
Sled Pulls (hand over hand)  95/75 (calc weight of sled @ 30#)  Rx2:  less weight
Battle Ropes (alternating wave)
as a team complete 200 lengths shuttle runs, only one person may go at a time, only 2 lengths permitted at one time per person

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5

Same as regular class

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

16 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Mobility (5 mins)
Upper body lift prep (7 mins)

WENDLER PRESS:  Week 3 (15 mins)

Review:  Deadlift (5 mins)
Spend 5 minutes reviewing deadlift with PVC pipe
-Set up

Your coach will have you set up all positions and tweak where necessary

Mobility:  Ankles/calf/achilles (5 mins)

WOD:  For time
Row 60 cals
Deadlift 30 reps @ 50% 1RM
DU 30 reps
Box Jumps 60 reps (24/20)

Rx2:  DU Attempts
Rx3:  any other mods

Goal for completion is 12-15 mins or less so scale accordingly

Monday, December 14, 2015

15 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Mobility (5 mins) include achilles/ankle

Tabata Skipping (5 mins)
Can be singles, doubles, single leg etc, mix up each round

Squat therapy:  10x wall squats and 10x goblet squat

10 rnds 5 sec hold in bottom of squat 10 sec rest.  We will use this time for you to fine tune your squat position, your coach will give you some tweaks even if you squat awesome :)

Review:  proper foot and knee position in walking lunge

WOD:  For time
100 ft walking lunge
50 Air squat
25 back extensions (supermans or you can go off a medball)

Cash Out:  Open Gym
Pick a gymnastics weakness and work on it (gymnastics skill progression work)

PUSH PRESS 5-5-5-5-5

WOD:  For time
60 cal Row
30 KB Deadlift (sumo stance)
100 single skips
60 green box step ups

Sunday, December 13, 2015

14 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep

Back Squat
Front Squat

Thursday, December 10, 2015

11 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep

Class will split, one half will start immediately with wod, the other will do a warm up and squats then open gym.

Compare to Feb. 20, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

10 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep


Squat therapy

FRAN:  Compare to May 5, 2015

21-15-9 reps for time

Thrusters 95#/65#

Pull ups & #55 thrusters

Ring Rows and less weight than Rx

Bench Press

Ring Rows

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

9 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep



Complete as many rounds as possible in 13 mins of:
Row, 400 m
21 Kettlebell Swing (American)s, 55/35 lbs
12 Pull-ups

Jumping pull ups (off plate or floor)

Rx3:  Ring Rows
Less weight or Russian style KB swings

Monday, December 7, 2015

8 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Upper and lower body lift prep

WENDLER WEEK 2:  Bench Press/Deadlift

3 rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters, 45/30
Run, 200 m (22 lengths redline to rig)

Rx2: 35/25
Rx3:  any other weight


10 DB Thrusters
200m ROW

Sunday, December 6, 2015

7 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
1 t & b rig to redline:
bear crawl
crabwalk forward one length/crabwalk backward back

sets of 10 of each:
active/passive hang
scap push ups
banded face pulls
(standing) wall slides

21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

Neg HSPU (abmat allowed)
Neg Ring Dips
Push Up

Box Walkout to plank and back to pike
Box (or off barbell) dips
Lowbar or neg push ups

Thursday, December 3, 2015

4 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Lower & upper body lift prep

Wendler Week 1:  Front Squat/Back Squat

Work up to 1RM Thruster

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

3 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep & shoulder activation

Wendler Week 1:  Press (only if you did not get your presses in yesterday)
Gymnastics Strength:   Spend 15 minutes working either your pull ups strength work or muscle up strength work
Pull Ups:  Negatives, Three position holds (10 secs each at top/mid/bottom (active), inverted body rows (focus on pulling to chest), Ring rows (focus on set position in the bottom, strong hollow body, pull to chest)
Muscle Ups:  High ring to chest pulls, russian dips, banded seated transitions, negative dips

Run Prep

WOD:  Compare to 7 April 2015

3 RFT:
500 m ROW
21 Burpees
400 m RUN (outside so dress appropriately)

Push Press

500 m Row
11 Burpees
40 lengths shuttle run

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

2 Dec 2015

Warm Up
Upper body lift prep

Wendler Week 1:  Press

WOD:  Compare to July 29th, 2015

3 Rounds, 1 min work at each station, 1 min rest after all five stations are completed:

Wall Balls (14'/20') to 9'/10'
SDHP (55/75)
Box Jumps (20'/24')
Push Press (55/75)
Row (calories)

less weight/height

Monday, November 30, 2015

1 Dec 2015

Warm Up:
 lower & Upper body lift prep

WENDLER WEEK 1:  Deadlift and Bench Press

Gymnastics Strength work:
At tempo
3 x 5 Ring Rows 30x1
3 x 5 Negative Push Ups 42x1
(for those not proficient in push ups, do regular negatives, aim for 3 second descent)

10 x 1 Negative Pull Ups 5 sec descent

Back Squat

Gymnastics skill:  Low bar pull ups

WOD:  FIGHT GONE BAD, Silvers Style
3 Rounds, 1 min work at each station, 1 min rest after all five stations are completed:

Medball Cleans
KB SDHP  (pull from just below knees)
Box Jumps or step ups
Push Press
Row (calories)

less weight/height

Sunday, November 29, 2015

30 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Mobility:  achilles, ankle, calf
Run Prep

FT: Double Unders, Rows, and Shuttle Runs
For time:
400 Double Unders
Row, 3000 m
200 Shuttle Runs (30 ft, lengths)

Rx2:  200 DU
Rx3:  800 singles

Thursday, November 26, 2015

27 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Row 500-750 m @ 65% pace

5 Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 Medball sit ups

Rx+:  HSPU
Rx2:  Assisted push ups (low bar)
Rx3:  Negative push ups

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

26 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
Lower body lift prep

Wendler Week 4:

WOD:  With a partner, 15 MIN AMRAP
Timer:  Front rack walking lunge 1 length 135/95
Box Jumps 30/24

Score is box jumps

Strength:   Press

With a partner, 15 MIN AMRAP
Timer:  Sled drag t & b
Low box step ups or box jumps

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

25 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep
Deadlift prep/mobility

Wendler Week 4:  Deadlift

Snatch warmup:  Pull-Muscle-Dynamic x 3

WOD:  3 round AMREP with buy in each round
Rnd 1:  5 MIN
Rnd 2:  4 MIN
Rnd 3:  3 MIN
1 min rest between rounds, start at the top each round

Buy In:  10 Power Snatch  95/65
then AMREP of 15 DU/15 Supermans

Monday, November 23, 2015

24 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Shoulder activation & mobility

Skill work:  Handstand walk or Neg pull ups


For time:
Row, 200 m
5 Strict Pull-ups
Row, 400 m
10 Strict Pull-ups
Row, 200 m
5 Strict Pull-ups

Rx2:  Low bar pull ups
Rx3:  Ring Rows

Strength:  Bench Press

For time
200 m row
5 Ring Rows
400 m Row
10 Ring rows
200m row
5 ring rows

Sunday, November 22, 2015

23 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Lower and upper body lift prep and mobility

WENDLER WEEK 4:  Front Squat/Back Squat/Bench Press



Rx+: 225/155
Rx:   195/135
Rx2:  175/125
Rx3:  any other weight

Thursday, November 19, 2015

20 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Dynamics & mobility

WOD:  16 rnds, alternating mvmts, 1 min on 30 sec rest

A)  Max cal row
B)  Shuttle runs (lengths, 30 ft)

Score is total calories and lengths run

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

19 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep & squat mobility prep

WENDLER WEEK 3:  Front & Back squats

Shoulder activation warm up

Ring Rows
Wall Balls (14/20 to 9/10)

Less weight/height/depth wall balls

Skill work:  Low bar pull ups

Medball clean & (ball) slam

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

18 Nov 2015

Upper body lift prep

WENDLER WEEK 3:  Bench and Press

BUY IN:  500 m row
Even:  3 Front squats (take off the floor)  135/95
ODD:  3 TTB & 1 t & b shuttle run (rig to redline, 30ft)

Score is total time to complete including row

Rx2:  115/75
Rx3:  any other weight, toes to ring or knees up or knees to chest

Monday, November 16, 2015

17 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep
Deadlift prep/mobility

WENDLER WEEK 3:  Deadlift

WOD: 3 x 3 min AMRAP, 1 min rest between A, B, and C

A:  5 Power Clean (95/65)
      10 Double Unders

B:  5 Thrusters (95/65)
     25 Singles

C:  2 Bear Complex (95/65)
      10 Double Unders

Rx2:  Dumbbells

Front Squat 5 x 5

WOD:  3 min on, 1 min rest  3 ROUNDS

10 Kettlebell swing  (russian)
1 shuttle run (there and back)

Sunday, November 15, 2015

16 Nov 2015

Warm Up: 10 Mins athlete's choice to include
Shoulder prep/theraband activation


As time permits, work through any of the following skills:

3 x 5 Negative pull ups
3 x 3 Ring to chest pull ups
3 x 5 Negative HSPU
3 x 5 Negative dips (ring or bar)
1 x 3 Bear walk around box in pike position
Handstand walk

Thursday, November 12, 2015

13 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep

In one minute, complete 10 back squats
Rest 1 min
In two minutes, complete 20 back squats
Rest 2 mins
In three minutes, complete 30 back squats
Rest 3 mins
In four minutes, complete amrap back squats

Score is total number of squats

AMRAP: 405/283.5

10- 32.5% 1RM
20- 55%
30- 75%
AMRAP: 95%

10- 25% 1RM
20- 40%
30- 60%
AMRAP: 80%

10- 25% 1RM
20- 30%
30- 40%
AMRAP:  60%

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

12 NOV 2015

WU:  Lower body lift prep

WENDLER WEEK 2:  Squats & Deadlift  (if time permits, do both front and back, if not, pick one)

Shoulder activation/warm up

In 12 mins do:
Row, 1000 m
then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:
3 Handstand Push-ups
5 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs
7 Sit-ups

Rx2:  inclined body rows

Rx3:  DB thrusters

Deadlift 5 x 5
Skill:  1 x 5 negative pull ups/1 x 5 low bar pull ups

In 12 mins do:
Row 1000m
then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:
3 Push Ups
5 Dumbbell thrusters
7 Incline body rows

Monday, November 9, 2015

10 NOV 2015

Warm UP:
Upper body lift prep

Wendler Week 2:  Bench and Press

Shoulder mobility

Bar WU:  3 sets of pull/muscle/dynamic snatch

For 8 cycles:
AMRAP in 1 min of:
5 Squat Snatches, 115/75 lbs
Max Effort Chest To Bar Pull Up

Rest 1 min between each cycle.
For each cycle restart the AMRAP.  Score is pull ups.

Rx2: 95/65 and regular pull ups
Rx3:  DB or KB squat snatch and push ups or negatives

Press 5 x 5

Gymnastics skill:  Negative push ups

Skill:  High hang set up and snatch pull

WOD: 3 cycles

AMRAP in 1 min of:
5 High Hang snatch pull (dowel or bar)
Max burpees

Rest 1 min btwn cycles

Sunday, November 8, 2015

9 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
If you are in a class larger than six ppl, class will be split as follows:

Group A: start on rowers
Group B:  Athlete's choice warm up, then remainder of 30 mins is open gym.  Pick a technical skill that's your goat.

WOD:  10 rounds
2 mins hard row
1 min easy row

Try to keep same pace on all of the two minute rows.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

6 NOV 2015

WU:  Dynamics

SKILL:  Tabata L Sits (can be off parallettes/hanging/or dip bars)

1 x 10 Negative Pull ups

3 rounds for time of:
Walking Lunge, 60 ft
Backward Walking Lunge, 60 ft
10 Toes-to-bars
15 Hollow Rocks

Rx2:  Knees to elbows/armpits, bent knees in Hollow rock
Rx3:  Knees up, bent knees in hollow rock

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

5 NOV 2015

WU:  Lower body lift & squat prep mobility

WENDLER WEEK 1:  Back & Front sq

Warm up shoulders

7 min AMRAP
5 Push Press (off racks)  105/75
1 t & b shuttle run (rig to redline)

Rx+  135/95
Rx2:  95/65
Rx3:  dumbbell push press

Back sq 5 x 5

Pull up negatives 1 x 5
Low bar pull ups 3 x 3

5 Push Press
1 t & b shuttle run

Push press can be done with barbell or dumbbells

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

4 NOV 2015

Warm Up: 5-8  MINS
Upper body lift prep
Shoulder mobilitiy

Bench Press/Strict Press

AMRAP 25 mins:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 mins of:
10 One Arm Dumbbell Snatch (Alternating)s, 45/35 lbs
20 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb

Monday, November 2, 2015

3 Nov 2015

Warm Up

SKILL WORK:  Pull up or Ring Dip or HS Walk/kickups work
3 x 3 negatives , handstand work no set rep scheme

1 t & b shuttle run (rig to red line)
1 t & b bear crawl

Deadlift 5 x 5

WOD:  12 min EMOM
1 t & b shuttle run
1 length bear crawl

Sunday, November 1, 2015

2 Nov 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep
Deadlift prep

Wendler, Cycle 2, Week 1 (@ 100% of 1RM numbers)

Back Squat
Front Squat

Thursday, October 29, 2015

30 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
Run prep & achilles/calf/ankle mobility

Bench Press

Complete 100 double unders for time
Each time you break, drop and complete two burpees

Rx2: 500 singles

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

29 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep
Dynamics & Mobility

Back squat & front squat

With a partner, complete 150 wallballs
Wallballs can only be done while one partner is completing one t & b sled drag.  Each partner must complete at least 60 of the wallballs. If one partner is done their allotted reps before the other, that person will still pull a sled as a timer but will not complete any more wallball reps while the working partner does their sled pull.

Rx: 20/14 to 10/9 and 95/75 sled
Rx2:  20/14 to 9/8 and 85/65 sled
Rx3:  any other mods

Strength:  Push Ups & Front Squat 5 x 5


With a partner complete 150 medball squat partner toss over pull up bar

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

28 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Upper body & lower body lift prep
Wendler Week 4:  Press & Deadlift

5 Push Ups
10 KB Swings (Russian) 55/70
15 Air Squats
20 DU Unbroken (if you mess up, start the DU over again)

Rx2:  55/35
Rx3:  Any push up mod/less weight/attempts

Monday, October 26, 2015

27 Oct 2015

Lower body lift prep

 Back squat & Front Squat

Row 200/140 calories
Every 3 mins, you will get off the rower and complete 5 hang power cleans.  Score is time to complete row.

Rx:  135/95
Rx2:  115/75
Rx3:  95/65
Mod:  DB Hang P cleans


Strength:  Push Press 5 x 5
Gymnastics Strength:  Low bar pull ups

ROW 180/120 cals
Every 3 mins come off the rower and complete 5 medball or dumbbell cleans

Sunday, October 25, 2015

26 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Row 400-700 m at 70% pace
Shoulder activation

10 pistols alt
12 ring dips
15 pull ups

Rx2:  4 Rft

Rx3:  4 Rft
Assisted pistols
Box dips
Low bar pull ups or ring rows

NOTE:  Your coach will assign your stream, only those athletes with regular attendance and volume of dip/pull ups will do Rx.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

23 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep
Good mornings (no load)
Hamstring activation/stretch with kettlebell (stand on low box or plate and bend to touch toes, use kettlebell as counterweight to lengthen the stretch past your toes)
RDL with kettlebell
RDL Leg swings

Wendler Week 3:
Back Squat
Front squat

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

22 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Athlete's choice


500m row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

For time

Rx2:  modification of any movements incl thighs touching ground on push ups

Open gym:  Pick a skill or position that you are not strong in OR complete a wendler lift that you may have missed this week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

21 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep

Wendler Week 3:  Press/Bench

AMRAP 10 mins:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
30 Double Unders
10 V-ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans, 35/25 lbs

Rx2:  30/20
Rx3:  Less weight, x5 singles

Monday, October 19, 2015

20 Oct 2015

WU:  Lower body lift prep and mobility

Wendler Week 3:  Back squat/front squat

7 rounds for time of:
7 Handstand Push Ups
7 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs
7 Knees To Elbows
7 Deadlifts, 245/175 lbs
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings, 2/1.5 pood
7 Pull-ups
Rx2:  Push ups for HSPU
Rx3:  Any other movement/weight modification

Strength:  Back Squat 5 x 5

WOD:  Modified SEVEN
7 Rnds:
7 Push Ups
7 Thrusters
7 Knees Up
7 KB Swings
7 Up & Downs

Sunday, October 18, 2015

19 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Dowel Game

Run prep/mobility calf / anchilles/ ankle

Work a skill or position


Lengths weighted (25/35) shuttles with 12'box stepover at each end (rig and old divider wall, use backpacks)
Double Unders (not weighted)

Rx2:  Line Hopovers (L & R=1)
Rx3:  x5 singles

Thursday, October 15, 2015

16 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Dynamics & Shoulder Prep

HPSU Day 3:
Phase 1:Accumulate 100 reps throughout the day
Phase 2:  10 minutes of practice wall walks to nose and toes hollow body position on wall with controlled descent/practice kicking up onto wall in handstand
Phase 3: 3 x 4 elevated push ups (feet on box), once you can do all 12 reps at one height, increase height 3-6 inches (start with green box and add plates until you get to next box level)
Phase 4:  1 strict HSPU EMOM (10 MINS) add 1 rep per week
Phase 5: 5 MIN AMRAP Kipping HSPU

10 rounds for time of:
7 Burpees
7 Knees To Elbows

Rx2:  Knees to chest

Rx3:  Knees to parallel

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

15 Oct 2015

WU:  Lower body lift prep & Mobility

WENDLER WEEK 2:  Back Squat/Front Squat (same numbers as tuesday)

Bar WU:  Pull/Muscle/Dynamic
Do a few sets, adding weight to get to wod weight

Complete as many reps as possible in 10 mins of:
200 Double Unders
30 Power Cleans, 175/125 lbs
max rep Row (calories)s

Score is total reps

Rx2:  155/105
Rx3:  Singles & Medball cleans

If you are not doing Rx2 weight you will automatically move to medball cleans

Strength:  Press 5 x 5

Shuttle lengths (rig to furnace wall)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

14 Oct 2015

WU:  Dynamics & Pick 3-4 from both upper and lower body lift prep

HSPU Day 2
Phase 1:  As many push ups as possible in 3 minutes.  Move up :15 each week until you hit 5 minutes or phase 2
Phase 2:  10 box walkouts with highest box possible
Phase 3:  10 x 1 slow and controlled negatives to the ground.  Go up 1 rep a week until you move to the next phase
Phase 4:  3 sets max kipping HSPU with 4 mins rest btwn
Phase 5:  2-5 Strict HSPU EMOM for 10 mins.  Start with 3-5 first set. Each set after try to hit a min of 2 but more if you can

WENDLER WEEK 2:  Press / Deadlift

AMRAP 8 mins: Hang Snatches, Row (calories)s and Mountain Climbers
Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 mins of:
20 Hang Snatches, 95/65 lbs
40 Row (calories)s
20 Mountain Climbers

Rx2:  85/55
Rx3:  single arm dumbbell snatches, alt arms

Monday, October 12, 2015

13 Oct 2015

WU:  Lower body lift & upper body lift prep


Phase 1:  10 MIN EMOM 3-8 reps regular push ups (at whatever level you can do them).  If you can no longer do 3, adjust progression to an easier one where you can get all your reps done. If you can do 8 reps all the way through, move to a harder progression

Phase 2:  10 walkouts, getting hands as close to your feet as possible

Phase 3:  Accumulate 20 knee on box handstand push ups.  Go up 5/week until you are at 40.  Each week make it a little more difficult by using a higher box or moving hands closer to the box

Phase 4:  5 x 5 box push ups from full pike position

Phase 5 & 6:  4 sets 1-3 deficit handstand push ups, start with small deficit and each work increase reps until you can get to 5, then increase deficit

Wendler Week 2:  Back Squat / Front Squat / Bench Press

Strength:  Bench Press 3 x 5, last set is max reps (incr weight each set)

200 Single skips
30 Push Press

*Depending on how many show up, may have to split class in half, one starts with wod, one starts with strength*

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

8 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Lower body lift prep

Strength:  WENDLER WEEK 1 - Back squat/Front squat

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
12 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
6 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs
6 Bar-facing Burpees

Rx2:  any modification

Back Squats 5-5-5+

WOD:  13.2
CrossFit Games Open 13.2
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
5 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 115/75 lbs
10 Deadlifts, 115/75 lbs
15 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
Choose an appropriate weight
Step ups are allowed

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

7 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Dynamics (3 mins)
Upper body lift prep


Phase 1:  As many push ups as possible in 3 minutes.  Move up :15 each week until you hit 5 minutes or phase 2
Phase 2:  10 box walkouts with highest box possible
Phase 3:  10 x 1 slow and controlled negatives to the ground.  Go up 1 rep a week until you move to the next phase
Phase 4:  only wod
Phase 5:  only wod

Bench Press & Shoulder press


400 m RUN
21 KB 55/35 (american)

Push Ups

Russian KB's or less weight

Monday, October 5, 2015

6 Oct 2015

Dynamic warm up
Squat lift prep
Run prep

Manion Rx+
7 rounds for time of:
Run, 400 m
29 Back Squats, 135/95 lbs

Rx:  with a partner both complete 400 m run together and split the back squats

Rx2:  with a partner, less weight


Strength:  Bench Press 5-5-5+ (as many reps as you can do for the last set)

WOD:  Modified Manion

Run 400 m
15 Barbell or sandbag back squats

Sunday, October 4, 2015

5 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
Row 400-700 m
Shoulder activation and mobility


Phase 1:  10 MIN EMOM 3-8 reps regular push ups (at whatever level you can do them).  If you can no longer do 3, adjust progression to an easier one where you can get all your reps done. If you can do 8 reps all the way through, move to a harder progression

Phase 2:  10 walkouts, getting hands as close to your feet as possible

Phase 3:  Accumulate 20 knee on box handstand push ups.  Go up 5/week until you are at 40.  Each week make it a little more difficult by using a higher box or moving hands closer to the box

Phase 4:  5 x 5 box push ups from full pike position

Phase 5 & 6:  4 sets 1-3 deficit handstand push ups, start with small deficit and each work increase reps until you can get to 5, then increase deficit

1 rope climb
3 strict pull ups

Rx2:  1 length sled pull brown wall to silver tape (small sleds, seated, hand over hand) @ BW (sled weighs 30#)
banded strict pull ups (modify rep scheme as needed to get work done and have at least 10 secs rest)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

2 Oct 2015

Warm up:
Lower body lift prep
Squat prep/mobility


To prepare for our upcoming strength bias, we are testing our 3RM and 1RM back and front squats. Back squat Warm up sets: 5/3/3 and then work up to 3RM (go to fail).  Once you fail, you will add weight and go to fail on singles.

Front squat:  you will be warm from back squats, so warm up with a heavy set of three and go from there, same as above.  Once you fail on your third rep, add weight and go for singles.

ENSURE that you are taking sufficient rest breaks between sets of three.  You can rest a bit less in the singles, but the multiples should have you resting 3-4 mins once it's getting heavy.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

1 Oct 2015

Warm Up:
400 m run
Shoulder activation & mobility

WOD:  Compare to Dec 11, 2014

Amass 50 HSPU while completing 20 DU EMOM
Score is time HSPU are completed

Rx2:  HSPU off box
If you cannot stay in a pike position from either toes or knees on the box, go to mod stream

MOD:  Push Ups or bar pushups

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

30 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Dynamics (5 mins)
Upper body lift prep (5 mins)

HSPU DAY 3: (10 mins)
Phase 1:Accumulate 100 reps throughout the day
Phase 2:  10 minutes of practice wall walks to nose and toes hollow body position on wall with controlled descent/practice kicking up onto wall in handstand
Phase 3: 3 x 4 elevated push ups (feet on box), once you can do all 12 reps at one height, increase height 3-6 inches (start with green box and add plates until you get to next box level)
Phase 4:  1 strict HSPU EMOM (10 MINS) add 1 rep per week
Phase 5: 5 MIN AMRAP Kipping HSPU

Strength:  5 x 5 Press @ heaviest weight then 5 x 5 Push Press @ heaviest weight

Squat prep (5 mins)

3 OHS 115/75
6 Pistols (alternating)
9 Short Shuttles


less weight
pistol mods

Monday, September 28, 2015

29 Sept 2015

Lower body lift prep 

Strength:  Romanian Deadlifts  5 x 5 same weight, this movement is more difficult than a regular deadlift so use appropriate weight.  This is NOT a max effort lift.

WU:  Upper body lift prep (Bottoms up/TGU sit up/bird dog)


Phase 1:  As many push ups as possible in 3 minutes.  Move up :15 each week until you hit 5 minutes or phase 2
Phase 2:  10 box walkouts with highest box possible
Phase 3:  10 x 1 slow and controlled negatives to the ground.  Go up 1 rep a week until you move to the next phase
Phase 4:  3 sets max kipping HSPU with 4 mins rest btwn
Phase 5:  2-5 Strict HSPU EMOM for 10 mins.  Start with 3-5 first set. Each set after try to hit a min of 2 but more if you can

Strength:  BENCH PRESS  3 x 3  at heaviest all through

3 Rnds:
7 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

Rx2:  If you are not at Rx weight you automatically go to the medball
7 TTB or TTR

7 MEDBALL CLEANS (14# or 10#)
7 Knees to chest

Sunday, September 27, 2015

28 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Shoulder activation


Phase 1:  10 MIN EMOM 3-8 reps regular push ups (at whatever level you can do them).  If you can no longer do 3, adjust progression to an easier one where you can get all your reps done. If you can do 8 reps all the way through, move to a harder progression

Phase 2:  10 walkouts, getting hands as close to your feet as possible

Phase 3:  Accumulate 20 knee on box handstand push ups.  Go up 5/week until you are at 40.  Each week make it a little more difficult by using a higher box or moving hands closer to the box

Phase 4:  5 x 5 box push ups from full pike position

Phase 5 & 6:  4 sets 1-3 deficit handstand push ups, start with small deficit and each work increase reps until you can get to 5, then increase deficit

WOD:  Borrowed from our friends at CrossFit Corydon
Cal row
Double unders

Rx2:  x5 singles

Friday, September 25, 2015

25 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Jog 200 m
Upper body lift prep
Shoulder activation (theraband)

*class will split, half start with wod and finish with HSPU work/TGU*

Phase 1:Accumulate 100 reps throughout the day
Phase 2:  10 minutes of practice wall walks to nose and toes hollow body position on wall with controlled descent/practice kicking up onto wall in handstand
Phase 3: 3 x 4 elevated push ups (feet on box), once you can do all 12 reps at one height, increase height 3-6 inches (start with green box and add plates until you get to next box level)
Phase 4:  1 strict HSPU EMOM (10 MINS) add 1 rep per week
Phase 5: 5 MIN AMRAP Kipping HSPU


3 x 3 min AMRAP, 1 min rest

5 Pull Ups
10 Feet in ring ab twists/knees to chest (see movement links tab for video link)

Low bar or jumping pull ups

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

24 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Dynamics, pick 3 or 4 movements
Lower body lift prep
upper body lift prep

Strength:  PRESS 5 x 5, if you did not go up last week, go up this week

3 RFT: Rows and Thrusters
3 rounds for time of:
Row, 200 m
10 Thrusters 95/65

Rx2:  85/55

SILVERS:  Same, adjust weights as necessary

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

23 Sept 2015

Lower body lift prep
Squat mobility
Shoulder warm up

HSPU Day 2
Phase 1:  As many push ups as possible in 3 minutes.  Move up :15 each week until you hit 5 minutes or phase 2
Phase 2:  10 box walkouts with highest box possible
Phase 3:  10 x 1 slow and controlled negatives to the ground.  Go up 1 rep a week until you move to the next phase
Phase 4:  3 sets max kipping HSPU with 4 mins rest btwn
Phase 5:  2-5 Strict HSPU EMOM for 10 mins.  Start with 3-5 first set. Each set after try to hit a min of 2 but more if you can

Front Squat:  4 x 4 as heavy as possible

15 KB Swings Russian  55/35
15 Double Unders
15 TTB

less weight
45 singles

Mod:  any further modification

Monday, September 21, 2015

22 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
run prep & mobility
Shoulder warm up/activation

HPSU Day 1
Phase 1:  10 MIN EMOM 3-8 reps regular push ups (at whatever level you can do them).  If you can no longer do 3, adjust progression to an easier one where you can get all your reps done. If you can do 8 reps all the way through, move to a harder progression

Phase 2:  10 walkouts, getting hands as close to your feet as possible

Phase 3:  Accumulate 20 knee on box handstand push ups.  Go up 5/week until you are at 40.  Each week make it a little more difficult by using a higher box or moving hands closer to the box

Phase 4:  5 x 5 box push ups from full pike position

Phase 5 & 6:  4 sets 1-3 deficit handstand push ups, start with small deficit and each work increase reps until you can get to 5, then increase deficit

WOD:  5 Rnds
Run 200m
10 burpee box jumpovers (24/20)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

21 Sept 2015

Warm up:
Lower body lift prep
Squat prep

Back Squat:
4 x 4 at same weight as last week if you went up, go up this week if you stayed the same last week


10 RFT
3 snatch 135/95
15 wallball (20/14 to 10/9)

Rx2: 5 rnds

Rx3:  10 rnds 95/65 from hang

Mod: less weight/rounds, from hang

Thursday, September 17, 2015

18 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Shoulder warm up (activation then upper body lift prep pick 3)

HSPU Day 3
Phase 1:Accumulate 100 push ups throughout the day (can do this over the weekend if you want)
Phase 2:  10 mins practice wall walks to as close to nose and toes position as you can/practice kicking up and holding handstand against wall
Phase 3:  3 sets of 4 feet elevated push ups. Once you can do all reps at a certain height, move up 3-6 inches/2 sets of 8-12 pike push ups (not off a box, feet on the floor)  Weekend homework:  10 x 1 negatives, slow and controlled descent.  Use a pillow or cushion under the head if you cannot control all the way to the floor
Phase 4:  As many kipping HSPU as possible in 3 minutes.  Add 0:30 per week until you get to 5 minutes.  Each week the goal is to get more reps than the last
Phase 5:  5 MIN AMRAP Kipping HSPU
Phase 6:  2 sets of :  5 Strict HSPU / rest 20 secs then max kipping HSPU.  Rest 2 minutes


Run, Rest: 1600 m, 1200 m, 800 m and 400 m
For time:
Run, 1600 m
Rest 3 mins
Run, 1200 m
Rest 2 mins
Run, 800 m
Rest 1 min
Run, 400 m

Post total time including rest.  Post times per round in comments

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

17 Sept 2015

Warm up:
Scap Push ups
Scap pull ups
Bird dogs
Inch Worm
Wall walks to high plank
Arm Circles
Bottoms up half kneeling press
Single leg RDLs
Couch stretch
Good mornings no load
3 x 10 Bulgarian split squats (no load)

HSPU Day 2
Phase 1:  As many push ups as possible in 3 minutes.  Move up :15 each week until you hit 5 minutes or phase 2
Phase 2:  10 box walkouts with highest box possible (4:13 mark of video)
Phase 3:  10 x 1 slow and controlled negatives to the ground.  Go up 1 rep a week until you move to the next phase
Phase 4:  3 sets max kipping HSPU with 4 mins rest btwn
Phase 5:  2-5 Strict HSPU EMOM for 10 mins.  Start with 3-5 first set. Each set after try to hit a min of 2 but more if you can

Deadlift:  5 x 3 work up to 3RM on last set

Death by KB Swings (AMERICAN) with rope climb buy in

Every minute on the minute complete 1 rope climb and plus one kettlebell swings.  KB swings starts at 10 reps and build from there.  Score is number of rounds you get into where you complete all the work.  Partial reps count.

Rx2:  supine climb up and down

Same strength & WOD

Monday, September 14, 2015

15 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out
Upper body lift prep
Squat therapy & hip mobility
Achilles/Calf/Ankle mobility

Strength:  5 x 5 Press (go up from last week)

50 Double Unders
15 OHS 95/65

Rx2:  85/55

MOD & Silvers:  150 Singles
and/or less weight

Sunday, September 13, 2015

14 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Upper body lift prep
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  Current ability less than 10 standard push ups/GOAL:  10 standard push ups
Phase 2:  10 Standard push ups/GOAL:  Kick up to handstand on wall and hold perfect hollow body position for 30 seconds and come down in a controlled manner
Phase 3:  Comfortably kick up into handstand on wall and hold perfect hollow body 30 secs/GOAL:  1 Strict handstand push up
Phase 4:  1 Strict Hanstand Push up/GOAL:  3 strict HSPU and 10 KIPPING HSPU
Phase 5:  3 Strict & 10 Kipping HSPU/GOAL: 6 Strict HSPU and 20 Kipping HSPU
Phase 6:  6 Strict & 20 Kipping HSPU/GOAL:  10-20 Strict & 30-50 kipping, full range of motion HSPU on 18"boxes with shoulders touching

Phase 1:  10 MIN EMOM 3-8 reps regular push ups (at whatever level you can do them).  If you can no longer do 3, adjust progression to an easier one where you can get all your reps done. If you can do 8 reps all the way through, move to a harder progression

Phase 2:  10 walkouts, getting hands as close to your feet as possible

Phase 3:  Accumulate 20 knee on box handstand push ups.  Go up 5/week until you are at 40.  Each week make it a little more difficult by using a higher box or moving hands closer to the box

Phase 4:  5 x 5 box push ups from full pike position

Phase 5 & 6:  4 sets 1-3 deficit handstand push ups, start with small deficit and each work increase reps until you can get to 5, then increase deficit

WOD:  10!1
CTB Pull Ups
Box Jumps (20/24)
Sit Ups

Rx2:  Regular pull ups (kipping or strict)

MOD:  Ring rows or jumping pull ups

Thursday, September 10, 2015

11 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out/mobility
Lower body lift prep


BW + 20%

BW + 10%

BW 1 or 2 rep EMOM

Upper body lift prep

B)  Work up to 3RM Push Press

C)5 min AMRAP

DB Manmakers

Rx 30-35 F  40-45+ M
Rx2  25+ F  35+ M

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

10 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out
Lower and upper body lift prep

Warm up STO and deadlifts with partner

WOD:  "Half Sandwich"
With a partner, one works at a time:
80 Row (calories)s
40 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 155/105 lbs
80 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs



Cool down:
Legs up recovery position on wall 2 mins
Spend 3 minutes in yoga poses of your choice

Roll out and mobility
Upper and lower body lift prep

WOD:  With a partner
80 cal Row
40 shoulder to overheads (35/45)
80 KB Swings (Russian)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

9 Sept 2015

WU:  Upper body lift prep & mobility

Strength:  Press 5 x 5 same weight, heaviest possible with 2 mins rest

2 rounds for time of:

10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Box Jump (24/20 in.)s
30 Kettlebell Swings 55/35 lbs (american)
40 Hollow Rocks
50 Double Unders

10 Push Ups
20 Box jumps (24/20)
30 KB Swings (55/35 American)
40 Hollow rocks
50 DU

any further modification of push up
lower box jumps (no step ups except for injury)
russian kb swings, any weight
less reps hollow rocks (30 or 20)
250 singles

Monday, September 7, 2015

8 Sept 2015

WU:  DYNAMICS (5 mins)
Squat therapy/mobility (5 mins)

Warm up front squat (2-3 mins)

A) Rest no more than 3 mins btwn sets
1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat 1x5 at 135/95 lbs
1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat 1x4 at 150/105 lbs
1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat 1x3 at  160/115 lbs
1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat 1x2 at  175/125 lbs
1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat 1x1 at  190/135 lbs

Rx2:  start at 65/95 and go up in 10lb increments

Record your score as the highest weight completed for the 1 rep round

Snatch warm up 10 mins

B)Alt EMOM 10 mins: Snatches and Toes-to-bars

Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:
2 Snatches, 135/95 lbs
5 Toes-to-bars

Rx2:  95/65

MOD:  Hang snatch / Toes to rings / knees to chest

Dynamic warm up/roll out/mobility

SKILL WORK:  High hang snatch pull
Focus on start position way over the bar, scarecrow pull, hip extension (tall in toes)

Strength:  Deadlift 6 x 4

WOD:  10 MIN Alternating EMOM

5 dowel high hang snatch pulls
5 knees to chest/toes to bar/toes to ring

Thursday, September 3, 2015

4 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Scap pull ups
Scap push ups
Quadruped crawl
wall walks
inch worm
Dowel shoulder mobility

Work up to 1RM weighted strict pull up  (no more than 5 attempts in total so start at an appropriate weight)
Rx2:  Work up to 1RM smallest band strict pull up

GI Jane
100 Burpee Pull Ups for time

100 Burpee/Low bar pull ups

100 burpee/ring rows

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

3 Sept 2015

Warm up:
Dynamic shoulder warm up (tea cups, inchworm, scap, wall walks etc)  (10 mins)

Strength:  In 10 minutes, work up to heaviest 3RM possible of:
Bench Press

Compare to Dec 2 2014

For time:
Row, 2 km
50 Wall Balls, 20 lbs
Row, 1 km
35 Wall Balls, 20 lbs
Row, 500 m
20 Wall Balls, 20 lbs

Roll Out
Core/Shoulder stability and activation

Bench Press:  3 x 5 work up to heavy last set

Run 400 m
30  Kettlebell swings
Run 200 m
20 kettlebell swings
Run 100 m
10 Kettlebell swings

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

2 Sept 2015

Warm up:
Jog 200m
Lower body lift prep
Rdl leg swings

Deadlift warm up to wod weight


3 rnds
500m Row
12 Deadlifts @ BW
21 box jumps 20" (both genders)

Rx2: 90% BW

Mod:  kb deadlifts

Cash out:  tabata du's

Monday, August 31, 2015

1 Sept 2015

Warm Up:
Run Prep & Mobility
Squat therapy

WOD:  4 Rounds
400m Run
50 Air Squats

Rx2:  box squats or not full depth on squat or 1/2 rep scheme

Cash out:
Tabata yoga cooldown
alternate sides each round

Spend 2 minutes legs up on the wall


Strength:  3 x 5 Push Press

Same wod, mod 25 to air squats

Sunday, August 30, 2015

31 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
Roll Out (5 mins)
Pick three from upper body prep and three from lower body lift prep
Dowel shoulder warm up exercises
Dowel OHS

Strength:  Work up to 3RM Overhead squat (go to failure)

Not for time, 3 x 10 at each station:

Half kneeling Landmine press (each arm,  20 reps total)
Landmine Lunge (each leg, alternating, 20 reps total)
Landmine Front Lumberjack Squat
Landmine Single Leg RDL

Cash Out:
Tabata wall ball

Thursday, August 27, 2015

28 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
Run Prep & Mobility

WOD:  3 Rounds
Row 500 m
Run 400 m

Cash Out:
Tabata double unders

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

27 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out/mobilize
Upper body and lower body lift prep

Press 3 x 5 at heaviest weight possible with 2 min rest btwn sets

WOD:   Open WOD 13.2
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
5 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 115/75 lbs
10 Deadlifts, 115/75 lbs
15 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

Rx2:  Dumbbell presses and deadlifts (sumo stance)

For the Shoulder to overhead to count, the barbell will move from
the shoulders to the overhead position with the knees, hips and
shoulders extended in one line. The athlete will start with two feet
on the ground and come to a standing position with knees and hips
locked out on top of the box. Two-foot jumps, one-foot jumps and
step-ups are all permitted.

SILVERS:  Same as regular class

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

26 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out & mobility
Shoulder activation
ankle/calf/achilles mob

WOD:  Rest two minutes between sections, move onto the next one when you have completed

A)  Death by Pull Ups  Plus 1 rep emom
Rx2:  45 lb plate under pull up bar, jumping pull ups
MOD:  Low bar (start at 5 reps and +1 after that)

B)  100 double unders for time
Rx2:  500 singles

C)  20 BW back squats for time
Rx2:  75% BW
MOD:  65% BW

Monday, August 24, 2015

25 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out posterior chain
Lower body lift prep

Strength:  Front squat 4 x 4 at heaviest weight possible with 2 min rest btwn sets

If you did not do your max reps of handstand push ups or push ups yesterday, you will do them today

With a partner
1 t & b (blvd) resistance run each partner (use vests)
1 length each (parking lot - OH door to sidewalk) tire sled drag (hook to vest)
200m sandbag carry run together, each partner must carry the sandbag part of the way (min 35#)

Score is total rounds, both partners must complete each station to equal one rep for partial rounds except the run which will count as 2 reps (100 m = 1 rep)

Roll out
Lower body lift prep

Front squats:  4 x 4

WOD:  Same as above, both partners may pull sled together or can choose to sub tire flips

Sunday, August 23, 2015

24 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
Jog 200 m
Shoulder prep/activation

Max reps unbroken set handstand push ups.  Abmat may be used if plates are used.  Cushion on the floor or blue mat is allowed.

Rx2:  Max set Push ups, chest to deck, no rocking off thighs

MOD:  Max set Low bar push ups at lowest rung possible while maintaining good hollow body position

400 m walking lunge for time

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Happy Birthday to my Incredible Hulk

Ok, ok I know his name is the Manitoba Bear, but an argument could be made that my beastly husband could conceivably be the Incredible Hulk.  I'll never tell.

But seriously, this guy...

What can I even say?  The MB has been my partner in crime for over 20 years now.  He is the most awesome person that I know.  As everyone at the box knows, my guy is a beast.  He never quits and is always game to throw down with anyone at any time.  There aren't a lot of people who can keep up with him in the box, and he kicks my ass in there every single day (unless it's pistols and handstands, then he's my b*tch (love you babe)).  In short, his work ethic is inspirational.  But he is also the most humble, kind, and gentle guy around.  He is the first person to offer encouragement to anyone still left on the floor or shout something motivational to someone just trying to get things done (usually me, dying in a corner).  He gets inspired by everyone at the box who comes day in and day out to grind it out and get things done. Even if you may not be the strongest or fastest,  it's the effort that counts to him (as he so often lets me know when I am disappointed with my performance).

This sweet man has encouraged me, supported me, talked me off the ledge, had my back, and been the world's greatest dad to my two girls (sorry to all the dads out there, but my guy is tops) for the past 22 years .  I can truly say that I would not be the confident, strong woman I am today without him.  He has ALWAYS given me his unwavering support to pretty much do whatever I wanted or be whatever I chose to and without him, I would not have accomplished a fraction of what I have today nor would I have ever had the courage to pursue this ShopGym gig full time.  I love you babe, you mean everything to me.  Happy birthday!

So in David's honour, I think this wod is fitting:

Warm Up:
Upper and lower body lift prep

“The Incredible Hulk” -20 AMRAP- (115/75)
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Press
5 Back Squats

Rx2:  With a partner OR less weight

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

20 Aug 2015

Warm up:
Jog 400m
TGU light weight 3 x 2 per side
Bottoms up KB press 10 per side
Bird dogs
quadruped crawl

Skill:  Handstand work
a)  Kick up to handstand with spotter 3 sets
b)  Handstand pike bear crawl around box and back 3 sets
c)  Wall walk up to max nose and toes handstand or hollow body wall plank max hold

Row 500m
150 DU
50 Burpees

Rx2:  parallette hopovers

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

19 August 2015

Warm Up:
Shoulder warm up

Pull Up work:
5 x 5 low bar pull ups or 3 x 3 weighted pull ups @ heaviest weight, rest 3 mins btwn attempts

For time
Run 400m
Row 500m
then 3 rnds of
10 pistol squats (can be alternating or switch after 5)
25 KB swings (Russian 55/35)
10 wall balls (14/20 to 9/10)

any pistol modification

Cash Out:  Tabata Hollow Rocks

Monday, August 17, 2015

18 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
400 m Jog
Lower body lift prep and mobility

5 Rounds for time
15 TTB
15 Deadlifts (185/130)

TTR or less weight (155/110)

Ring Rows or less than Rx2 weight

Cash Out:  Tabata ball slams

Roll Out
Jog 200-400 m
Lower body lift prep
core stability

Strength:  Back Squats 4 x 4

15 Ring Rows
15 Deadlifts

Cash out:  Tabata partner medball chest passes

Sunday, August 16, 2015

17 Aug 2015

Warm up: 6 mins total
Roll out

In teams of two, complete in as little time as possible:
12,000m row

No more than 1000m may be rowed by one partner at one time

Clock will be running, score is total time including transitions

Thursday, August 13, 2015

14 Aug 2015

Warm up
Jog 400 m

Scap push ups
Bird dogs
wall slides

5 x 1 wall walk, only go as high as you can maintain perfect hollow body position and control walk down.  Goal is nose and toes.

Skill:  Kick up to handstand

In groups of three, 2 acting as spotters, practice kick up to handstand/free handstand hold (spot assisted)

WOD:  Compare to July 2014

20 min AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air squats

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

13 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
Athlete's choice
Squat therapy

3 x 3 per side TGU
Going for perfection in form, not load

“Ten-Minute Capacity Test”
As many reps in 10 mins as you can of:
Row, calories, 4 mins
Rest 1 min
Kettlebell Swing, 24/16 kg, 3 mins
Rest 1 min
Back Squat, males = bodyweight/females = .75 bodyweight , 2 mins
Rest 1 min
Shoulder-to-Overhead, 95/65 lbs, 1 min

Cash Out:
Tabata Plank hold

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

12 Aug 2015

Warm up:
Coach Matt's Lower Body lift prep

Shoulder activation

Pull Up work:
Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets

30 Back Squats 225/155
1000m Row
20 Ring Dips

Bar Dips

Box dips or barbell low bar dips

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Monday, August 10, 2015

11 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
Row 500-800 m at 60% pace
Shoulder activation & stabilisation
Run Prep
Pull up work:
Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week)
Phase 4 & 5:  Cooldown only

3 rounds for time of:
Run, 400 m
10 Pull-ups
5 Handstand Push-ups

Low bar pull ups or jumping pull ups
Push Ups

Ring Rows
Low bar push ups

Cool down:
Phase 1:  Accumulate 45 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 45 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 60 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups

Phase 3
40 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around

Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

6 Aug 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out (5 mins)
Dynamics (5 mins)

Bar WU:  Clean Pull/muscle/dynamic
3 x 2

Add weight:  3 x 4 Hang Power clean, rest 2 mins btwn rounds  1 x 4 Power clean from floor

Work up to WOD weight

CrossFit Games Open 11.5
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
5 Power Cleans, 145/100 lbs
10 Toes To Bars
15 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10 ft

Rx2:  95/75

If you are not doing Rx2 weight, you will automatically do medball cleans

MOD:  Medball cleans/TTR or K2Chest/less weight height depth wall balls

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

5 Aug 2015

Warm up:
Row 400-600 m at 60% pace
Squat therapy

Back Squats: 4 x 4 at same weight last week
rest 3-4 minutes btwn rounds

Run prep and shoulder prep

7 Rounds:
1 length broad jump burpees (blvd)
20 reps sledgehammers, alt every 5 reps
200 m sandbag run 35+/55+

Rx2:  lighter sandbag

Monday, August 3, 2015

4 August 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out (5 mins)
Dynamics (5 mins)

Bar WU:  Snatch Pull/muscle/dynamic
3 x 2

Add weight:  4 x 4 Hang Power snatch, rest 2 mins btwn rounds
Work up to WOD weight

If you are doing Rx, do last set of four from the floor, not the hang

WOD:  Compare to Thurs, Feb 19, 2015

CrossFit Games Open 11.1 / 14.1
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs

Post Total Rounds.

Roll Out
include tea cups, bird dog, deadbugs, and side plank holds & shoulder activation

Strength:  5 x 5 Low bar pull ups or 4 sets max strict pull ups

100m sandbag carry/run
10 sledgehammers (alt after 5 reps)
1 wall climbover

Sunday, August 2, 2015

3 August 2015


Bring lots of water, it's PARTNER MURPH!

Partner Murph
For time:
Run, 800 m
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
Run, 800 m

Work in teams of 2 . Both partners run the 800 meters together. Then split the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed and in any sequence with only one person working at a time.  Then both partners run another 800.

Post total time. Post partner to notes.

Rx2 is teams of 3, all partners complete the 800 m run together, then split reps and modify mvmts accordingly.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

31 July 2015

WU:  Roll out
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  None - work 3 sets of max L Sit hold off dip bars OR 3 x 3 bar dip negatives
Phase 2:  As many strict pull ups as possible in 10 mins
Phase 3:  5 MIN AMRAP of kipping/butterfly pull ups
Phase 4:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest
Phase 5:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest

Strength:  Press 5 x 5, last set is moneymaker max reps
use same weight as last time


In teams of 3
3 Rounds:
Barbell overhead walk (timer) 95/135
Sidewalk to overhead door and back

Farmer carry (barbell, on blvd)  95/65

Medball cleans (20/14)

Cool down:
Phase 1:  4 x 1 flexed arm hang max hold
Phase 2:  8 x 1 pull up with 5-7 second negative on way down
Phase 3:  butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  Muscle up transitions on rings, no press out or Russian dip transition no press out

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

30 July 2015

Roll out
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  cooldown only
Phase 5:  cooldown only

Run prep

Accumulate 100 Hollow body rocks between
every minute on the minute, 2 x 15 m shuttle runs (sidewalk to concrete pad/tires/walls area and back)

Rx2:  Injury mod only
Accumulate 8 mins in plank (front/side)

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 50 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  100 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Roll Out
Upper body lift prep
T Spine mobility
Superfriend external shoulder rotation and t spine

Strength:  5 x 5 Push Press

Run prep:  calf, achilles, ankle mobility, pigeon and couch stretch

WOD:  Accumulate 8 minutes in plank/side planks while every minute on the minute stopping to do 1 t & b shuttle sprint (long)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

29 July 2015

Shoulder activation
Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets

1 length each:
High knee skip
Lunge to side angle
Frog jumps
inch worm

Compare to Feb 4, 2015

3 rounds, 1 min per station, of:
Wall Ball, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 75/55 lbs
Box Jump, 20 in
Push Press, 75/55 lbs
Row (calories)
Rest 1 min

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Monday, July 27, 2015

28 July 2015

W. U.
Roll out
Upper body lift prep
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week)
Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

W.U.  Bar Pull/Muscle/Dynamic Snatch add weight each set to get to wod weight

Snatch 95/65 (full snatch, not power)
CTB pull ups

Regular pull ups

DB Snatch
Ring Rows

Phase 1:  Accumulate 50 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 50 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 60 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups

Phase 3
40 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4 & 5:
no cooldown

Roll out
Lower body lift prep
Resistance band deadlifts

Strength:  Deadlifts 7-5-5-3-3

Barbell warm up (or dumbbells):  Snatch pulls (high hang)

Dumbbell Snatch or Barbell High Hang Snatch Pulls
Ring Rows

Cool down:  Pull up phase 1

Thursday, July 23, 2015

24 July 2015

Warm Up:
Upper Body Lift
Lower Body Lift
Shoulder Activation

Complete as many reps as possible in two minutes of the following (1 min rest btwn mvmts):
A)  Muscle ups
B)  Alt kb weighted pistols 55/35
C)  Strict HSPU
D)  Strict supinated grip chest to bar chin ups
E)  1 attempt max L sit off dip bars (in two minute cap)

A)  Ring Dips
B)  Alt KB weighted pistols 35/20
C)  Kipping HSPU
D)  Strict supinated grip chin ups
E) 1 attempt max L Sit off dip bars

A)  Bar Dips
B)  Alt pistols
C)  L seated DB Press 35/25
D)  Box Pull Ups
E)  1 attempt max L sit off dip bars

A)  Box dips
B)  Box pistols (alt)
C)  Low bar push ups
D)  Ring Rows
E)  Max effort hold on dip bars, focus on maintaining perfect hollow body position

Cooldown:  Tabata yoga holds (2 rounds each)
A) Downward Dog
B) Garland pose
C)  Eagle
D)  Child's pose

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

23 July 2015

Roll out
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  cooldown only
Phase 5:  cooldown only

Achilles/calf/ankle mobility

Each minute you will alternate between these three movements, 7 rnds of each will be completed in total

A)  4 lengths shuttle runs
B)  8 Burpee box jumpovers (24/20)
C) 10 TTB

Rx2:  Lower box or TTR

MOD:  Low box step ups / knees to chest

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 50 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  100 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Roll Out
Shoulder activation

Strength:  Turkish Get ups/KB Around the body swings

WOD:  15 MIN EMOM alt movements
A) Low box step ups
B) 4 Lengths shuttle runs
C) 6 Knees to chest

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

22 July 2015

Warm Up:
Row 500 m @ 60% pace
Lower body lift warm up

Back Squats 4 x 5 add 2/5-5 lbs from last time
last set is moneymaker 5+

Shoulder activation
Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets

3 rounds for time of:
20 wallballs  20/14
10 deadlifts, 225/150
10 Push Ups

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Monday, July 20, 2015

21 July 2015

Warm Up
Roll Out
Shoulder activation/theraband activation

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week)
Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

WOD:  4 Rnds, each for time
40 cal row
40 air squats
4 rope climbs
Rest 2 mins

Score is slowest round

seated hand over hand weighted rope pulls (bumper plates) 90/75 or heavier


Phase 1:  Accumulate 45 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 45 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 55 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups (so before and after each set of hollow rocks, you do a max set of strict pull ups until you have done 55 hollow rocks total.  If you do 55 unbroken hollow rocks, that will be one set of pull ups before and after.  If you have to break them up, you will do pull ups before and after you start your next set until you have done all 55).

Phase 3
35 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4 & 5:
no cooldown

Roll out
Core & shoulder stability exercises

Pull up phase 1 work

Front squat/goblet or plate squat: 4 x 4

WOD:  Same as above, 2 rounds instead of four

Sunday, July 19, 2015

20 July 2015

Warm Up: (5 mins)
1 length:
walking lunge open to side angle
quadraped crawl
20 good mornings no load
spend 1 min in bottom of pole squat position

Front Squat  4 x 4, last set is a moneymaker, max reps 4+ (16-20 mins)
same weight all the way through, set starts when you are at your 4RM weight  3-4 min rest btwn sets

WOD (27 mins):  3 rounds of each, 1 minute work, 2 minutes rest for max reps of:

A:  KB Snatch, alternating arms (55/35)
B:  Double KB Jerk (55/35)
C:  Goblet squat (55/35)

Rx 2:  Less weight

You will complete all three rounds of one movement before moving on to the next one.  We will start everyone at different stations to accomodate the station that requires two kbs

Thursday, July 16, 2015

17 July 2015

Warm Up:
200-400 jog @ easy pace (50%)
Ankle/calf/hip/achilles mobility

1 MIN MAX DU (compare to Jan 30, 2015)

Shoulder activation
Phase 1:  None - work 3 sets of max L Sit hold off dip bars OR 3 x 3 bar dip negatives
Phase 2:  As many strict pull ups as possible in 9 mins
Phase 3:  5 MIN AMRAP of kipping/butterfly pull ups
Phase 4:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest
Phase 5:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest

WOD:  TRIPLE 1's  (compare to July 14/14)
1000 m Row
100 DU
1 mile Run (1600 m)

Cool down:
Phase 1:  4 x 1 flexed arm hang max hold
Phase 2:  8 x 1 pull up with 5-7 second negative on way down
Phase 3:  butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  Muscle up transitions on rings, no press out or Russian dip transition no press out

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

16 July 2015

Roll out
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  cooldown only
Phase 5:  cooldown only

Bar warm up:  3 x 2 pull/muscle/dynamic snatches


CrossFit Games Open 13.1 compare to Nov 6, 2014
As many reps in 17 mins as you can of:
40 Burpees
30 Snatches, 75/45 lbs
30 Burpees
30 Snatches, 135/75 lbs
20 Burpees
30 Snatches, 165/100 lbs
10 Burpees
Snatch, 210/120 lbs

Score is total reps completed.

Complete as many reps as possible in 17 mins of:
40 Burpees
30 Hang Power Snatches (45/35) same weight all the way through
30 Burpees
30 Hang Power Snatches
20 Burpees
30 Hang Power Snatches
10 Burpees
Hang snatch full squat as many reps as possible in remainder

MOD:  Dowel

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 40 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  95 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Roll out
200-300 m jog
Shoulder activation
Pull up Phase 1

Strength:  TGU

Skill:  Dumbbell snatch

10 Dumbbell snatches (alt arms)
10 Box jumps/step ups

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

15 July 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out
Coach Matt upper and lower body lift prep
Shoulder activation (pick 4 exercises)

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets

Back Squat:  4 x 5 @ same weight you did last week, last set is a moneymaker 5+ to max reps to fail
Push Press:  5 x 5 @ 5RM weight, 2nd and 4th sets behind the neck

1 length kb/db walking lunge 55/35
3 v ups
5 grasshoppers

Modify as necessary to get all work completed in allotted time

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Monday, July 13, 2015

14 July 2015

Warm Up:
Dynamics: pick 5
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week, do not go over 10)
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week, do not go over 10)
Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

WOD:  Northwest Regional 10.1
10 OHS (135/95)
50 DU

Rx2:  95/65

Less weight
tuck jumps


Phase 1:  Accumulate 50 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 50 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 55 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups (so before and after each set of hollow rocks, you do a max set of strict pull ups until you have done 55 hollow rocks total.  If you do 55 unbroken hollow rocks, that will be one set of pull ups before and after.  If you have to break them up, you will do pull ups before and after you start your next set until you have done all 55).

Phase 3
35 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4:
no cooldown

Phase 5:
no cooldown

Roll Out
Row 500-800 m  at easy pace
Mobility/stability exercises to include quadraped crawl, deadbugs, and birddogs
Accumulate 2 mins in hollow body hold position
Shoulder activation

Pull ups phase 1

2 t & b sandbag shuttle runs
10 L seated dumbbell press
10 KB swings (russian)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

13 July 2015

Warm Up:
Row 500-700 m at 60% pace
Shoulder activation exercises


Phase 1:  3 attempts at one strict pull up
If failed attempt after 3 tries, 3 attempts at strict pull up with smallest band possible
Phase 2:  attempt 5 unbroken strict pull ups
Phase 3:  One max set of unbroken pull ups
Phase 4 & 5:  Weighted 3 RM max weight strict pull ups

"MARY"  compare to Nov 3, 2014
10 Alt Pistols
15 Pull Ups

Rx2:  self assisted pull ups or jumping pull ups w/controlled descent/band/pole assisted or off the box pistols, L seated dumbbell presses for HSPU (as heavy as possible while maintaining good form) or pike hspu off box


Thursday, July 9, 2015

10 July 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out
Coach Matt's lower body and upper body lift prep
Couch Stretch
Iron Cross

Front Squats: 5 MIN EMOM
3 reps 1 1/4 bounce front squats @ 75% BW

Press:  5 x 5

Tabata V ups

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

9 July 2015

Warm Up:
Roll out
Dynamics (do 6 lengths total)
Shoulder activation
Side lying shoulder rotations
Superfriend t spine and internal rotation exercises

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  90 pull ups as fast as possible (you may choose to do this as cooldown instead)
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
Run, 200 m
10 Toes-to-bars
Row, 200 m

Rx2:  Toes to Rings

MOD:  Leg raises

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 40 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  None

Same as regular class

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

8 July 2015

Warm Up:
Row 400-500 m at 50% pace
Shoulder activation
3 x 10 air squats for quality

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets

WOD:  JACKIE  Compare to Sept 16. 2014
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45#/35#
30 Pull-Ups

Rx2:  Low bar pull ups

MOD:  Ring Rows

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Monday, July 6, 2015

7 July 2015

Roll Out
Dynamics (5-10 mins)
Shoulder activation (10 mins)
Pole squat (spend 1 min in bottom position)

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 10 mins this week (or one more than last week
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 10 this week (or one more than last week)
Phase 4:
6 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

Back Squat 4 x 4 @ same weight or +5lbs from last week (if you did not go up last week)

3 x 2 Pull/Muscle/Dynamic Cleans
gradually add weight through set 2 and 3

15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
15 Burpees


Dumbbell or medball cleans
If you are not doing Rx2 weight you will automatically move to dumbbells or the medball


Phase 1:  Accumulate 45 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult
Accumulate 45 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 50 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups (so before and after each set of hollow rocks, you do a max set of strict pull ups until you have done 50 hollow rocks total.  If you do 50 unbroken hollow rocks, that will be one set of pull ups before and after.  If you have to break them up, you will do pull ups before and after you start your next set until you have done all 50).

Phase 3
30 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4:
no cooldown

Phase 5:
no cooldown


Pull up phase 1

Skill work:  cleans

10 Hang Clean pulls
10 burpees

Cooldown:  Phase 1

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

3 July 2015

Warm up:
400 m jog at 50% pace
Coach Matt's upper body lift warm up
Shoulder activation

Phase 1:  None - work 3 sets of max L Sit hold off dip bars OR 3 x 3 bar dip negatives
Phase 2:  As many strict pull ups as possible in 9 mins
Phase 3:  5 MIN AMRAP of kipping/butterfly pull ups
Phase 4:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest
Phase 5:  None - work 3 sets max ring dips, 3 mins rest

WOD:  OPEN WOD 12.1  Compare to Feb 10, 2015

7 mins of burpees

Cool down:
Phase 1:  3 x 1 flexed arm hang max hold
Phase 2:  7 x 1 pull up with 5-7 second negative on way down
Phase 3:  butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  Muscle up transitions on rings, no press out or Russian dip transition no press out

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

2 July 2015

Warm Up:
Roll Out, include T Spine mobility
Dynamics (3-5 lengths, including walking lunge to side angle)
Shoulder activation
(include side lying shoulder rotations, 5 per side)

Phase 1:  5 x 3-5 banded strict pull ups, if you can do over 5 switch bands
               3 sets max hang, rest 1 min btwn efforts
Phase 2:  Kipping technique
Phase 3:  4 sets max strict pull ups, 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  85 pull ups as fast as possible
Phase 5:  6 sets of pull ups, the goal is to hit 20 per set unbroken.  Do not go over 20.  1 min rest btwn sets

Pole squat- spend 1 min in bottom position mobilising
Good mornings, no load
Run prep/mobility


5 rounds for time:

400m Run
Overhead Squats, 15 reps (95/65)

Rx2: 85/55

MOD:  less than 85/55

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Barbell curls 3 x 10-12/accumulate 35 hollow rocks btwn sets of curls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4 & 5:  None


Roll out
200 m jog/fast walk
Coach Matt's upper and lower body lift prep
Shoulder activation

Pull Up work:  Phase 1

5 Rounds
200 m Run
15 Air Squats

Cool down:  Phase 1

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

1 July 2015


Batman and Robin
In teams of 2

26 Minute AMRAP

Partner A runs one 400M Sprint
Partner B does AMRAP Hang Power Cleans + Jerks (135, 95) until A gets back.
Switch and repeat. (score is reps of hang power clean and jerks) (Each person only runs once and C and J’s once)

Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Back squats from floor until A returns.
Switch and repeat.
Again, each person only runs once and squats once. Each back squat = 1 pt

Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Double Unders
Switch and repeat. 10 Double Unders= 1 pt, round down.

Partner A runs 400 M
Partner B does AMRAP Burpees
Switch and repeat.
5 burpees= 1 pt

If above is completed in less than 26 minutes, start over and continue until 26 minute cap.

The run does not count towards your rep count, it's just there for suck value.

Monday, June 29, 2015

30 June 2015


Warm up:  Athlete's choice for baseline prep

Phase 1:  5 x 5 self assisted pull ups (low bar pull ups)
Phase 2:  Tabata kipping pull ups
Phase 3:  3 sets max rep kipping or butterfly pull ups 3 min rest btwn efforts
Phase 4:  3 x 5 weighted strict pull ups.  go up 2.5 - 5 lbs over last week.  Rest 3 mins btwn sets
Phase 5:  5 x 5 weighted strict pull ups. go up 2.5-5 lbs over last week.   Rest 3 mins btwn sets
*NOTE*  It is up to you whether you want to do this work before or after baseline.  If you choose after, you can do this as your cooldown.


500m row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

For time

Rx2:  modification of any movements incl thighs touching ground on push ups

Cool Down:
Phase 1: 3 x 8-12 barbell curls
Phase 2:  Accumulate 40 Banded face pulls
Phase 3:  Butterfly practice
Phase 4:  Butterfly practice (if needed)

Row 400-600 m at 60% pace

walking lunge open to side angle
pole squats, accumulate 60 seconds in bottom position mobilising
seated wall slides
half kneeling bottoms up press
Scap pull ups
Scap push ups

Accumulate 60 seconds of hollow body hold
Accumulate 60 seconds of superman hold
Accumulate 120 seconds of front plank
Accumulate 60 seconds of each side plank

Pull Up work phase 1 (see above)

Row 500 m
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups (low bar)
10 Pull Ups (ring rows)

Cool down:  Phase 1

Sunday, June 28, 2015

29 June 2015

Warm up:
Coach Matt's warm up - upper and lower lift prep
Shoulder activation, pick five

Phase 1:
3 sets 8-12 banded pull ups.  If you go over 12, move to a band with less resistance
Phase 2:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes you are at 9 mins this week (or one more than last week
Phase 3:
5 MIN EMOM of 1-3 strict pull ups
*Either add one more minute or try to do more consecutive reps than last week, if you have been adding minutes, you are at 9 this week (or one more than last week)
Phase 4:
7 MIN EMOM 20 seconds of unbroken kipping/butterfly pull ups aiming for 18-22 reps for the first set.  If you drop off the bar in the 20 second period, do not jump back on until the next minute comes around
Phase 5:
Tabata kipping/butterfly chest to bar pull ups

Bench Press: 5 x 5 to heavy last set

Back squat: 4 x 4 add 5 lbs to weight you did last time

Phase 1:  Accumulate 40 Ring Rows.  If you can string more than 10 together, elevate or move the feet to make more difficult

Accumulate 40 banded face pulls

Phase 2:
Kipping pull up practice

Accumulate 45 hollow rocks between max sets of strict pull ups (so before and after each set of hollow rocks, you do a max set of strict pull ups until you have done 45 hollow rocks total.  If you do 40 unbroken hollow rocks, that will be one set of pull ups before and after.  If you have to break them up, you will do pull ups before and after you start your next set until you have done all 45).

Phase 3
20 kipping/butterfly pull ups as fast as possible and in the least amt of sets

Phase 4:
no cooldown

Phase 5:
no cooldown